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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:49 am
by Fraser
My favourite so far is a model who rang me two days before a shoot which had been arranged for a month. She is well known and supposed to be a full time professional model.

"I've been offered a job in Paris that is more money, can we change the date of the shoot?"

No, sorry this has been arranged for a month, I've got the studio and a make up artist arranged. In any case I told you by email that I need at least a week's notice to change things. I'll have to pay the studio now if we cancel so I'll be out of pocket".

"But, I'll loose the money I would make in Paris."

"I'm sorry I can't help that, we can't change the day of the shoot."

Then she, cunningly I think, goes through the directions I had given her to get to the studio.

Two days later, surprise surprise. I get a phone call from her boyfriend to say she is poorly and can't come.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:08 am
by Marino
Wendy you should not bite. There is no one more reliable than you in the industry. There are a group of ladies that would turn up no matter what.
And you my lady are one of the best.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:34 am
by SimonD
Hahaha - now that made me laugh!

How damn true!!!

(I should have that list on my model recruiting site!)

But at least they respond, it's the poor loves that get that crippling illness that disables their hands and mouth rendering them unable to communicate that they cannot show up for a shoot.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:00 am
by jamesr
Good post Officer Dibble. What now seems like a lifetime ago - before the days of camcorders & the web - the Adult industry was mostly one featuring glamourous & beautiful women. On the whole, they were professional, as were the studios & producers that employed them. Now, as a sad indictment of our society, the arena is filled with 'girls next door' who see this business as a cop-out from real work & so long as they are prepared to get their kit off & be rude that they will earn a fortune. They quickly realise this is not the case & disappear under their stones & ignore emails. The girls that continue to get work are those that are dependable & do a quality job.

I know from many conversations with current & former leading models that they are cheesed off with the state of the industry. There seems little call for glamour anymore or professionalism. 'Down & dirty' appears to be where it's at & professionalism from all quarters is rarely apparent. Big up however to the Donna Maries & Angel Longs of the world - gorgeous looking women, good at what they do & determined to answer most correspondants even though they are always mega-busy.

BRITT Girls OK...........

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:20 am
by BillBXD
I'm going to be brave here dude probably provoking wroth and say it's only buisness and nothing personal. Canceled shoots can be a pain but only Moses worked well with stone and I don't think he did porno so lets be a little more understanding.

We shoot films with the Euro girls for our BXD label and I must say we like the British Birds Best. I'm not saying that there aint any porn divas out there but on the whole Britt Birds in our books are OK.

So a BIGEEEUP to all you Britt Models without who many her would be FCUKED................

Bill (BXD)

Gentlemen that hand has food in it!

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:30 am
by davewells
Nice one Wendy. You should name and shame arseholes like that.

Re: BRITT Girls OK...........

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:37 am
by Emma
i like to say my 2pence worth being a british girl in the industry i have never cancelled a shoot for any reason, i turn up on time i leave my phone on except when working of course. A phone ringing in the background of a set is not professional but i have voicemail set up and have even gone to contract so my voice mail free and im not going to run our of credit like i used to when talking about jobs which is also unprofessional. ok i don't get tonns of jobs that i can pick or choose from so i do each one and im not the only girl out there that is reliable its proberly only a few girls out of the hundreds that work in porn and in any case i love my job

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:05 am
by LaraLee
Hiya Wendy

Thats brilliant and so true.

I really do understand what the photographers and producers are talking about and it can be really frustrating when somene lets you down, I have even been let down by a few girls that I gave tried to set up shoots with me for. Understand though it can work both ways I have a lot of photograhers(and producers) amateur and pro let me down and theres nothing worse than coming from South Wales and paying for an advance ticket(which still turns out to be expensive) and you get an email or phone call from them the night before saying that he can't do it because of whatever reason, which sometimes in a way I am still slightly greatful for as its still better than travelling all the way to the other side of the country by train and finding no one waiting for you at the train station and when you try calling them their phones are switched off and i'm sure this as happened to other models and photographers.

I like to hope or think that I am considered professional I always give 100% even though there are days where I end up on the train for 8hrs a day and working for 6-8 hours(which often runs over) and I always try my best and I feel I have the references to back it up, so I feel although there may be more than a few models who let people down but its unfair to tar all UK models with the same brush and as I said above its not just the models in the undustry who let people down. I would have lost count of the amount of topics I could have started over this.

Brebear I understand your anger over this sweetie but don't think we're all like this :o)

Lara xxx