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Sam Slater

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:32 pm
by David Johnson
My reply to Sam

Thank you for your implied apologies. As I expected you were totally unable to answer the questions I raise and defend the points that you made about my post. I specifically ask you to back up your views with anything resembling a fact e.g. "(devout Catholics and Muslims) are the ones doing a larger proportion of the child raping than they should considering their numbers."
and you are totally unable to do that.

I can just imagine the interviews with the Pakistani grooming gang in Rotherham. Policeman "On a scale of 1 to 10 how devout are you". Pakistani reply "Dead devout me. Well apart from the occasional rape, involvement in child prostitution, guns, extreme violence, general criminality and drug dealing".

Truly pathetic!

You have revealed yourself as rambling, incoherent, insulting and unable to defend your inaccurate misrepresentations in any way other than by coming out with further misrepresentations.

I will leave you to rant on and make a complete idiot of yourself on this issue.



Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:26 pm
by Sam Slater
David's view of the world actually clouds his perception of reality.

He could have two religious nutjobs sawing his head off with a meat cleaver while reciting passages from their holy book and he'll be screaming, "It's not your fault! You're just misinterpreting the words you silly Billies! What are you like?", right to the end.

Sam Slater

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:51 pm
by David Johnson
You do have a love for self humiliation don't you?

Can't answer my points or defend your own misrepresentations and lies though can you? Much easier to come out with the nonsense in this post.

!wink! !wink!

This was the challenge that you ran away from....

PS. How sweet it is that you cannot even use the word "you" when posting in response to me and have to use the third person "He".

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:38 pm
by Sam Slater
David still thinks that in if he defends Islam (a religion) he's somehow protecting Muslims from unfair criticism. He can't separate the two and in doing so is doing Muslims a disservice as fellow human beings.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:19 am
by Russ

Believe what you?re reading, Sam, there are always people out there who are willing to commit the worst crimes without any thought. It?s been going on since the beginning of humanity. It?s going on now. That?s why we need punishments like death for such perpetrators.

It?s easy to find scapegoats. The Nazis were quite good at it. The councillors of Rotherham with Pakistani origins are 3 out of 63, Hardly an influential bunch. Pakistanis are a great group to target and blame.

Do you know that of the perpetrators in Rotherham, there were many non-Pakistanis. A large number of them were actually white and European or British.

Sam, just for your information, all paedophiles aren?t Catholic clergymen either.

It may surprise you, but pedophiles don?t hail from Pakistan alone. For a start, I don?t believe that Ian Huntley was from Karachi, Lahore, or even Islamabad.

Shocked by this revelation? Don?t be. A study showed (Goodness knows how they got the statistics) that one in twenty men in the UK has paedophilic tendencies. That means in a UK population of say 30+ million men, 1.5 million members of the population are paedophiles. Scary.

I don?t think there?re that many Pakistanis in the country (despite what you believe, Sam dear boy).

Every population/community will contain paedophiles, just as it will contain thieves, rapists, racists, etc. The victims will be correctly served if we actually focus on the real causes in a society that is chipping at the edges (apathy, boredom, lack of opportunities, underfunding in critical services like education, a society pushing us into early adulthood, loss of guiding principles and beliefs, loss of respect and dignity, uncontrolled drugs and drinking, escape into drugs and alcohol, parents who don?t care that their kids are out all night? I could go on and on).

If we don?t address the fundamental reasons that create the opportunities for abuse, we?ll never be able to combat the problem.

The police, social workers, local politicians, and many of the parents must have breathed a collective sigh of relief when the press were screaming bloody blue murder and blaming a single community for the actions of criminals.

How could the parents not have known their kids were being taken by taxi to various assignations and being given drugs and drink? Didn?t they notice? Couldn?t they smell anything? Don?t they have a sense of smell. Don?t they check their kid?s clothes?

Sam, my old fruit, if you actually check what the Quran says (rather than just what the papers say), you?ll learn that sexual abuse of any kind is punishable by death in Islam. Just because a Muslim commits a crime, doesn?t mean that the faith is at fault, it?s the individual who is responsible.

I?m going to shock you again Sam, so you?d better sit down.

Ready? goes...all criminals are not Muslim.


