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Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:54 am
by one eyed jack
Cornish Chris..I have been aware for some time your aversion to Real Puntings association with UKAP.

Allow me to defend his right as I do anybody else and even you if you are a producer.

Jay K is a producer. So what if he makes videos with escorts. We all know the fine line between porn and prostitution now dont we?

Now that would smack of elitism if we turned around and said to Jay:
"UKAP thinks its immoral what you are doing"

That would be the pot calling the kettle black. Infact I believe I was one of the first people to champion th enew talent when a lot of producers before UKAP didnt give him the time of day he deserved.

If your problem is anything but this then look at this another way.

The association isnt about a bunch of producer pals hanging out. A lot of us consider this association far more than that. no one even dwells on the next man (or womans product)

We have a range of producers from high end (international award winners if you liek) to amateurs as members.

When i said "quit being part of the problem and be part of the solution" I believe we can achieve a lot more if we banded together rather than by ourselves as individuals (and that includes the mighty Blue Bird too).

What part of unity didnt you get?

Personalities may clash yes. You cant stop people being people. But rather than make enemies, wouldnt we be a stronger and better community of producers if we were allies?

Everyone would benefit from this unity. Including the consumer. Unity makes for peace of mind and performers comfortable to perform a lot better to make better and hotter scenes which means new girls coming into the business.

Just the hostility and sistrust in this thread alone illustrates we have a long long way to go and if UKAP was not the answer, then why not join AITA?

I dont think AITA have the producers interests at heart as it may conflict with their members in the retail trade but would welcome a meeting where we could perhaps join forces on certain issues but I also accept a lot of producers issues wouldnt be the same interst as the retailers. Why would retailers give a hoot about performers sexual health and well being and conditions of work?

This industry has to change on the inside before it really shows results on the outside and as long as there is bad blood we will never progress.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:13 pm
by Darren L Morgan
Quote: "We have a range of producers from high end (international award winners if you liek) to amateurs as members".

Terry, i admire what you have done and i like you as a person and i have had the pleasure of working with you, when i answer these forums it is plain and simply my opinion, i dont want to attack anyone, but you are still missing one very important ingredient.....the top UK female and male performers! they have worked with everyone, worldwide, they know more than anyone what is needed to bring back the UK porn industry, why do you not have one of our stars on the commitee? why are you not asking these people for help? THEY have sold more DVD's than all producers put together...fact. We rely on them so sell our product but they are not regarded important enough to help our industry? come on guys....stop trying to be clever and think basic, just think why that American guy has logged onto a british porn it because he wants a copy of the agenda for the next UKAP meeting or is he looking for one of our British stars?

I'll get my coat


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:22 pm
by Cornish Chris

Once again thank you for your reasoned and indepth reply.

Personalities do clash .... thats why an application approved by committee approach to UKAP is deemed as elitist and counterproductive.
Who says those with the power of black balling an applicant have anymore validity as a producer than those they are being judgemental upon.

I have in fact ceased any adult production (for the last 7 months), having grown very dispondant with the whole industry in general.

In industry were "producers" are getting certs so they can fuck the talent,
then use this forum as a bragging ground .... just made everything just seem a pointless and sleazy.

Still read here but find most of it depressing and seem like I wasted the last 7 years.

All the Best.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:28 pm
by Gaslight
Just to second OEJ's comments regarding Jay at Real Punting.....this individual has done more to promote and support UKAP (both timewise AND financially) than the rest of us put together.

There are some very interesting comments on here i feel....some true, some misguided and some contradictory.

Personally, i never understand the analogy between the US porn industry and that in the UK. The differences are so vast, for so many reasons, that it seems quite a pointless and facile comparison. But hey ho...what do I know?!

As for UKAP itself...I quite like the "Choas Theory".....


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:33 pm
by jimslip
You said:

"there is not the misogynistic element present in the Max Hardcore stuff."

I'm not so sure you are correct on this, I think dressing a girl up as a nine year old and calling her a "Filthy whore" while strangling her, could possibly, fall into the "Misogynistic" area.

Rocco does much the same thing. The trouble is these wankers have given the impression that all porn is the same. I always said they would drag us all down and I'm right.

In an ideal world, they'd introduce MH to "O'l Sparky" and leave the rest of us alone.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:53 pm
by one eyed jack
Cornish Chris

Ive been a member before membership even began with UKAP and I have never witnessed any "black balling" going on with regards to producers.

The selection process is simply because not every producer knows who is a producer from who is not and where it was not so clear a memo would be passed aroundf to confirm that an applicant was in fact a producer on the web, dvd or all the above.

The reason for this is to reduce "infiltrators" who were just plain nosey and trouble making.

Would you really feel comfortable if people on the BGAFD knew your business and you knew nothing about them? Wouldnt you rather discuss business among a crowd of people that know the business because they are in it just like you?

