honest opinions please

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by cameronamor »

I think your lovely honey. Everythings in proportion and you've got great breasts! You've obviously got a lot of fans who love you just the way you are. Why do something to drastically change yourself for one person when you may lose the fan base you've already got. The ultimate question is, do you like you? Cause if you do, fu*k everyone else. There will always be people out there who cant wait to send an insult your way when you dont quite fit their ideals, unfortunately that happens to all of us... Be proud of the small curves you do have, so much sexier, bones in bed are just painful! xx

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Re: honest opinions please

Post by randyandy »

kaicee marie you appear to have asked for someone's opinion, been told what they think, decided that you don't like it and then come here to ask if you should be given work.

No real surprise that some have come out and slagged whoever the person was for giving an opinion, that you asked for but don't be surprised if when you ask something, in the manner you obviously have, if you then get some responses like this.

You're not entitled to work simply because you've decided that you want to be a model, the person you contacted clearly has a certain type he works with and has told you what is needed for you to work for them, that is all.

It's their choice and I am certain it will be the choice of others.

Personally I wouldn't change you, especially when you are clearly getting work, however if for some reason the person you asked to work with is 'big' for your career which I sincerely doubt they will be only you can make the decision if you want to meet their requirements.

Nobody should ever do something if they are uncomfortable with it just because they feel they have to do it for one off's, even if doing it leads to more stuff in future.

Take this persons opinion on board, remember it is just their opinion and what they work with and move on.

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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Bravo »

I've always been a fan of yours & you do not need to change. Why do people assume that all guys only fancy a certain type of woman ie. Pamela Anderson or Britney Spears(those 2 do nothing for me) Be yourself Kaicee because you are one sexy lady.
kaicee marie
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by kaicee marie »

sorry i havent replied up to now was at work lastnite, the thing is, maybe i reworded it a bit wrong as i was just off to work when i posted it, my intentions weren't to post that mail to then have everyone slating them, i respect their opinion although it was put a little harsh i was simply trying to see if everyone else, producers etc feel the same way as the person who wrote the email too me, if so then thats fine, i can either try harder to change my image or as i said intitially, leave while its good, i really appreciate all those that did support me, i do appreciate constructive critism and can normally take it but this mail did throw me a bit as i said up top, i have lost 2 stone and do what i can when i can to improve myself but all my are my kids are under school age and im working a lot at sport aswel aswel trying to run a house, same as many of you im sure but im just a bit unlucky in the weight department, doesnt seem to come off that easy, anyway i hope thats a bit clearer, thanks again for the positive comments, the way i see it if you dont ask you dont know do you


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beck images
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by beck images »

Hi Kaicee,
I guess like most things this sort of question comes down to a number of things. And in reality because of what I do I can actually see both sides. I more often than not deal with girls who are of a certain appearance, those with (deemed to be) perfect bodies and looks, as that is what the market I deal with requires. In real life it is not reality but fantasy, most girls do not look that way. In the very same way I could not join the Dreamboys because I do not have their physique, I as everyone else has to deal with the hand that we are dealt.
What narks me a little (and this is not aimed at you) is that because people post saying they want work that they expect it. This industry is no different to any other, in actuality the UK porn industry is really no more than a cottage industry with very few producing anything on a weekly basis. So again you are limited by location. Models, both male and female could be a little more proactive. Take time and research more about how the industry actually works, not just here but in Europe and the USA. Understand that like any self employed business, what you earn should be put back into the business for quite a while to help it become successful.
As for your body image, well that will only hold you back if you let it. Has Belladonna got the perfect body or face? Is she successful with a huge following? That was purely down to how she performed, how outrageous she was and most importantly her attitude. In my opinion guys like her because the best fuck is in the mind to start (if that makes sense).
Also in the papers a couple of days ago it was reported that guys perfect woman was in fact Miss Average. So along with other girls on here that are feeling the same way, why the hell don't you all get together and find a way to work with each other. Why not create something that is the antithisis of the body perfection that you are all up against? Pool your resources together and that will make you all something more to be reckoned with. Feel free to email me if you'd like any advice that won't be body critical.

