So what do you make of tonights tv show?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by Violet »

Thanks for that babe, I somtimes doubt myself and people close to me this is because of things in the past but I am getting help. All I can say is I am on the mend im putting weight back on and do'nt beleve everything on tv as there was a lot of good days too. We are planing to have a great summer with all the bike fest's coming up and with some tender loving care from Jim and family and friends Will be fully recovered hot horny and ready to get on with the job in hand. Feel free to ask questions. Big thanks to Jim for not giving in on me.
Violet x

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by woodgnome »

so, these are the opinions of a "friend" - not even your own - and yet you don't have the bottle to post them under your "real" name? now that IS pathetic!
TimNice Butdim

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by TimNice Butdim »

No one came out looking good from this show. Especially Violet and Phil. I am sure more "happier" scenes were edited, but the stuff they left in made me feel very sorry for the two main players involved.

Sorry, just my opinion.

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by marcusallen »

Notwithsatanding any o f the above comments/.reamrks and having noy
seen th "doc" due to otherwise activitites, I can only say/STATE, that they are both wonderful, lovely people and if they have their spats., on camera or not, they are no differebtt from any couple ands HONESSTY is always the brest policy.
Unlike most people, Jim $ Violet wear there heartes on their sleeves - let the chips fall where they may- and God Bless them for it. Honesty is always the best policy, and these two lovely people are the most honest of all


Post by Crimpo »

As ever TV has an angle to pursue and will pursue it whatever they shoot via the editing. If a camera crew follows you around they will film the good times and the bad times - and we ALL have both of those in our lives - and they can edit to show really whatever they want to. One thing you can be damn sure of is that they will not show 'real life' - much easier to confirm people's prejudices. How the hell would you show anyone's complex real life in one TV show anyway?

Didn't see the show - I was having an excellent bit of Indian grub with an old mate in Euston at the time - doesn't sound like I missed much!

Sure everyone joins me in hoping that for Jim, Violet, Autumn, EJ, Jayce, etc, that the good times FAR outnumber the bad times in the days to come.

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by gordini »

I thought the progamme was very interesting.
It's fascinating seeing the motivation of people in the industry. I don't think it showed anyoune in a particularly bad(or good) light - just normal people with normal problems.

Everyone seemed pretty genuine. But I am not sure I wan't to see how the vids are made - it takes away some of the magic.

good luck to Jim and Violet.
Richard b

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by Richard b »

have just watched it

lot of interesting stuff for us lurkers

agree it was unfortunate the film makers picked on what was obviously a difficult short period(!!)for the main participants which obviously was not truely representative
Dave Wells

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by Dave Wells »

Maybe it is the way these journalists put together and present all these type of programmes on our business but whenever I watch "us" in the porn game in these documentaries, we always seem to be painted as such a sad bunch.

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by EJ »

Having read al the posts so far it seems the majority of you didn't think it was any good. Whilst I stand by my oppinion that no one wes made to look bad it seems that yet again the media has succeded in making people think badly about this industry.

Even a lot of the posters on here seem to have been fooled by it but let me assure you Jim, Violet, Autumn et all are wonderfull people really, human with human failings but still great people.

p.s I don't think Autumn looked old, but your all going to say i'm biased.
joe king

Re: Violet blood bath

Post by joe king »

It's good to see women cry. It makes them more human.

Michelle Violet ,who is used to pissing and fucking on screen, has a nervous breakdown when at a german sex fair she has her period while poking her pussy infront of a ravenous crowd of german perverts.