Cum shots in 18 cert films

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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by MelsMovies »

Got it, thanks Kim.

Mel x

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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by MelsMovies »

Got it, thanks Kim.

Mel x

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one eyed jack
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by one eyed jack »

Hi Adam, I thought I'd give Destricted a try and was not sure what to expect. With the exception of twofo the scenes I just didnt get the rest. it was really too arty farty for my liking bordering on pretentious except for the scene directed by the Gustav chap who directed irreversible (I thought that was a great movie unpleasantness and extreme violence aside) and the intervierw scene with the young guy who got into porn because he wanted to "fuck girls in the ass" (sic)...The rest was just not memorable.
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by videokim »

After reading all this it seems pot luck to push the bounderies with cert.18,
Either you need to find a well known director to front it or somehow get a BBFC offical in a film (only joking).

Kim xxx
Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by MelsMovies »

Hi Terry,

Adam says hi and he'll catch up on all the posts on UKAP once he's finished with a server move he's engrossed in at the mo.

Destricted got me as well, the scene with the eastern european customs was just weird and the scene with the teen girl and the teddy bear I found really unsettling, that baby crying in the background really got to me. Overall, it just goes to show that you can get away with hardcore on an 18 if the scene isn't sexually exciting.

I know what you mean about Braise Moi and Irrevisable, both a cracking films in their own right, and we like them both, just not for the sexual content.

Another one you might like is Shortbus. We met the director at the 21st annual erotic awards in London last year as we were both up for awards. He's a nice guy and his next project sounds brilliant. Shortbus is a romantic comedy and quite good as well. The opening scene has a guy jacking off into his own face and I'm pretty sure you see the cum shot from dick to face, ie it's not faked, but then later in the film, you see him getting a blowjob whilst been fucked up the arse, so why fake a cumshot.

It's well worth a look if you get a chance, HMV and Virgin stock it, so it shouldn't be hard to get hold of. Let me know what you think.

Luv Mel x

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