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Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:06 pm
by Bob Singleton
Sam, it's clear that you believe all of Man Utd's current woes are down to one man and one man only; David Moyes.

I on the other hand believe that their woes started before Moyes was made manager and continued after he was sacked. While he may not have been the world's greatest manager, it suggests that the he is not wholly to blame. If you read a few sports pages, you'd see I'm not the only person that thinks the problem is more than just Moyes.

Let's agree to disagree.

You and your boyfriend David Johnson can carry on boring everyone else shitless by going through each other's, as well as other people's posts, line by line and dissecting what is said and twisting the words to suit your own purposes. I for one will post my opinions on various subjects but shan't bother responding to either of you... life's too short to have to deal with narrow-minded, self-opinionated, bullying cunts like you two.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:30 pm
by Sam Slater
The debt is an estimated ?800m. According to the BBC they've paid of ?483m since taking over (as of last year). Of course they can pay off the debt.

They've just signed a sponsorship deal worth more than twice the amount they owe.

You're right in that they won't put their own money into the club, but Man Utd brought in ?363m in 2013 and still had ?146m in profit after servicing the debt and player wages. Basically, once the debt is paid off Man Utd generate more than enough of their own money to not even need the Glazers to put their hands in their pocket.


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:33 pm
by David Johnson
"You and your boyfriend David Johnson can carry on boring everyone else shitless by going through each other's, as well as other people's posts, line by line and dissecting what is said and twisting the words to suit your own purposes. I for one will post my opinions on various subjects but shan't bother responding to either of you... life's too short to have to deal with narrow-minded, self-opinionated, bullying cunts like you two."

Given the last time I disagreed with you, you kindly wished I got every type of cancer going, this might help your own apparent condition, Bob. What a nasty piece of work you seem to be when the mask slips.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:37 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Man U will be signing a sponsorship deal with a US counselling provider so their fans can come to terms with normality.[/quote]

Man Utd have won 13 Premier League titles out of a possible 22. So 'normality' for them is at least a title every other year. I guess it sounded funnier in your head but you just made yourself look daft.

[quote]The next few days transfer activity, or lack of it, will define how far VG will be able to take the team.[/quote]

There are 12 days left, so a bit more than 'a few'. But're right.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:43 pm
by Sam Slater
Calm down, Bob. We're having a discussion about a football club, not slagging off each other's mothers.

I wasn't rude to you.


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:17 pm
by David Johnson
And my only post prior to Bob's outburst was the opening one for this thread.

Calm down, calm down, indeed.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:38 am
by Bob Singleton ... -line.html ... AMUEL.html ... dward.html ... -Gaal.html ... d-signings Very odd that a manager who has no defenders worth talking of isn't concerned... suggests that any half decent defender he might have wanted isn't available, so he's saying "we're happy with what we've got" as a cover. Rojo won't be nearly enough. ... w-signings Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! ... e-mourinho ... ited-video If van Gaal is saying it may take him two years to turn things around at United, it suggests to me that the damage was done BEFORE Moyes became manager.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:42 am
by Sam Slater
Bob........all this stuff is about now. 14 months on from winning the title.

van Gaal hasn't got Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra or Giggs though moving on or retirement. Moyes did.

It's like Mourinho starting the season without Ivanovic, Terry, Cahill and Lampard all at once. Mourinho's only had to cope with Lampard going - and he's already filled that hole with Fabregas.

I'm not saying van Gaal doesn't need more signings now.....after 4 senior players aren't playing anymore. I'm saying last season (when they were playing) Moyes fucked up and just needed a few signings to freshen up the squad.

One question, Bob:

How confident would you be of removing Mourinho now and drafting in Moyes? Not only that but Moyes moves out all Chelsea's coaching staff, brings in Stever Round and Phil Neville and starts showing John Terry videos of how to defend by Phil Jagielka? How would you feel if their coaching involved far less work with the ball and he had Hazard, Oscar and Fabregas doing more running work like a 1950s PT instructor?

You'd soon change your tune.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:42 am
by Robches
Sam Slater wrote:

> The debt is an estimated ?800m.
> According to the BBC they've paid of ?483m since taking over
> (as of last year). Of course they can pay off the debt.
> They've just signed a sponsorship deal worth more than twice
> the amount they owe.
> You're right in that they won't put their own money into the
> club, but Man Utd brought in ?363m in 2013 and still had ?146m
> in profit after servicing the debt and player wages. Basically,
> once the debt is paid off Man Utd generate more than enough of
> their own money to not even need the Glazers to put their hands
> in their pocket.


If the Glazers have indeed paid down some of the debt (I think they managed to get out of the PIK bonds which had a 14% interest rate), then did they use any of the money from the partial NYSE floatation? That is why I was thinking they would sell out to a greater fool.

The point remains valid, they took a club with no debt, loaded a billion dollar debt on to it, then doubled ticket prices and paid out a net nothing on transfers to pay for it. Ronaldo sold for ?80 million, and Ferguson never saw dollar one. The team is clapped out and running on fumes, the only thing which kept it going in the ten years of the Glazer ownership were Ferguson's managerial ability and the legacy of the great team he had put together. Frankly, it lasted longer than I had expected, but the wheels are off now. We will see if the ?100 or ?200 million transfer kitty is real or yet more bullshit. I strongly suspect the latter.

Re: What's going on at Man Utd then?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:42 am
by Sam Slater
Robches, did you read my post and see the numbers?

Man Utd brought in nearly ?400m in revenue last year (their worst year on the pitch in over 25 years). They still had ?140m profit after servicing the debt and players' wages. They're hardly 'running on fumes', and if they are, I wouldn't mind a business running on fumes too. Give me some of that.

I'm not arguing with you that the Glazers are greedy cunts who won't put a dime into the club. You're bang on there. I'm saying that Man Utd earn enough money for them not to need any money from the Glazers and the figures show it. More importantly, the Glazers know it and it's the reason they bought the club in the first place. Right now, they're skimming the cream off the top, like an agent taking a percentage. Imagine that percentage when the debt no longer needs servicing.