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Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:57 pm
by rgb
If you don't get it sorted, Storm, just upload ( and don't do anything else) a new picture using and then email me, and I'll send you the code to put in your profile.

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:20 am
by Daz Savage
Only you can change your profile pic unless you give out your login details and this is something you should NEVER do.
I'm sure RGB will be able to do something for you.

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 12:52 pm
by Sarah Kelly
When i first posted rgb and daz were both really generous ,with their time and some great advice, helping out enormously...!happy!... x

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 1:07 pm
by Daz Savage
Nice to be remembered.
And if I can help still - just ask.

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 1:27 pm
by JB
UglyDaz wrote:

> Our whole business is images and so the first thing to do to
> raise your profile is get rid of that low-quality, grainy image
> of yourself in an awkward pose in your profile here.

Good point Daz, but Storm needs better pics taken - Photoshop will only go so far, and the cut-off at the knee, the green bucket, clothes hanging etc. will need a lot more work to remove! Storm, get some professional pics taken, then come back with a professional attitude (i.e. not moaning that people aren't giving you work) and then you should get some work.

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:06 pm
by Daz Savage
Regarding the pictures... that's exactly what I said.
I only edited the picture because that's all I had to work with.
You can't beat well-lit and well-posed, professional images for returning work to models but I would avoid unusual poses.
A full-length will suffice for me if I'm looking for a model. I can see her face, her boobs, her waist, her hips etc. What else do I need?

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 3:05 pm
by Sarah Kelly
Well,a very big,and positive ,impression was made and i will hold you to that- i often read your posts even if im not contributing .. there always insightfull, often amusing and usually worth perusing.... plus i like your pics, as we discussed before ( the black and white hall way ones especially)!wink! xx

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:09 pm
by Storm
thankyou everyone for your imput. that pic was the wrong one for me to put up, but, i have had a couple of good shoots since then, and have some good pics to put up, but, i don't know how :(
I will be at the UKAP party on Friday, hoping to meet lots of you there, xx

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:05 am
by Daz Savage
Thanks for that.
I'm concentrating on some new things at the moment so take a look here and tell me what you think:

I'm gonna use this to host my work, portfolios (when I have the time to shoot them) and as a place for new models to get some direction... for example I'll be directing them here for starters!

Re: wtf is going on here??

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:33 am
by Daz Savage
Listen very carefully I'll only say this once (must be read in dodgy French accent)

I can't access your profile so you'll have to do this yourself but you can do it by following the steps I'm about to outline to you.
Also I have used the host provided by RGB since he already made the offer to help earlier in this thread - so remember to thank him please.

1: [IMG][/IMG]

2: [IMG][/IMG]

3: [IMG][/IMG]

The text to input in the box is this: ... 1_edit.jpg

This will show the image that I edited for you. If you would prefer another I will sort that out for you instead, but you'll still have to do the code input yourself.

Hope this is of some small use to you.