Don?t believe me? I?m telling the truth. Really I am. The Home Office statistics show this to be true. Incredible, isn?t it?

Do you need some laudanum vapours, Sam? Just sit back for a moment, there's a good chap. I know I must have upset your world view. By the way, you need to know that all criminals aren't Catholic either.

Each faith and community contains its own selection of criminals. That?s why we need the police. Makes sense, doesn?t it, old chap?

If you concentrate on the wrong things, you?ll not be helping the victims.

The only way to prevent crime of any sort is to correctly target the causes, and to make the punishment right. As I said before, Islam punishes sexual abuse (of any kind) by death. The UK would do well to kill all such criminals, not stick them in a nice cosy prison cell with TV and three square meals.

And you should know, like child abuse, Islamaphobia is a very real and malevolent beast. Unless you experience it firsthand, it?s easy to ignore and discount.

Just like what happened in Rotherham.

By the way, Sam, it?s refreshing to see your views on Islam and Muslims have remained the same.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:21 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Believe what you?re reading, Sam, there are always people out there who are willing to commit the worst crimes without any thought.[/quote]

Never said otherwise.

[quote]That?s why we need punishments like death for such perpetrators.[/quote]

That's barbarism. Prison is good enough.

[quote]It?s easy to find scapegoats.[/quote]

It is easy to avoid uncomfortable truths.

[quote]The Nazis were quite good at it.[/quote]

What's your point? That looking at the religion or culture of sex abuse gangs is akin to being a Nazi? That's just shutting down debate in my opinion. Something else the Nazis were good at.

[quote]The councillors of Rotherham with Pakistani origins are 3 out of 63, Hardly an influential bunch.[/quote]

I agree with you here.

[quote]Do you know that of the perpetrators in Rotherham, there were many non-Pakistanis. A large number of them were actually white and European or British.[/quote]

I've not heard that. Where've you heard/read that?

[quote]Sam, just for your information, all paedophiles aren?t Catholic clergymen either.[/quote]

Never said they were.

[quote]It may surprise you, but pedophiles don?t hail from Pakistan alone. For a start, I don?t believe that Ian Huntley was from Karachi, Lahore, or even Islamabad. [/quote]

Never said they were.

[quote]Shocked by this revelation? Don?t be. A study showed (Goodness knows how they got the statistics) that one in twenty men in the UK has paedophilic tendencies. That means in a UK population of say 30+ million men, 1.5 million members of the population are paedophiles. Scary.[/quote]

Tis damn scary, Russ. Though I'd like to see how on Earth such a 'study' like that could be organised. Sound's like bollocks to me, given a tendency is an inclination to a particular behavior, which we cannot be sure of until that behaviour is acted, or attempted. That would mean nearly everyone reading this knows a peadophile. I don't know any personally, do you? Maybe I'm lucky........or maybe this 'study' is made up.

[quote]I don?t think there?re that many Pakistanis in the country (despite what you believe, Sam dear boy).[/quote]

Now you've lost me. You've made something up in your head, based on things I've not said and then extrapolated a conclusion that you think puts me in my place. Have you been drinking?

[quote]Every population/community will contain paedophiles, just as it will contain thieves, rapists, racists, etc.[/quote]

I agree and never said different.

[quote]The victims will be correctly served if we actually focus on the real causes in a society that is chipping at the edges (apathy, boredom, lack of opportunities, underfunding in critical services like education, a society pushing us into early adulthood, loss of guiding principles and beliefs, loss of respect and dignity, uncontrolled drugs and drinking, escape into drugs and alcohol, parents who don?t care that their kids are out all night? I could go on and on).[/quote]

Lots of those things you mention I agree with completely. A lot of those things about society are guided by, in part, by religion and culture. To deny that is, like you said, not serving the victims. You're now helping me make my own points. Glad to finally have you on board, Russ.

[quote]If we don?t address the fundamental reasons that create the opportunities for abuse, we?ll never be able to combat the problem.[/quote]

Exactly. Which is why ignoring the religious or cultural angle because it's uncomfortable, is so dangerous imho. You're really starting to make good points after a shaky start.

