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Re: who reads the daily mail??

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:41 pm
by David Johnson
"who'll get custody of danny alexander"

The Tories where he will fit right in as always alongside Cleggie and Laws.

Von Boy

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:53 pm
by David Johnson
"its always been popular to support the left but never say that you're a right wing supporter..."

Errm got any explanation why?

Re: who reads the daily mail??

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:26 am
by Dave Wells
Can somebody dig up Ralph Miliband and make him Prime Minister please ? He sounds good to me !

.What did you do in the war, daddy?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:54 pm
by andy at handiwork
Purely for the sake of equivalence and fair play.

Ralph Miliband was a refugee and was under no compulsion to enlist, but in fact volunteered without hesitation for duty in the Royal Navy, serving for 3 years. It should be remembered that being Jewish, had he been captured, he would probably have been sent to a concentration camp.

Whereas Peter Dacre (the father of the Mail's editor) being a British subject with no medical exemption, and of age before the war's end, would have been liable for conscription, but managed to spend the war on Fleet Street as I believe, a showbiz reporter, possibly with the help of Lord Beaverbrook.

Its good to see that even a large part of the Conservative party establishment see it for what it is; a vile attack on a true patriot. The odious Paul Dacre has, I hope, done huge damage to his future at the Mail. There is serious talk of advertisers boycotting the paper. To the list of shame must be added such figures as Jeremy Hunt, 'Oikey Gove, Guido Fawkes and his rabble, the loathsome Toby Young and Rod Liddle, all of whom have been backing to the hilt the foul-mouth capo de capo of the Mail stable.

What did you do in the war, Margaret?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:37 pm
by David Johnson
According to a little snippet in the Guardian earlier this week, Thatcher's biographer stated that Maggie was very keen on leaving school in 1943 to go directly into Somerville College Oxford.

Why? To avoid conscription to the war effort.

Harmsworth tax status

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by andy at handiwork
The owner of the Mail rags, Jonathon Harmsworth, has a British passport, an Eton education, a bloody great big Wiltshire mansion AND, guess what....inherited (from his Hitler admiring father) Non Dom Tax status. So the beneficiary of the income from the papers that go out of their way to support, for example, our armed force, actually doesn't contribute to the financial upkeep of said forces. His editor has the bare faced cheek to call Ralph Miliband 'The Man Who Hated Britain' whereas Harmsworth pays little or no domestic tax. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

Re: who reads the daily mail??

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:59 pm
by max_tranmere
I'll read the Daily Mail if it's in front of me, I wouldn't buy it. The trick with this sort of thing is to know what the agenda of the paper is, and the political slant of it, before you start reading - that takes 95% of the impact out of it and all the doom-and-gloom and exaggeration that the Daily Mail likes to revel in will have no impact on you when you read it.

Re: Just the start from Fascist press

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:02 pm
by bamboo
!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Re: Harmsworth tax status

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:22 pm
by Essex Lad
andy at handiwork wrote:

> The owner of the Mail rags, Jonathon Harmsworth, has a British
> passport, an Eton education, a bloody great big Wiltshire
> mansion AND, guess what....inherited (from his Hitler admiring
> father)

The present Lord Rothermere's father was not an admirer of Hitler.

Non Dom Tax status. So the beneficiary of the income
> from the papers that go out of their way to support, for
> example, our armed force, actually doesn't contribute to the
> financial upkeep of said forces.

He may not pay tax (nor does Murdoch) but Associated pays corporation tax and all its employees pay income tax and national insurance.

His editor has the bare faced
> cheek to call Ralph Miliband 'The Man Who Hated Britain'
> whereas Harmsworth pays little or no domestic tax. Talk about
> cognitive dissonance.

And most people would pay as little tax as possible if they could.

Re: .What did you do in the war, daddy?

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:23 pm
by Essex Lad
andy at handiwork wrote:

The odious Paul Dacre has, I hope, done huge
> damage to his future at the Mail.

He has just signed a new contract to carry on editing.