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Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:59 am
by countb
superb reply Honey.....a Jim ll fix it badge for you on its way(better than the stupid Blue Peter ones)

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:57 pm
by videokim
I do agree there are levels of S&M which i wouldn't touch with a barge pole as they could be deadly but the average Mistress won't go that far.
I have mistress friends at all levels & thats how i taught myself, even though i can do the Mistress bit for films & private etc its not something i'm mad about as it takes years & years to become a Pro Domme up to levels like neddle play etc.
One guy i know loves being put on a lead & made to walk around on all fours & fed dog food, another likes a candle shoved up his arse (without lube) & i have to light it.
As long as the safe word is always used people will only go to their limits & if you think they are taking it to far you ease up yourself to not cause harm.
Walking on people with high heels is the most dangerous as i've known of a couple of guys who have had to go to hospital with heels embedded in their chests.
My friend had the best client as he fetched a bag of stinging nettles & a nappy & she had to make him wear this whislt smacking him with an electric paddle, he paid her ?300 an hour & booked 5 hours at a time..most of this time was him standing in the corner.
Lots of girls try this work as the pay is good but like anything else if you are good you stay around & if not you are soon gone.

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:27 pm
by videokim
I understand what Anjum Pearce is saying but all the girls i've known have been taught from others & as i said they need to do the practical work as well as the theory to get to that level of Pro Domme.

I don't charge for my Mistress time as its only for our films so i'm only a porn star playing a 'hooker with whips lol!, i have only broken canes etc because the sub wanted to go to that level & i was pissed off because they were my props that got broken.

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:56 pm
by MistressKatie
Agreed many of these ladies admit they are 'hookers with whips' which is fine, my personal concern is more the fact that a lady from here who is a well known porn star is now on many of the bdsm related website posting pictures of herself leaving the website names on the photos which are porn sites with her being the submissive, your either one the other or a switch what ever the case she claims to be a dominant but clearly isn't many males on said websites now assume as 'newbies' that sex is in most cases involved in meeting pro dommes. there's obviously a market for it but pro domme sites aren't it, then again is this post?.
as for Kim under no circumstances EVER will a well made cane break, if it does you are either hitting far too hard in which case get a firmer cane and you won't need to hit so hard or in the wrong place which can if misused at it's worst paralyze people.
Don't get me wrong with some of my subs I know there levels and limits and I give a good thrashing but in 4 years I've broken one thing and that wasn't while hitting anyone.
I haven't ever been involved in the adult industry and to a degree I can see where Kim is coming from but then again there are enough ladies out there that don't mind offering help to train ladies, there are plenty of fetish clubs that show demonstrations and ladies at play where allot could learn and there are actually 3 school in the UK 2 being school play but show how and where to use canes/paddle/crops ect and a pony school.

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:29 pm
by Samara
Instead of coming on here, & running a post aimed at girls or girl impecticular, with you actually come across very derogatery to the porn side of the adult industry & porn performers & you are concerned about the well being of men, why didnt you offer nicely as someone experienced in domination & photography, to as o.e.jack says run corses & you could charge a small fee for this or earn content.

I myself am interested in domination & by no means for the money, I like feeling in control & I like the reaction from the slaves, the reason I havent done anything but supervised & with a very experienced mistress, who advised me not at all to go it alone, until I was fully trained, you could also do this for people geniuenly interested in domination.

It is so worng of you to judge people who perform or escort, and accuse people of only being money motivated, many people in society, especielly in as I can gather from your name, you are from muslim background, I also am sort of from a muslim kind of thing, look down very much on fetish & things such as domination, its not right, and judging people, and putting people all into one class ... as in all models are like this ... they all do this for money ... is very derogatary & judgemental & arrogant ... who would want to be taught by you or approach you when you come across like this & why re you posting on an adult forum mostly geared towards adult entertainment ... when you think we are all going to lose our careers, all in it for the money etc etc

and how would you know the person in question is not pro dom, they might of done those videos ... but maybe in their personal life they have or or into domination or maybe they are or have been under the supervision of a professional mistress!

your attitude is just shit ... I apprechiate you care for the well being of people, but you couldve raised your point in so many less demeening ways & not on a forum for everyone to read ...

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:33 pm
by Samara
see maisie, as ever you are lovely & you put your point across straightly, but with niceness.

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:48 pm
by Samara
hi mistress katie.

I think that as we are not supposed to name on this forum, yet its being made blatantly obvious that your tlking about someone we know ... this post is highly unjustified & unfair ...

