so who wins the election??

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Ah William......might have an issue....Golf and Gigs booked for next couple of the land of my mother's birth.....and one of my older relatives was Lord Provost of Aberdeen.......I love Scotland but I fear for your expectations.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Hello Bamboo,

I hope you are well and happy.

News of my death has been greatly exaggerated. Fortunately, I am nowhere near as touchy and quick to take umbrage with others as your good self when people on here had the temerity to insult Maggie Thatcher.

Of course, this limitation on not insulting certain people like Thatcher, has never been one that you have placed on yourself, wouldn't you agree?

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Re: Bamboo

Post by bamboo »

Quick Number 6, nail that coffin lid down. David's corpse is starting to ooze out all kinds of shite.

If you phone Ed 'tough enuss' Miliband, he can do you a deal on an 8 foot stone slab. That'll stop Dave J having a Walking Dead moment.
There's lots of shite chiselled on it but it's the kind of vague cack that Dave used to like spouting.

Rest in peace Dave. It's a shame you'll never get to see Blackpool playing in League 1, 2, Conf....

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What next for Ed, Nige and Nick?

Post by max_tranmere »

I suspect the three party leaders who quit today will spend the coming months and years cashing in on all the contacts they made whilst in their leadership roles to make as many millions for themselves as they possibly can. Bring on the directorships, the after-dinner speaking roles, and the books that ghost-writers will write which they will take the credit and the royalties from. Politics is great isn't it? You do badly, you resign, then your income sky-rockets.
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And what about Boris?

Post by max_tranmere »

The blonde bafoon is now the MP for Uxbridge in west London AND the Mayor of London. How he'll do both I don't know. Some people were complaining tonight about his absence at an important constituency event because he was busy with his mayoral duties elsewhere. Now he is in the Commons, and he will probably become a minister a year from now when his tenure as London Mayor runs out. He and Cameron have been buddies since they were teens after all, so his pal Dave will likely give him a Cabinet post 12 months from now. Here are the two of them, and others, as youngsters:

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Re: And what about Boris?

Post by spunkie »

Still laughing at the Scots, they gambled on the English vote being split between Labour and the Tories so they could jump into bed with Labour and bully the country into their self centred policies.....the English have basically said 'up yours!' They may have 50 or so seats in the commons but means absolutley diddly squat in opposition....thatll be five more years of Tory rule then! Oh and youve had yer referendum so no escape there either! Lets all laugh at the Scots!
Dick Moby
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Re: And what about Boris?

Post by Dick Moby »

Have a good laugh Spunkie. With all the Liebour MPs who have lost their seats and the others who are resigning because they know they are fucked at least you'll have somebody to speak to when your'e signing on. What's it like to be on the losing side again ? Then again I suppose you're used to being a loser I mean you are English after all. What a poor start to life.
Essex Lad
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Post by Essex Lad »

To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.
Essex Lad
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Re: And what about Boris?

Post by Essex Lad »

max_tranmere wrote:

> The blonde bafoon is now the MP for Uxbridge in west London AND
> the Mayor of London. How he'll do both I don't know.

Same way he was MP for Henley and Mayor of London for a month presumably.

> people were complaining tonight about his absence at an
> important constituency event because he was busy with his
> mayoral duties elsewhere. Now he is in the Commons, and he will
> probably become a minister a year from now when his tenure as
> London Mayor runs out.

He and Cameron have been buddies since
> they were teens after all,

No they haven't. They just happened to go to the same school and different colleges of the same university. Boris is two years and four months older than Cameron which means he left school in 1982 and Cameron in 1985 so they would not have mixed at Eton. They both happened to be members of the Bullingdon Club but they are not friends. From most accounts, they don't even particularly like each other.

so his pal Dave will likely give him
> a Cabinet post 12 months from now.

I doubt that. Johnson did not exactly cover himself in glory with this two shadow cabinet briefs. He would also have to give up his extra-curricular activities and his private life has not exactly been clean.

In addition, Cameron has said that if he does not get satisfaction from the EU negotiations he will campaign for Britain to leave the EU. Johnson is a committed europhile and would be at odds with his boss.
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Essex Lad

Post by max_tranmere »

Not sure I wholly agree, it seems very likely they were friends in the Bullington Club, it didn't have that many members and everyone who was in it were surely mates with everyone else there. In a small social grouping the members are going to get along with each other. Just look at the photo of them all together, it conveys an "us guys together" type vibe.

On the issue of whether the two are mates now, Johnson has said in interviews that he and Cameron often play tennis together at weekends - unlikely to do that if they weren't friends.