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Re: Parents in porn

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:37 pm
by Marino
Why is porn an 'embarassing' job?

How about this Peony? You come and do a scene with me in one of my films, and I will give you all the imformation you need from the adult industry, after all, You scratch our back, and we'll more than scratch yours.

Re: Parents in porn

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:17 pm
by Gentleman
Wouldnt it be intresting if we put together a "complaint" or maybe put another way a letter to the editor of bliss to explain their viewpoint on this artcle and their reprensenitives (journo) actions?

Re: Parents in porn

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:55 pm
by Raven
Do you find sex "embarassing"?????
I would rather say I shagged in front of the camera than admit to being a reporter.....

Re: Parents in porn

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:01 am
by chatterji
You work on 'Bliss' and describe yourself as a journalist? Bit of an oxymoron, surely? The Bliss' strapline says it all: 'The place for gossip, style, lads and much more'. You promote brain-dead, celebrity-culture to kids. You must be so proud of your journalistic endeavours. Woodward and Bernstein ain't got nothing on you. 'Bliss' is a vehicle to sell ad space, as are most mags. Please don't style it as anything else. You're amongst adults here. We're cynical.

Do you believe for one second that any child would willingly have the fact that their parents work in porn exposed? If they did they'd be crucified by their peers. All features have consequences. Yours happen to affect an extremely vulnerable readership. Once you've got them in for your little filler piece, they'll have to cope with the fall-out. Will you help them through that experience, given your immense conern for the welfare of your readers? Or is your concern more focused on staying the right side of the PCC?

You have the gall to talk of stones and glasshouses. Nobody on this forum dresses up what they do. We're either consumers or makers of porn, which has a whole spectrum of dodgy issues attached to it. But at least nobody here pretends that what they do has any value.

The funny thing is 'Bliss' objectifies women in much the same way as porn: look good and please men is the shared message. If 'journalism' doesn't pan out for you, perhaps you'd find a comfy fit in the porn-industry? It's a hell of a lot more honest about what it does than you are.

Re: Parents in porn

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:26 pm
by H_Lee
What always amazes me about these so-called journalists is that they genuinely believe their own twisted logic. What they simply refuse to understand is that there is no such thing as "just a bit of fun", when that always means laughing at real people's personal circumstances.

It is the cheap journalism of the school bully. Find someone unusual, unfortunate or simply unlucky, then write a twisted article, designed to get as many laughs as possible at their expense.

I once knew somebody who was a victim of this kind of "story". The paper concerned changed this person's name in the article and partially obscured their photo, but did not change any other descriptions, including occupation and home-town, so that they were easily identified by all their friends and acquaintances. Within a week of publication, the person concerned had committed suicide.

These "just a bit of fun" journalists need to understand that their actions carry consequences well beyond their little story. They are playing games with people's lives.