I dont know much about domination, just it something that fascinated me for a long time & I love to be dominant, so thankfully I got a chance under a very established mistress to be tutored for a session, to see if in practise I had same feel, and I very much did & was told by both the mistress, & the slave (who thouroughly enjoyed having 2 mistresses punishment). so it is something I would pursue but not for money, and not without supervision & learning properly all the required skills.

But in terms to blatantly discussing other people on here, the term whore's with a whip is totally unjustified & uncalled for! people can be switchs, just to explore I chatted online to doms, & possibly in the future when I am experienced, my perspective slaves & also learned what a switch is ... and people can truely embody both roles, I find no desire to be submissive, but thats my personal thing. I think its fair to say, that unless you know a person personally, their background or personal life, for all we know they could be an experienced mistress, could be properly trained, could adore both roles off camera ... but as I believe noones personal life is anyone elses business & since that headline is sensational, untrue & hasnt happened ... why is all this being posted ... its actually bullying ... because nothing is founded ... and what we do as performers shouldnt affect other peoples opinions of what we might enjoy to do or do in our personal life, and the money has nothing to do with it, most slaves I have chatted with even enjoy that aspect ... its like a total domination.

I think a better way this couldve been handled is anjum had personally contacted people, and asked them whats your experience, do you etc etc & if not offered some service to train or teach if it was needed ... and dealt with things nicely. Not made a very obvious & to me as a performer derogatary post ... that mays well had a list of names on it ... & you have just done exactly the same ... its just nasty. so I will say what my family used to say to me whenever people put me down ... they either lack confidence themselves or envy something about you.

you know not just this, Im sick in general of the bitchiness & nastiness that goes on, people putting others down, publically which is the worst way & the total childishness ... do some people just not progress from school age.

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:24 pm
by mp3
I thought you were 'leaving' on monday? And what did I say about you'll be back...

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:41 am
by MistressKatie
Hang on before you start going on about rudeness and people ganging up on others.

Not only do i not know anyone from this site except the lady i see around the bdsm forums so im not siding with anyone.
But.....The 'Hooker's with whips' was used by someone else i simply quoted them.

So as i did not mean to offend anyone or slag any one off, and it seems that's how i've come across i do appologies.
But i think you want to get off your high horse before you accuse me of anything i gave my views and opinions to which im entitled to and unless the people reading this have been on the very same sites as me they don't know who im talking abour because as anjum said there are quite a few girls out there doing videos so how is it blatently obvious?

Re: Female Adult Performer Cripples Man

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:01 am
by Studio3
I rarely post on here, but I must say an interesting thread and certainly some good points being addressed. If you look on Adultwork about 80% of the girls on there have ticked domination and spanking amongst other bdsm activities and it?s pretty obvious that the problem of inexperienced Dommes is widespread, as, judging by their profiles, only a small percentage of them actually know what they?re doing.

Having been around and about the bdsm scene myself for over 10 years, I would have to agree that certain activities have inherent risks attached. CP (paddles, canes and whips), rope bondage (especially suspension), medical scenarios and sundry forms of edge play can all go badly wrong where inexperienced practitioners are involved. All these risks can be avoided if people follow the safe practices that come with experience, and experience is easy to come by if you make the effort to get involved in the bdsm scene. There are plenty of fetish clubs, events and organisations out there where you can meet experienced players, who by and large are friendly and willing to point you in the right direction. One such organisation I can vouch for is The Firm and I am sure they?d be very happy to hear from any fetish models who are interested in joining the Dom/Sub scene. As Honey has mentioned, serving an apprenticeship with an established pro domme is a great way of gaining the experience and confidence to become one yourself, and fetish parties/clubs are a good way of networking and hooking up with pro dommes.

Furthermore, if you?re looking at making money as a Domme, then buying a cheap Sunday market outfit and a handful of implements, having a few photos taken and posting a quick profile on Adultwork boasting pro domme status, is not the way forward. Sure you?ll pick up a few inexperienced/curious punters, and even if you manage to avoid maiming anyone, you?re unlikely to make much of a living out of it. The serious regular clients you will need to make a proper go of it will see straight through a half arsed attempt like that. The successful Pro Dommes I?ve worked with have invested a lot of time and money in their businesses and are all good self promoters, attending scene events and usually doing plenty of fetish modelling, which is the best way of ensuring a decent retinue of good regular clients. It also bears mentioning that there?s no substitute for a genuine personal interest in bdsm, so if it isn?t your thing in the first place, you?ll struggle to keep your enthusiasm in the long run.

One final point for any new models who turn up at their first bdsm shoot, please don?t be shy to ask for advice if you?re even slightly unsure about what you?re being asked to do. Most people on the fetish scene are very approachable and would appreciate that kind of honesty on set, as the last thing anyone wants if somebody getting hurt, well not in a bad way :-)
