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Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:43 am
by PR Models Ltd
Just one last point: I never said that the industry standards do not exist I merely stated that day rates do also exist. and that they will be part of the proposals and questions a model will be asked.

When I state that the standards are not so much "Standards" just understand that a standard by definition is a pre-agreed amount which by its own definition should not change, is established and well known, this is not the case here.

Of course prices proposed by the prods are more or less similar with a few exceptions, however some proposals will vary wildly in terms of the compensation they do propose.

I do not wish, any more than you do, to entertain the idea of a "day rate". unfortunately there is such a thing as reality and queries to the models Will include that question, sooner or later, so whilst I do agree to your point of view, my job also includes reality, and reality is what the models are facing day in and day out. so they'd better be prepared to it.
if you re-read my first answer to the original post, you will find that I merely stated the facts and not given an opinion as to whether this is how it should be happening.

Paying the industry standard on a per act basis should be the aim, I do understand, however let's imagine the following scenario shall we?

The shoot is taking place in Notts, model has agreed to work two b/g scenes at industry standard prices (even a little bit below that price but only because she is supposed to shoot 2 scenes that day) sounds cool enough

so she has to go all the way up to Notts from London, shoot and get her train back

in other words the day is totally dead.

right, now

She is paid on a sex act basis, things do run a tad late and prod is not that motivated to shoot her second scene, there are other stuff to shoot with other models , well all in all she goes back home with only ?250 where it should have been ?500 net, damn.

When a day rate of ?500 has been agreed and that the shoot still includes 2 scenes, don't you think that the prod will be more than motivated to shoot the second scene??? that they will find the necessary time in order to get what they pay for? with a per sex act pay rate, you will end up with models going to work and not being sure of what they will go back home with ... mm mm

Of course am the devil's advocate here and as u pointed out in a previous post the situation where a model would get her day rate when not all scenes have been shot is highly unlikely and further more I do wholeheartedly agree with the fact that agreeing to this day rate is opening the door to all abuses.

all in all a very interesting discussion, thanks, I see that finally when tempers do cool down a bit and we can discuss calmly we are on the same side and that both you and I are preaching to the choir ...

the only thing I do regret is the misunderstanding that took place right at the start, guess you did miread my first posting, this, as you admtted yourself later, was NOT advice merely a statement of facts ...

Have a good day



Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:45 am
by lukeolson
BitterNTwisted wrote:

> Girls usually get paid by the scene, and the amount per scene,
> varies due to the exact nature of the content being shot. ie,
> BG Anal will pay more than solo masterbation... As for the time
> spent 'doing' the scene... Its as long as it takes to finish
> it... Simple as that. You DONT work 'hourly..."
> " major prods will give you rates for a day's work or half a
> day's work, once again it all depends, depends on how many
> scenes you will be involved in on that day, depends on what
> they ask of you (DT, DP, WS, Anal ...) "

hmm, I should have read the thread fully before replying. You said it all right there!



Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:48 am
by lukeolson
Raven wrote:

> So what your saying is...dont charge a day rate just charge for
> the sex act.....
> That means if things dont go according to plan the girl does
> her scene at the end of the day and walks away with lets say
> ?250 for a whole day....but if she charged by the day she
> could have walked away with lets say ?500 just for the one
> scene...
> You see its called swings and roundabouts....

I think it's called the nature of the business. You can't think that by charging per hour, the more hours you do = more money. Otherwise girls would be out to drag out a scene as long as possible, I'm quite sure.

Some scenes will last longer than expected, some shorter. I would imagine it all quals itself out in the end.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:18 am
by BGAFD Admin
BitterNTwisted wrote:

> This time, instead of caps, ill separate us both with a lill
> dash line
> Like the one below
> ------

Or you could try using the 'Quote' button... !wink!


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:33 am
by PR Models Ltd
Indeed you are making an excellent point here, and this is what I told the model to expect in my very first posting in this thread, wether I like it or approve it the day rate does indeed exists. full stop

and in some cases, like the one you describe, this is indeed the best way to go

the per hur rate was stated just because it also exists and is used in some cases, that is amateur shoot ... there are still quite a few out there ...




Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:46 am
by jamesr
As the thread continues to ping-pong, how about a suggestion to the original poster of this?

As a model, surely you should just try & get as much for your work as possible? Agree a figure before setting out, do your best possible work & everyone will be happy. Producers only pay what they're willing to pay/can afford & models shouyld only work for what they're willing to receive.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:27 am
Excuse me but you guys have a shitload of time on your hands!! just took me the best part of 40 mins to read these posts!!!

Could of shot a ton of stills in that time lol

Day rate or hourly rate?????

Book a model for the scenes you want,agree a rate then stick to it.

Most models accomadate and are flexible enough to know things happen and shoots may last longer than thought originally.



Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:42 pm
by Cenobitez
Now thats the biggest slap in the kisser in this thread :P

Sorry BnT but such a calm comment in the middle of this, just made me giggle hehehe