rebekah - welcome to bgafd :-)

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Road Trips

Post by woodgnome »

it was definitely shot hardcore as well. all the camera work on the tvx version is mario's but you do see another guy shooting angles for the r18 version.

apparently, mario has said that the h/c release is in the lap of the gods, although what this means i've no idea!

Re: Road Trips

Post by rebekah »

The hardcore versions include fisting (multiple),pissing and everything else you need for a fun fuck fest the h/c versions will be available soon as will the r18's what is the opinion of road trips so far?

Re: Road Trips

Post by Matt »

So far I love 'em. I only wish I could remember names of the people in 'em more so I could tell you who I liked. It certainly seemed like anything and everything was happening, which was a refreshing change from some of the stuff you see on TVX where things are more tame.

Any news on the 'London trip'? Who can we expect to see in that one, and how does it compare to the other two?

Re: rebekah - welcome to bgafd :-)

Post by woodgnome »

d/p, of course! how could i have missed that!

the first triathlete in the history of the ben dover olympics! congratulations!! ;-)

you and tracy were so sweet together in the ben dover vids. was the storyline about you living with tracy some of bens moonshine or a touch of real life romance?

i'm sending an 'outraged of tunbridge wells' letter to one eyed jack, asking them what the feck they're playing at!! surely it's time for a government inquiry? well, they have one for everything else!

and sorry to bug you again, but do know the title of the jason reece vid?

Re: Road Trips

Post by woodgnome »

i know of at least one frequenter of this forum that will probably die and go to heaven upon hearing this news (not including me, that is). do you mean that there will also be a version for continental release, which will include the pissing and fisting - stuff that would get cut out of the r18 version?

if you look back a couple of pages or search under bbfc and check message number 11, i've posted a letter i sent to the bbfc about their censoring of a vid containing similar scenes and also their reply explaining why they did so.

re: the road trips - it's good to see something which appears spontaneous and a bit chaotic. a lot of porn stuff is so wooden or controlled that you might as well be watching 'richard and judy' (mind you, the jugs on that judy!!)

Re: Road Trips

Post by rebekah »

the london trip has just been shot, it has loads of girls in it, including myself, mellisa, sonia (see girls) jo marshall, marianne and a few others there were loads of problems things going wrong but i think it will come togather well;

Re: Road Trips

Post by rebekah »

the idea behind the road trips are that mario has said ok lets grab a load of up for it porno girls (and guys) throw them all togather and see what happens no scripts no requirements the girls can wear what they want say what they want and do what they want.

Re: rebekah - welcome to bgafd :-)

Post by rebekah »

sorry dont know name of the vid.
as tracy was my first g/g on film (see one eyed jack!) and we got on we really well and on ocassions we practiced our on screen antics in our own time BUT we never lived togather.
Lynda Green

Re: rebekah - welcome to bgafd :-)

Post by Lynda Green »

Is This Rebekah Jordan ?? of Cock Crazy ??
If so. I am a great fan.

Re: rebekah - welcome to bgafd :-)

Post by rebekah »

Hi Lynda, yes the very same one glad you like it i enjoyed doing it