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Re: Be Seen here

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:06 pm
by David Johnson
Hi Be Seen Here
I will leave you to swim in your sea of seemingly never-ending bitterness and bile.
This is my last post on the matter.
Have a nice, sunny day.


Re: Be Seen here/Josephine

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:47 am
by David Johnson
Thanks for taking the time in a separate post (later banned by the mods) explaining what you are on about.

Otherwise your post with its reference to two other people would have remained a complete mystery to me.

I now know you have a private feud with Nikonman and someone else called pd. As I saw in Nikonmans post he does not want to have this feud that you are pursuing but you insulted him anyway. Then the thread was pulled.

Please forgive me for not being up to speed with this feud. I do need to try and keep up.

However none of this effects what I was basically saying in response to Josephine's post, whose thread this is. If you put up a myspace entry which announces you are an adult performer, you will get loads of escort type messages. I am not condoning this, but I am not surprised in anyway. I suspect it has got nothing to do with photography more a case of fourteen year old lads acting like prats.

You seem to think it is something to do with adultwork on which Josephine has an entry. I do not think it has anything to do with adultwork. The myspace membership/readership totally dwarfs the adultwork readership. I suspect it has more to do with the decades long juvenile approach that the British have to sex i.e. any adult model must be having sex 24/7 with anybody cos they are all nymphos aint they? and any girl wearing a short skirt is just begging for it, aint she? etc etc.

Will it ever change? When I hear the conversations of a lot of young kids out and about at weekends, I doubt it.

Josephine, sorry to hear about the hassle. I feel sure you are intelligent and strong enough to deal with it.


Re: Be Seen here/Josephine

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:06 am
by David Johnson
Okay I dont understand why you are posting on Josephine's thread, something which is "nothing to do with Josephine specifically" It is her thread!
This is getting very tedious for all concerned, I am happy to take it off line.


Re: Be Seen here/Josephine

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:17 am
by David Johnson
I guess I take a different view. Before we bore the backside of everyone, lets just decide that you have a view of why Josephine gets the escort calls, I have a different view.
Thats it. We disagree.

Re: A Moan

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:33 pm
by Josephine
well with what ive been through this year I dont need it ,so please guys dont ask !!!!
and not all models should be tied with the same string.that means just cos one does doesnt mean the rest do!!!!

Re: A Moan

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:45 pm
by SpannerProductions
Hi Lady Josephine,
As your man said earlier, unfortunately in the mind of so many saddo's on the "Net" the line between the fantasy "Adult" and the reality "escort" has become so blurred that they seem so similar - thats why its so important that you girls make sure that when you are offered work that you either know the Tog?producers reputation or talk to somebody who the very least perhaps take a chaperone with you - there are an awful lot of new togs/prods looking to break into the business ( I am one) but i'm not ready to shoot yet - but when i am it will be more than some chancer with a pocket camera hoping to get a cheap thrill at the expense of the models self respect - reason i feel so strongly on this issue - my wife is "Storm" and if I felt she wasnt gonna be safe - she wouldnt be on this career path. If the guys(and some gals...) want a NSA fuck there are sites they can go too - you girls are selling the fantasy in pictures and films , its not the same and long may you continue !wink! !happy! !bow!