Channel 4 Documentary

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by BillBXD »

Once again you are showing just how well your noggin works and I must say well done and you go girl.

What the British Adult Industry needs is more people like you that think of what an impact their participation in such programmes will have.

Once again babe, bloody good sport

Bill (BXD)

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Re: Don't Beleive A Word...

Post by BillBXD »

Keep bangin that drum fellas, that good old 120 bpm groove is the human heart and if the monkeys can be weaned off peanuts British Porn may well be a MONSTER hitt!

brerbare, wow rasta what a propa postin

Bill (BXD)

James not Bond
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by James not Bond »

What was shown on that programme and the reality are completely different, I know, it involved me.
Maybe your perception is of 'DODGY old PERVO porn'. Sorry to dissapoint you, I aint dodgy and I aint old or pervy.
Like I said in earlier postings, I did not want to be involved in this documentary. I was unhappy to say the least about my portrayal in that programme, but many thousand reasons have since made me feel slightly better.
Also, if you want to see Frankie in action in Derby, buy the brilliant DVD
'30 Somethings and Naughty 40's' from all good porn outlets.
Distributed by STM Distribution.

one eyed jack
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by one eyed jack »

Have you noticed that women who participate in these programmes usually end up quitting the industry not so soon after...lets think about that for a second shall we.

its one thing to be known by those in the know who don't tell and another to be known by those who want someone topoint a finger at and label because they were seen on the telly for whatever reason.

Its no surprise that people here give people like CH4 a rough ride.
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by BillBXD »

James not Bond you are totally missing my point and had you not said that she was going to meet you, no one would have been the wiser.
Even funnier is that Frankie was supposed to have posted to the early thread and either her or the prod posted saying that the Derby trip was scripted and she was not really meeting anyone! I'm sure one the the BGAFD boffins will find and post a direct link.

If you read back over my postings you'll note that I kicked this one off by going over old ground and pointing out that these progs like to slate porn. I'm not saying that you are dodgy or old or pervy and indeed I've never met you so how would I know? But what I am saying is that the programme was made with a slate porn angle and the bit where she travelled to Derby was a POR. The fact that she was filming with who ever had nothing to do with anything as the prod just wanted to show what silly people work in pornoland and how girls will work for strangers whilst getting peanuts. You may have been paying her ?10,000 but the fact is the prod wanted a nice nieve angle with big bad porn barrons slurping from troffs of money and the prod always gets what he wants.

But then again you have plugged the film a fair bit so perhaps you understood my angle (as did many others) all along but saw the potential for free promotion and a few shekals in the bank and did the clever buisness thing and indeed why not.

Bill (BXD)

James not Bond
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by James not Bond »

I can see where you are coming from.
I was a bit pissed off when the 'professional' documentary makers turned up in Derby. Maybe I should have let them follow us to the shoot, then they would not have been able to portray me as '3 guys doing a private shoot'. The production company involved set out to create a lie because I would not co-operate with them.
Frankie is a highly inteleigent girl who knew what she was doing, but obviously this would not have sold Betty TV the programme. These guys can edit to show what they want.
Anyway, like I said, they paid the price many thousands of times for taking the piss out of Tamber Videos and using material they didn't have the rights too at the time.
So, for anybody who wishes to participate in these programmes, beware.

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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by camdenman »

If I May put my pennies worth in. As a punter who dips into the field of porn every so often.

It was said before in the thread.

Appearing on tv will help promote what ever you are selling !!!! be it product or in this case yourself or companies !!! It does create interest I wouldn't know if it increases sales by 100 % or 1 %. But like all sales It gets more people to see the product !!!

you advise in local paper 2000 people see it

you use the net 100000 people see it

you use tv and millions see it !!!

But you have to be smart to realise that you are appearing and unless you have full control over it (which ain't going to happen) You will come accross as what ever the productions wants to say.

Mr bond I understand what you are saying and thanks for being honest but we are talking about frankie because she appeared on tv and I'm sure you must have got more sales because of that !!!

But tv companies are out there to make money for them selfs but hey so are the people in this business.

kind regards
Joe A
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Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Post by Joe A »


You made a couple of good points from the other side, as you're "a punter who dips into the field of porn."

Any publicity is good but some don't realise that. Apart from Bill here, who's gone on and on about Sahara and the use of "Muslim," not one other person since Virgin was aired in April has said anything bad about how she was portrayed. In fact there have been far more compliments. As I've said I've had a few myself... LOL. It could have been that both she and I spent quality time off camera with the Director/producer ,and they saw more than just people in front of it, so our part was shown in a better light.

There were quite a few Muslims who were angry about the use of "Muslim," but that was from the press coverage and not the documentary. Anyone else would just be making wild statements ! Quite a few of the Muslim forums had posts about her, and 99.999% were related to the Sun and Closer, not the documentary. If anyone should know this, I think I am the one, apart from Sahara... LOL.

Virgin was watched by 1.8 million viewers, and only Big Brother has beaten that as far as I know this year on Ch 4. Till B.B it was Ch 4's highest rated programme. That's where your point above is correct comparing this to web sites etc.
