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Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Mon May 07, 2001 2:50 pm
by alec
Agreed. My post was partly taking the chance to point out the paragraph in the FAQ and I was trying to be too concise and thus simplifying things a bit (a lot). Thanks for taking the trouble to post your three replies.
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:08 pm
by Grebo
I'm behind you one hundred percent on this. Let's have more objective criticism. And may I draw your attention the the fact that you forget to mention that "Jordan" is an appallingly irritating and pretentious name to boot.
Re: charming
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:25 pm
by Grebo
Steady on with the grovelling Matt. If you have a reasoned and objective opinion then it's as valid as everyone else's. It deserves a hearing and there's no need to apologise for it!
Re: charming
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:34 pm
by Grebo
Oh for Christ's sake Matt. She comes across as about as charming as any interlectualy challenged spoilt brat with a tabliod inflated ego would. Stand your ground man!
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:41 pm
by Grebo
Dear Alec,
I tottally agree that personal abuse of ANYONE on the Fourm is very, very, bad form indeed. However, I tust objective critisim is still allowed? The web is possibly the last bastion of free speech after all.
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:46 pm
by Grebo
I disagree. It's been the most interesting and stimulating thread for the past day or two. Beats midless chit chat and fawning any day.
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:48 pm
by alec
Objective criticism can be made without personal abuse. That's a general point by the way, not specific to any post in this thread. This discussion is now a couple of days old and there is no need to stir things up again. Any further provocative additions to it will result in the deletion of the whole thread. And if you don't think your additions were provocative, I do.
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 7:50 pm
by Grebo
Of course they were provocative. Isn't that the way to stimulate debate? Isn't debate the purpose of a forum? If everyone on the Forum always agreed and said nice things about anything and everything it would be pretty unrealistic and pretty dreary. Wouldn't you agree?
Re: jordan home movie
Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 8:01 pm
by alec
I think you need to use the dictionary and look up the words debate and objective. 'Debate' does not equal fight. The opinions expressed in previous posts in this thread were subjective, though that does not mean the persons concerened were not entitled to state them - in politer language. This forum is public in the same way that a public house is public. If you start a fight in a pub you'll get slung out. Plus the forum is not the only purpose of this website. It is not in the interests of the website to offend the models listed and that is why it is necessary, at times, to restrain the terms in which debate is conducted. If you don't like that then start a forum on your own website.