Terminal Decline

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

Again you are missing the point ! This is porn - thus the authorities don't care ! They won't do anything because they want porn shut down - EVEN IF THEY DIFFERENT !!

Dave Wells

Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

Kim sweetheart, thank you for your kind words. But I kinda disagree (but I might be wrong). The problem I see with these 'content swaps' are that there is no sustainable end product that can be profitable long term. Instant fix maybe if you are lucky but long term - no !

Dave Wells

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Peter »

Dave Wells wrote:

> Kim sweetheart, thank you for your kind words. But I kinda
> disagree (but I might be wrong). The problem I see with these
> 'content swaps' are that there is no sustainable end product
> that can be profitable long term. Instant fix maybe if you are
> lucky but long term - no !

Agreed, again!
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by videokim »

Hi Dave

The way we do our content share is different to most as our model releases allow the models/film makers to do whatever they wish with the content,
yes it is non-exclusive which is far better than exclusive & it can be sold ten times over to different sites companies on the under standing its non-exclusive material which quite a few don't mind in these lean times.
If You Tube can do it so can we as the internet is a big place, DVD as died a death so its not worth wasting time on it anymore but digital media as evolved to a point where we can happily say goodbye to DVD.
Most amateur models/film makers survive quite well on content share & with the present climate its safe, anyway mate the offers is always there but have a think what the Pro industry really does for each other & you might change your mind in time.

Kim x

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Peter »

It's produced cheap and sold cheap, which drives down prices for everyone.

Sorry, but its part of the problem, not the cure.
We have need of you again, great king.
Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

Exactly my point Kim. I have no interested parties in buying my content whatsoever and to be honest wouldn't know where to start looking - AGAIN. I say again because I have spent 3 years approaching every single company I can find to shoot content for them that they own. And yes I mean ALL companies (that I can find) including all the big names. And any that reply say shoot it and we might have a look type of thing. So that is my point it's all done on speculation that someone somewhere might want it - NOT FOR ME I'M AFRAID !

And saying there is no cost involved because it's time for time so to speak just isn't true. Once it's shot you have to spend money getting it 'out there man'!!!!!

Plus and please don't take this the wrong way ! You actually state above in your post that most amateurs survive on this theory - so me as a seasoned experienced professional suddenly has to go backwards and be an 'am' !

Somebody well known but for this will remain nameless said this to me last year and I quote "Dave, here you are shooting camera for someone else for TVX right". "Yes", I answered. Fuck me gently you should be running TVX not shooting cam for someone else. Why aren't I running TVX - FUCK KNOWS !

Two of the biggest companies in this country turned me down last year - why ? Because they stated that they were happy with who was already shooting for them - TWATS !

Conclusion - it's a bit like Brian Clough not being offered the England job all those years ago. I'm offerred fuck all because I'd kick it all into shape and gladly rustle the idiots that run things up the wrong way - FACT !!!!!

Dave Wells

one eyed jack
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by one eyed jack »

Sorry Kim but Peters right. I would have happily taken your side had I not seen the results for myself.

Thing is when you say people are doing ok on content swaps, how much a week are they earning?

I found people who made a staggering ?300 a month felt they were doing brilliant because they have a regular job so ?300 undeclared on top of their wages is ok.

If they sustain it thats ?3600 a year extra.

Thing is with price of equipmwnt, consumables and general costs of living this is not good enough for professionals and the problem with content swaps is that it is saturating the industry with content.

Theres two ways we look at this and why do i always sense this is some kind of conflict between amateur and professionals?

Mind you I sens it with professionals about amateurs too.

one eyed jack
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by one eyed jack »

Dave if I aint said iot once I mustve said it more than a dozen times.

You shouldve invested in yourself and the business a lot earlier when the getting was good. Produced and owned your own gear and you would have been a lot better off for it.

I sense you are resenting the industry for shutting you out but the thing is, the industry is acting every man for himself in these hard times and pulling back on productions and maximising what earning potential they can

If you dont have anything to sell then you only have yourself to sell but what good is that if there is no work around.

You are not the only one. I see porn stars who were making a killing years ago with out any money behind them doing regualr 9 to 5 s now.

People should be smart and put some money behind them and invest instead of living this rock and roll life style devil may care coasting attitude to life. When you ar eolder it gets harder to get anywhere if you aint established already

Furthermore Dave, you jhave the capability of running somewhere like TVX so have you even bothered to ask being a floor manager fo rthes satellite shows?

one eyed jack
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by one eyed jack »

If I appear to be having a pop at you Dave its only because I actually care. beleive it or not but you know we've discussed this

Dave Wells
Posts: 2716
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

"You shouldve invested in yourself and the business a lot earlier when the getting was good. Produced and owned your own gear and you would have been a lot better off for it."

The getting has never ever been 'good' Terry. The business has always kicked me in the teeth and therefore I have never been able to do so. I have managed to own my own property outright and put food on the table - and that's it.

"I sense you are resenting the industry for shutting you out but the thing is, the industry is acting every man for himself in these hard times and pulling back on productions and maximising what earning potential they can."

Absolutely true I have always resented the way the business (or the dreadful people in it to be honest) have continuously treated me. But now it's more a case of not understanding why a person with my skills, knowledge, experience isn't more powerful !

"If you dont have anything to sell then you only have yourself to sell but what good is that if there is no work around."

It's all I've ever had mate - talent.

"You are not the only one. I see porn stars who were making a killing years ago with out any money behind them doing regualr 9 to 5 s now."

Yep !

"People should be smart and put some money behind them and invest instead of living this rock and roll life style devil may care coasting attitude to life. When you are older it gets harder to get anywhere if you aint established already."

True enough if you are able to get regular work. But I've never lived the rock and roll (porn) lifestyle because I never get invited too. So as I have stated before I own my own house.

"Furthermore Dave, you have the capability of running somewhere like TVX so have you even bothered to ask being a floor manager for thes satellite shows ?"

Because I've done the meaningless start at the bottom jobs thank you so no thank you !

Dave Wells
