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Re: Shooting in hotels...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:53 am
by DWR2006
Regarding allowing your model to use the room and travel back the next day, there is a downside to this.

I did it once and as I left the hotel I noticed a couple of my models friends (who I also vaguely knew) turning up in their cars. For what, I believe, was some sort of party. Which, knowing her as I do, would mean 'orgy'.

I must say I was slightly worried about how that would eventually impact on my credit card, because any extras/damages would inevitably have found their way there.

They were all as good as gold though and there were no come backs.

She was a good friend though. I don't think I'd do it with someone I didn't know.

Re: Shooting in hotels...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:14 am
by b217bravo
Has anybody suffered the embarassment of being disturbed by hotel management & been ordered to leave?
geoff (b217bravo)

Re: Shooting in hotels...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:07 am
by Cenobitez
Been disturbed by maids, security, receptionist and manager.

Usually they knock on the door so you get the female talent to answer the door, while you pull the gear out of site.

Only had the night porter actually come into the room, and he was like 'cool shit' and sayed about half hour chatting then said great man cya.

A night manager also came into the room to drop booze off, he saw the video camera on a tripod and just winked and said 'you 3 have a VERY good night now' and left.

Usually the complaint is for noise but never anything else.

Lacey Maguire, K and Sam Seduction are a fucking ballache for getting us told off for noise, the novotel I think we was in, n Birmingham almost got us thrown out.

Re: Shooting in hotels...

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:59 am
by Officer Dibble
From what I can see Bob Coulter is not a snapper, he's an artist. Very impressive. I love the colour, depth, and glorious rich texture of his pics - I don't know about erotic (his women didn't do it for me) but it's certainly art. I feel I'd like to go to a gallery and take time viewing them. His work is similar to that of Sean McManus, whom I also admire.

This 'room' themed book might be of interest as well.

Officer Dibble