[quote]The police, social workers, local politicians, and many of the parents must have breathed a collective sigh of relief when the press were screaming bloody blue murder and blaming a single community for the actions of criminals.[/quote]

I doubt it. They've been given a very rough ride (more so than the local community and rightly so). You've not been following the coverage of this have you? I thought you'd started to see sense.

[quote]How could the parents not have known their kids were being taken by taxi to various assignations and being given drugs and drink? Didn?t they notice? Couldn?t they smell anything? Don?t they have a sense of smell. Don?t they check their kid?s clothes? [/quote]'ve not been following it. Many of the girls were in care. Some parents did notice, went to the police and were not given the support they thought they needed.....which is why we are where we are. But I'm glad to see you're trying to turn this into the fault of the parents. Even bad parents don't deserve their kids being raped. Awful point.

[quote]Sam, my old fruit, if you actually check what the Quran says (rather than just what the papers say), you?ll learn that sexual abuse of any kind is punishable by death in Islam. Just because a Muslim commits a crime, doesn?t mean that the faith is at fault, it?s the individual who is responsible.[/quote]

If you'd been following this forum you'll know I have read the Quran and been brought up in a Muslim community for most of my life. There is no such thing as sexual abuse in the Quran because the Quran does not recognise a female's consent. It only deals with what is 'lawful' and 'unlawful' from a religious point of view and the only women out of bounds are pregnant and married women. You should go check up on that.

[quote]I?m going to shock you again Sam, so you?d better sit down.[/quote]

Ooh.......this'll be good...

[quote]Ready? [/quote]

Yes, I'm salivating in anticipation.

[quote] goes...all criminals are not Muslim.


Goddamnit, Russ. That was worth the wait! I've jizzed in my jeans and I've swallowed my tongue. You weren't messing around, were you? Amazeballs.

[quote]Don?t believe me? I?m telling the truth. Really I am. The Home Office statistics show this to be true. Incredible, isn?t it?[/quote]

Enough, Russ. You're going to give me a coronary.

[quote]Do you need some laudanum vapours, Sam?[/quote]

Yes! You've done this before, having you, you dog?

[quote]Just sit back for a moment, there's a good chap.[/quote]

I am. Thanks for the rest bite. Your are very merciful. You're like a modern-day Saladin, halting the battle so Richard the Lionheart could get back on another horse. Pure chivalry, Russ.

[quote]By the way, you need to know that all criminals aren't Catholic either.[/quote]

Arrgghh! Leave me alone now, for I am slain.

[quote]Each faith and community contains its own selection of criminals.[/quote]

Please.....leave me to ponder the last moments of my life. You've made your point. Show mercy in your hour of victory.

[quote]That?s why we need the police. Makes sense, doesn?t it, old chap?[/quote]

It does, it does, oh slayer. It is doubting you that has led me to this predicament......being teased as I bleed to the last.

[quote]If you concentrate on the wrong things, you?ll not be helping the victims.[/quote]

But that's exactly my point you fuckin......err.........I mean, oh, you're so right, my wise and conquering nemesis. I was too blind to see. Now fetch me my mother with water and towels so she can prepare my body for death.

[quote]The only way to prevent crime of any sort is to correctly target the causes, and to make the punishment right.[/quote]

I will take this with me into the life beyond. Fear not, for I shall not make the same mistake in the hereafter.

[quote]As I said before, Islam punishes sexual abuse (of any kind) by death.[/quote]

Like I said, that's bollocks, the Quran doesn't mention or recognise sexual abuse, numbnuts..........I'm still dying, btw......just getting a second wind. It happens a lot before death takes you.

[quote]The UK would do well to kill all such criminals, not stick them in a nice cosy prison cell with TV and three square meals.[/quote]

Spoken like a true religious nutjob. Kill kill kill is the answer to everything........

[quote]And you should know, like child abuse, Islamaphobia is a very real and malevolent beast.[/quote]

See my sig.........ahhhhhh the light......I see the light!....oh......and it's 'Islamophobia' not 'Islamaphobia'......I cannot feel my legs......I'm coming, Nan!

[quote]By the way, Sam, it?s refreshing to see your views on Islam and Muslims have remained the same.[/quote]

I was always stubborn, Russ. And as Rutger Hauer himself said: " die." *releases dove*