What a weekend... please read and heed.

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one eyed jack
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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by one eyed jack »

Wow how times have changed. One only has to look at my public places stuff to see I'm a bit of an old hand at this but wow Paul you'veotudone me...except for getting a shot out of it of course. I've had police intervention on some of my shoots but I've always styled myself out of it with a couple of smiling officers.

The only fine I got was for not wearing a seat belt and a knowing smile from the officers. I've never been in the business of getting my performers busted and if I di I would certainly be guilty enough to pay the fines for them.

As for the farm....Surely there must have been some arrangement for this?

Still, now you know. A hard lesson learned.

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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by Stockie »

I don't quite understand all this, there's obviously facts been left out by the IP. To begin with it says there was no permission to be there and the front door was locked, this doesn't add up as that suggests the shoot was indoors and not outdoors, and had there been no permission to be there then there would've been more serious charges than just public order, it would've been breaking and entering or whatever.

It doesn't sound as though the producer has done a lot wrong, been more unlucky than anything else and respect to him for posting an apology to those involved. There are all so many if's and but's, you could look at the performers and say had they been there at 2 oclock instead of late at 5:30 things might've gone smoothly, not pointing blame at the prformers but just showing that if you start talking blame then anyone and everyone there could be given blame, but the fact is it sounds like just bad luck.
isabel ice
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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by isabel ice »

probably didn't help that the public location being used without permission turned out to be a Church, and the performers were dressed in pvc nuns outfits... the door to the Church was closed, not the back one... It's entertaining now that the people involved are sorting things out between themselves, but probably less funny at the time.
Paul Smith
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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by Paul Smith »

To reiterate my last post, this shoot had nothing to do with ETO. They're playing no part in my production and are not funding it - I have spent my savings on it. I write as a freelance journalist and while I'm a regular contributor I have no other connection with the magazine.

http://www.erotictradeonly.com - Erotic Trade Only is the monthly business publication covering adult entertainment in the UK, and beyond. Since its launch in '03 it's become the mag of choice for adult retailers, e-tailers, manufacturers and directors.
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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by Hawkes7 »

I'm confused - is this two seperate incidents. I read one mention of a farm house and another of a church.
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Re: What a weekend... please read and heed.

Post by RED »

Well, this is not an easy post to make, but a week on I guess it's about time I put my side of things. I must admit in 10 years working in this biz I've NEVER had a day like this ( so not 'welcome to pornoland' at all)...

Thanks Winkle, for your amazingly impartial account of events that unfolded that day. My experiences, I'm afraid are less so...

I am rather disappointed that neither Winkle , as fellow perormer - or Paul Smith as 'producer', neglected to point out that one of the models WAS on time - early in fact ( as ever!) - arriving before the re-arranged 2pm meet up time.

I was less than impressed that I was kept waiting for the best part of 4 hours for the other 2 performers to arrive, with the producer continually making excuses for them as the female performer had been up 'til 5am - NOT my problem!

Being professional as I feel I am I stayed, hoping we could make the best of a bad situation, but when we eventually met up with the said co-performers I didn't get so much as an apology. The female performer wasn't remotely prepared for the scene or made up at all!

We left from our meeting place to head off ( as I thought) to the location - but, oh no, we ended up in the local Tesco as my female co-performer was hungry & wanted to go to the loo! Sitting in my car waiting (again), I was seriously tempted to leave as I really felt everyone was taking the piss after making me wait 4 hours!!

We eventually arrived at the 'location' well after 6pm where events unfolded much as the initial poster described.
I, ( surprise, surprise!) was ready before the other female performer who I was meant to be doing a g/g scene with. I started my solo scene when the shit hit the fan!!

Events took on a much more serious note once we were 'discovered'. We ( the performers) had been under the impression that permission had been sought to use the church for filming. We all thought that we had to be locked in to avoid the odd local/lover of ancient churches walking in on something untoward... obviously not!

A much as I have EVERY sympathy with the farmer's anger, ( if Paul Smith hadn't sought permission) - what I hadn't bargained for was his account to the police that some kind of Roman orgy had taken place! I was the only performer wearing anything to arouse suspicion, but by the time the farmer burst in I was getting changed, discreetly as possible in a small cubicle & was completely covered...

The thing that has infuriated me the most is my partner being dragged into this farce. He had planned ( assuming all this was going to plan, time-wise) to go off & come back to meet me. In the light of the HUGE delay in my co-performers' arrival he stayed so I would be able to get away as soon as I'd finished my scene.

Due to this delay & the farmer's ludicrous and slanderous version of events regarding him, he ended up ( along with myself) getting a public order offence from the Police.
Naturally angered by this, he said to my female co-performer that maybe things wouldn't have turned out that way if they had bothered to turn up on time. She - out of the blue - flew at him having to be restrained, which just about finished off a shit day...

Not quite ... there's more which can wait for another day.

Thanks for all the sensible comments so far on this!

Love & kisses,


I can resist everything except temptation!
