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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:18 am
by spider
"least hidden away at the rear of a bottom draw".

Perhaps they could hid it away in a Shepherd's hut! LOL

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:39 am
by spider
There was a piece on this on last night's Radio 4 PM Programme if anyone is interested.

It's for about 5 mins from 52 mins to 57 mins.

I'm none the wiser!


Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:12 pm
by spider
And some more.............

I particularly liked this bit............

"The government itself has noted in an impact assessment that pushing people towards Tor, which is often used to surf the dark web, may also have the unintended consequence of exposing people ?to illegal activities and more extreme material?

What a bunch of !clown!!clown!!clown!!clown! we have in government.

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:52 pm
by Mulletman
I hope it's all forgotten about, the government should be focusing on other important stuff, i really hate the UK politicians they are the real wankers, bunch of overpaid morons .

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:19 pm
by spider
Looks like I have till July to get myself a VPN then.


Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:53 pm
by Mulletman
How does the card work that you buy at newsagents, do you have to buy multiple cards for multiple sites or is the number valid for lots of sites ?
Also what's a decent free VPN as i don't want to pay monthly for a VPN ?spider wrote:

> Looks like I have till July to get myself a VPN then.
> !sad!

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:46 am
by spider
It's all very vague isn't it.

I know Industry Experts post on this site. I'm hoping they will have some knowledge that they might want to share that could answer these questions.

What we really need is the industry to put together a FAQ page to provide the background to the legislation.

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:58 am
by Bodders
Surely if you subscribe to paid websites you are unaffected by this change?

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:09 pm
by Mulletman
I was thinking the same , i have some videos that i paid for on a VR site they store on my library, if i can't access the website and log in it's gonna piss me off , as i can't be bothered with the hassle of getting a VPN or buying a bloody stupid pass card from a newsagent, the ?4.99 for card is another tax, this country is getting fucking worse and it's all a pain in the arse, the government are a bunch of real wankers !

Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:15 pm
by spider
What an absolute bunch of s*itfaced, f*cking, C*nts we have in government.

I think a pile of dogshite would do a better job and would cost less.

I could have told them two years ago it wouldn't work and they were wasting their time.

My Granny (who has been dead for forty years and had never seen a PC) could have told it wouldn't work and they were wasting their time.