Whatever UKAPs faults are you can bet we dont have the time wasting tit for tat attacks that go on here because a lot of posters here see it as sport to wind people up.

As for producers getting certed up to get a leg over...well that aint going to change but I suspect more of that is going on with people who are not members of UKAP because they are only interested in just shagging the girls (and who would I be to condemn them?) they are red blooded males after all and the world is what it is. A man asks, a girl accepts and the rest is none of me or your business.

Its always been that way.

I'm sorry that you should be dispondent of the business because of this but I do regard those in UKAP as those actually caring about the business which is why I zealously defend the association because its the one thing that can help bring about change for the better certainly not for the worse as it seems to be already.

For better or worse, UKAP and its predecessor "ssociation" f no name where instrumental in kick starting the 30 day tests for HIV and STD tests whereas it was HIV only with 3 month tests.

If it wasnt for that emergency meeting at Sadlers Wells all 2000 and something ago who knows what would have happened to the Uk industry as a whole.

An HIV case is just waiting to happen and I can see all kinds of fireworks kicking off the day that happens.

Just watch the headless chickens the day that happens and you can bet the first port of call people will be trying to blame UKAP and then we'll say the whole thing again about people being responsible for their actions etc etc.

I believe that those who care nothing for the association do so because they have their world all nicely sewn up or they simply just dont care.

I dont really need UKAP as I'm sure other members dont either but I have a lot of friends in this business and if I can help bring about change for the better for everyone in it then it would be a good thing I am a member.

Imagine having to ring up 30+ producers if something did go down. Far better to have a site where you can get the message out quickly and discretely without it being devalued by petty comments and criticisms of those who think they know but know nothing at all.

To quote the saying:

"Opinions are like ass holes. Everyone has got one"

(I guess that includes me. DOH!)


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:01 pm
by James not Bond
This is another thread that is going nowhere.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:19 pm
by one eyed jack
Darren, I wasnt attacking you mate. Just responding to your post. i guess the tone doesnt translate too well if you dont use emoticons !happy! (thats better)

...why do you not have one of our stars on the commitee?

Poppy has never asked. We've had honorary members on the committee when the wise sage that is Marcus Allen attends from time to time and I do listen to him. Always have done.

Thing about excepting Poppy or any other talent is that the whole thing comes crashing down because everyone will want in and you know what happens next? Producers will retreat into groups just to keep their own affairs private. Next you will have opposing factions, models versus producers etc

Why dont the models have one for themselves? It would be great if we could have these official meetings between producers and models knowing that the standard of professionalism has gone up to that degree because you know with an association like that models will be keeping the others on their toes. that would mean a dramatic reduction in no shows and performers really being competitive to get the work for their abilities

Why cant models command exorbitant fees like america? You know as well as I do the porno mafia triumvirate circa 2004 (who shall remain nameless) were trying to bring about this change by upping the fees for male performers (namely themselves) thinking they do just as much as the girls. ( I shouldve booked 2 girls with strap ons doing them then to warrant that)

I'll tell you why it would never work.

Because producers will simply find talent elsewhere to do it for the price they want.

In fact it did work for the boys and then they tried to push it further. Seriously though, it was admirable as they felt, quite rightly they did deserve a premium payment but economics in the UK just dont justify it. What Harmony willpay for a production another smaller company canot afford to pay (ie me)

The model pool today are not as focussed on anything other than their next job. My point of argument with one performer not so long ago (he knows who he is if he wishes to come forth): If performers dont care. Why should the producers? We are not the ones doing the fucking.

In fact I would see a positive point having a model spokesperson on UKAP Darren as we have had guests in on the meetings before.

Would Poppy act as a conduit between UKAP and the talent pool?


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:22 pm
by one eyed jack
Hey James Not Bond...

It worked for Hiwatt....Maybe it will work for us (fingers crossed)


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:35 pm
by Darren L Morgan
I am sure Poppy would...she has helped many new talent in the industry and she always has time for them or anything to do with our industry, she is a true brit. Gazzmans comments on Poppy are: she has a knack of making people feel so comfortable in what they are doing, people listen to her" but i was not just talking about Poppy, it was not my intention to promote Poppy and push her forward, any of the girls i mentioned would be ideal. If Poppy wants to do this and help, as im sure she would, then all the better for UK porn, that is her decision, not mine.
The idea of a "Performers type UKAP" is excellent, im sure the porn world would listen to them as they have seen and done everything, they are the ones on the battle field day after day, they know who to trust and who not to trust, they know the ins and outs of worldwide porn. The consumers would, im sure, love the opportunity to voice their opinions directly to the stars, tell them what they want to see and what's not good in our industry. So yes Terry, im a big supporter of that, it would be groundbreaking and interesting as well as very informative.