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Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:31 pm
by bigAl
Interesting and tragic situation that has a certain inevitability about it. But is this a potential timebomb that yet again highlights the legal issues surrounding H&S and compulsory EL insurance requirements (as outlined in my 2009 article that can be read on UKAP)?

Many models will state they accept the risks they take with their health, and would presumably never contemplate bringing a legal action against the producer who engages them. But the problem is, it wouldn't be the deceased model (worst case scenario) that makes that choice - it will be left up to his or her family/dependants. If I can permit myself to be sidetracked, and draw an analogy with the motor racing industry, from grass roots right up to F1 level, all participants are required to sign a contract waiving their rights to bring a legal action against fellow participants. To back this up drivers automatically become members of a Personal Accident insurance arrangement that provides them with compensation for any injuries incurred irrespective of blame. The system was implemented by the FIA, the world governing body of motorsport, and the contract terms drawn up by some of the world's most respected lawyers. But does it prevent legal actions being brought by deceased drivers' families? I think not....

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:03 pm
by jimslip
Sueing a producer for a supposed case of contracting HIV on a shoot is fundamentally flawed. Simply because HIV has an incubation period of AT LEAST 3 months, so any attempt to prove that you contracted the virus on a certain day, could be easily shot down in flames by any competent barrister. A barrister would simply state that the plaintiff is, "No angel" and sexually "reckless", just by virtue of the fact that they were a porn performer.

The same applies to claims against the nuclear industry for terminal diseases allegedly contracted from contact with harmful radiation. The period between contracting the condition and symptoms showing is very difficult to prove. The tobocco industry has had successful claims made against it in the USA in the past, but I think this has had more to do with the anti-smoking lobby which is all powerful over there, as anything else.


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:18 pm
by ScottMcGowan
Kim, you continue to impress me at every turn. I'm damned proud to call you a colleague.

For the record, I'd like to point out that this isn't a "scare." It's reality. Sure, HIV/AIDS is not the proverbial death sentence it used to be, but this does prove that the testing system does not work.

As workers within the adult entertainment sector, we should be examples of safe, sane sex as opposed to laboring under the delusion that unprotected sex is an acceptable risk so that we may preserve aesthetics.

Another point of interest, folks. Wicked Pictures has been condom-only company since 2004, and they are still in the upper echelon of successful adult production companies. Steve Orenstein has balls, and I respect his vision and his ethics on this matter. I feel like we could all stand to learn from him.


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:47 pm
by MelodyChase
This is what amazes me, people talk of watching porn and imagining its them, well any normal sane person would not pop out pull a girl and have unprotected sex with them....therefore they would be using a condom so why not use them in porn.
The punters say they imagine its them shagging the gorgeous girl, so what difference does it make if there is a condom on, its part of everyday normal life to protect yourself.

Maybe the new generation of porn watching young adults would be more careful in there everyday life if they saw condoms used in porn.

Just food for thought.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:33 pm
by pbphotography
Everyone talks about HIV and it is terrible for the people who have caught it.

However there are many other STI's which are also dangerous. They just don't hold the horror of HIV.

They will often spread faster as there are often no signs that you have them. Chlamydia is the main one I am thinking about. There is as good a case for condoms as not.

However has there actually been am empirical (I think that is the word) study of STI's in the industry and how that relates to the erst of the population.

Bet that it will not be that different.

I think that Jim may be right in what he says about condoms with regards to some producers in porn. Much as I do not like the fact. I wish that people would use condoms in porn.

I would still watch his stuff if he used condoms as I really enjoy the fact that people seem to be enjoying themselves in the shoot and I don't think that would change with the use of condoms.

It may kill other producers particularly in the US where they seem more aggressive in their porn.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:27 pm
by kerrylouiselove
This stuff scares me its so sad :(

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:20 pm
by bgafdfan

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:28 am
by Josephine
I agree with Kim and until the industry see's sense Im sticking if you want me for b/g work then I will only perform with condoms unless I work with my husband. I have been lucky so far and I want to stay that way. The certs are useless and my clinc agree

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:03 am
by EML
Hi Everyone

Well we are here again talking about another HIV scare in the US.. Your all right...
But your are missing the whole point!!!

How does the diseases get in to the industry in the first place??? If we are all tested & careful then we should have a clean industry!!! SHOULD!!!

It's girls & guys going out getting trashed, going home with someone they just met & condoms don't come in to the conversation when it gets all hot & steamy!!! I have been in this industry a longggggggggggggg time & this being the second HIV scare since starting... I have watched talent just carelessly having sex in front of me & other performers with random's at a swingers party, then he had the nerve to tell my mate that i was a lier & that he was using condoms.. After watching him having sex with another random he stepped out of the pool & of course had no condom on!!! How do u have sex in a pool with condoms??? You cxan't they break!!!! I was sober and saw it all!!!! I refuse to work with him & he wants to know why??? HuH.. I came in this industry coz i enjoy sex not coz i have a death wish!!! Another performer having sex with TV girls in the toilets at work on his break or going back to their hotel rooms.. No condoms.. Getting some TV girl pregnant.. That doesn't happen when your wearing condoms!!!! Most girls that just do tv don't get tested regularly & also have random sex with random people!!!! Some of these people rely to much on their test & getting tested & think it will never happen to me!!!!

The issue is not about wearing condoms on set but who's looking after themselves & others around off set!!!! We should all know better & be sticking together!!!! Darren James said.. "I am living with your worst nightmare" I know it's mine.. If you have seen a AIDS victim you would not want to risk your life in or outside of work but if you think your in a (so called) safe industry working with people you trust & get something then you want someone to take the rap for it!!! In Britain alone there is 60,000 people living with HIV half don't know they have it!!! That's scary!!! If HIV isn't stopped in it's tracks then we are all fucked!!! I was talking to a producer one day & said what if the world did a mandatory HIV testing we would find out really how many people are living with HIV right now but it would be costly but affective in so many ways!!! He told me it would never work.. Human rights & all that & i said surely you would want to know if you had it wouldn't you??? Anyway.. STD's come in to the industry 1 way.. Through Performers!!! When tested i get boxes of condoms & as i'm allergic to spermicide i get ones called durex avanti... So there is no excuses when it comes to not wearing a rubber!!!!

Elizabeth x