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Re: Vickie, I'll do it for ?20,000

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:25 pm
by Bicycle Bum
No, I'm called Bicycle Bum coz I've been doing the riding, and my balls hurt right about now!


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:27 pm
by Daz Savage
There's no way a 'family channel' can ever be seen to condone the nation's daughters getting into porn so they will have to have a negative stance.
I have appeared on something on TV - not saying what - but I can tell you that the chances of being stitched-up is immense.
I was directed by earpiece to do something on camera and then the programme aired and made me out to be a twat for doing what I was told to do.
There's no way they can ever say it's okay to suck cock for a living or suggest that soft porn won't lead you down the slippery slope. You'll never have the opportunity to be eard saying that you do nice stuff like the Sun newspaper because no channel ever allows interviewees to liken porn to Page3 because the Sun sues like a motherfucker! It's a family newspaper didn't you now and there's no similarity between erotica and a nubile teenager on the inside of your Sun! (Bollocks - but you know the line media industry has to toe).
Anyone damn fool enough to do this has my sympathies.
Remember Natalie Heck on that programme about amateur porn producers?
He looked a dodgy twat and she went off sobbing in a taxi.

...And didn't we all look lovely as a result?
Great balance!
They'll edit out anything positive and concentrate totally on any slight negative and make it fundamental to your lack of morals etc.

Basically all producers will be filthy perverts, con-men or pimps and all models will be vulnerable innocents who have been taken advantage of.

Don't believe me?
Wait till it airs - I'll post this again, word-for-word.

Re: ITV - I was approached yesterday to do this

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:28 pm
by Ron T. Storm
Sorry - not had time to read all the posts - so some of my points may already be here.

I was approached to do this or at least something similar by a reseacher for ITV.

Its for a Jeremy Karle, or whatever his name is, special.

I refussed point blank as I know from this forum what goes on in those 'fair unbiased' documentaries.

I was approached last year as well to provide a b/g couple to do a documentary.

It all fell through as the b/g couple and myself got right peed off with how invasive the documentary was going to be.

Will mention I was approached as a producer not as a performer cause even my man boobs could not pass for being female. lol,


Wouldn't it be terrific though if Vickie

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by Bicycle Bum
Wouldn't it be terrific though if Vickie underwent some kind of religious conversion during the filming of the documentary and realised a deeply suppressed aspiration to be a total cum-junkie?


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by danielson
They must have run out of chav's to talk about!!!tut!


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by Dave Wells
Exactly why you should get me to film it for you Vicki !


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:48 pm
by Daz Savage
Here's a clip on YouTube:

Again - well balanced.


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:55 pm
by danielson
Rest my case! CHAV!!!laugh!
Thats the sort of thing ITV love CHAV! tv!!

Re: I did it

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:26 pm
by traceylain
Yes it is a her Danny.This woman has been phoning Dave for a couple of days and leaving voicemail messages.
Hasnt all the "how nasty porn is" rubbish passed its sell by date in getting brain dead viewers to watch it yet?