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Re: honest opinions please

Post by DJ_Jenns »

^This +10000

Sarah Kelly
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one persons opinion is exactly that....

Post by Sarah Kelly »

Babes- there is nothing wrong wi you.. A person has an opinion but unless your career depends on THEM,theirs is just one opinion amongst many...take anything you feel valid and can use.Even negative stuff can be usefull...... If 50 people said "Sarah, your Shit" i might be woried but in this biz babes, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN FAME.......... I for one would wish you well and would (positively) suggest, if you have a new image/hair/look/less weight,whatever, get new pics done and EMAIL EM TO EVERY BUGGER GOING- there maybe some discounted you previously cos of weight /look, whatever, so a new you might be more in line wi what looking for....... if you get a chance, email me direct babe!wink! x
Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)

Daz Savage
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Daz Savage »

Agreed in full.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Daz Savage
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Daz Savage »

I'm a psychologist, a pornographer and a lover of all types of women so I'm damn sure I'm qualified to give a opinion.
You asked this person for advice on how to get more work and instead of answering your question he/she simply told you what THEY wanted.

Imagine that you simply asked a male friend how to get more cock in your personal life... and instead of getting this advice you were just given a puerile list of HIS personal likes and dislikes.

This person has not told you how to get more work - any idiot can tell you how to do that. He has told you how to make yourself perfect for him or his site... but then you may never work again after you alter yourself to fit in with his rather narrow personal requirements.
I know that when you contacted me I didn't choose to shoot you but that was certainly not a reflection on your appearance at all because I think you're beautiful - and not beautiful for a mum or a woman of whatever age blah, blah, blah... Just beautiful.
Since you emailed me and I have watched your career and it is of no surprise to me that you have been busy. And I may well contact you in the future since my business seems to be moving in other directions now.

Look, if you want more work try this... email every webmaster you can find (who might wish to have you on his site). Offer to travel (of course) but also organize shoots more locally with a reputable photographer (and then send the work on to the site - as people do with Karups, ATK and Boobcamp etc.) This is often done when a site has no photographer on the staff and they just but material or when traveling long distances is impractical for a one or two hour shoot. Sometimes larger companies buy sets regularly from models or photographers who can produce the material for them locally. So find a good photographer who would be prepared to shoot you for a share of the proceeds. I'd certainly take you up on it even though the share of the pay would be less that I'd usually work for but nevertheless - work is work and I won't turn money down.
(Some will say that the 'togger should hire the model for the shoot and then sell the work on... but as far as I'm concerned it's all swings & roundabouts. Whichever way you do it you'll still be getting work and pay.

Keep contacting people - except the ones who give you a flat no.

Don't negotiate rates - instead why not negotiate time. The argument against this is usually that the company will get more material on you and therefore it will be longer before they need you again... but in my experience the reality is that the same amount of work will be done if you give someone an extra hour, only now the shoot will be ore relaxed, the photographer more creative and the day will be more enjoyable.
So ask for four hours but give five because let's face it - if you travel 60 miles to a four hour job then you're not going to get another booking in for that day anyway so the extra hour costs you nothing.
having been a model myself and an agent (a real one) in the past - I have some small idea of how anyone can increase their workload without going to the trouble of changing their appearance.
Yes, if you were just plain ugly I might advise some surgery or heavy make-up but since the only things that seem to be 'wrong' with you (as far as your adviser seems to be concerned) are actually things that other people think are 'right' with you then making any changes at all will be redundant. So you will gain one job only at the expense of another - and you will have been sweating like a twat down the gym and going under the knife for the privilege gaining nothing!

A simple lesson in marketing:
To ensure success don't mess with your product, just find the people who want what you've already got.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Charbbw »

Kaicee sweety don't give up cos of one persons narrow minded view, you have already come this far and it would be a shame to leave now when you clearly have alot of go left in you.

If I had a pound for every insult I got from haters I would be very rich and given up before I even started! lol

UglyDazs post is true and fair. Its a shame everyone doesn't have the same attitude.


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