O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
He's the main reason behind this new legislation. those who make these laws have seen all Terry's movies with outdoor scenes and want something new

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
Its an old trick - produce a Bill we can all agree with (i.e. stop 'grooming' the under aged) - stick the fascist stuff on as a rider. And then anyone who complains gets tarred as a supporter of the child-molesters.
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
"Officer Dibble I was only trying to make light of something when most of the news we get today is so depressing!"
Yes, I know, but that's the problem. If when outrageous new laws of any type come along people juts "make light'? of them instead of getting angry and storming 'The House' 'They' will think you don't really mind and think that maybe they could get away with a little more. Then before you know it we'll all have chips planted in our heads to make sure we don't think 'inappropriate' thoughts and surveillance cameras in every room to 'protect us from ourselves? and make sure to we are toeing the party line at all times.
Yes, I know, but that's the problem. If when outrageous new laws of any type come along people juts "make light'? of them instead of getting angry and storming 'The House' 'They' will think you don't really mind and think that maybe they could get away with a little more. Then before you know it we'll all have chips planted in our heads to make sure we don't think 'inappropriate' thoughts and surveillance cameras in every room to 'protect us from ourselves? and make sure to we are toeing the party line at all times.
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
Crimpo's get them sussed.
Officer Dibble.
Officer Dibble.
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
Remember the Poll Tax riots!! People taking to the streets.
If we throw out the current lot we ain't going to do much better with the other's!!
Maybe we should vote indipendent next time??
If we throw out the current lot we ain't going to do much better with the other's!!
Maybe we should vote indipendent next time??
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
re internet "grooming" of kids. What happens if a twenty something bloke thinks hes chatting to an 18 year old girl online and it turns out shes just a fifteen year old having a laugh with her mates by chatting about sex online. Does that bloke then get thrown in the slammer to be "nonce bashed" by the other prisoners who feel superior because they only stabbed, mugged and shot people.
Also note that the Act also makes it illegal to use 16 or 17 year olds for porn. Or more accurately to profit from it. It is currently still legal for 16 or 17 year olds to do porn as the age of consent is 16. These laws effectively raise the age of consent to 18 where money is involved. Same now applys to prostitution. It will now be illegal to pay a seventeen year old for sex but still perfectly legal to shag a 17 year old without money being involved. The aim is to remove financial explotation of minors from the sex industry.
Also note that the Act also makes it illegal to use 16 or 17 year olds for porn. Or more accurately to profit from it. It is currently still legal for 16 or 17 year olds to do porn as the age of consent is 16. These laws effectively raise the age of consent to 18 where money is involved. Same now applys to prostitution. It will now be illegal to pay a seventeen year old for sex but still perfectly legal to shag a 17 year old without money being involved. The aim is to remove financial explotation of minors from the sex industry.
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
If I understand this sex in public places law correctly, I believe it was set up to protect children mainly. I don't think everyone who gets caught getting frisky with their girlfriend late night on a train (with or without a camera in their hand) is going to get arrested and banged up for 6 months and if memory serves me correct, wasn't public places sex illegal before this debate anyway? I think the harsh sentences will be dished out to those who get caught in front of or around people of a younger age. I have never done anything of this nature in front of minors. Never have, never will and I've been caught by plod several times directly who told me to behave myself and that was that.(Sandie Caine and Faye Rampton should remember from Hard Days At The Orifice. 16 units in the area got the call about us. Now I'm sure if I did this in front of a school or some such place during the day I would have been whisked down the nick pretty sharpish. Besides, I've never had any full on dp, group or gang bang scenes outdoors yet anyway. That'd be pushing it.
Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
Quite right, it should be banned in public places. It is a health hazard.
You could be bitten in the arse by some marauding rodent or even catch your death of cold or anything in between/ Hence have to tax the overworked/undewrpaid Heath |Service, hence adding to the grossly overburdened National Budget.
You should be ashanmed - we (The Country) need the moeny(several billions) to show outr support ( via the Toothy One) for Bully Bush.
In this world of today, sex in public plaves is a PRIME Problem, and I repeat, it not only shoild be banned, but carry a penalty of LIFE IMPRISONMENT>
You could be bitten in the arse by some marauding rodent or even catch your death of cold or anything in between/ Hence have to tax the overworked/undewrpaid Heath |Service, hence adding to the grossly overburdened National Budget.
You should be ashanmed - we (The Country) need the moeny(several billions) to show outr support ( via the Toothy One) for Bully Bush.
In this world of today, sex in public plaves is a PRIME Problem, and I repeat, it not only shoild be banned, but carry a penalty of LIFE IMPRISONMENT>
Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
I don't know that I don't agree with that change Magoo - fair point on the 'grooming' issue tho...
Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws
now just imagine if they catch Saddam taking part in a DP outside a school - then the news would be worth watching again...