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Maybe I am missing the point..

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:33 pm
by David Johnson
but wasn't this the idea that surfaced yonks ago and the general consensus was that it couldn't work? I'm all for cracking down on child porn but I would have more confidence in Cameron if his government had not cut in real terms the money that goes into CEOPS, the organisation that monitors child porn.

This is an interesting link on the haphazard way, filters for example, might work.

The snippet below from the article highlights the shambolic way that these filters might work in practice.

"How will this affect the web browsing experience

We do not know for sure. The filters that ISPs are using are supplied by many different companies who have not shared their categorisation systems or lists of which sites fall into which category.

Computer-based filtering systems are notorious for being simultaneously too strict and too lax. Studies of filters on some UK ISPs have shown that well-known porn sites go unblocked while education sites about sexually transmitted diseases or sexual health are inaccessible. The filtering system run by some of the UK's mobile operators are regularly criticised for blocking legitimate sites.

Ironically, some people have reported that the "family friendly" filters now required on public wi-fi hotspots stopped them reading news articles about government plans to impose pornography filters."

Re: Maybe I am missing the point..

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:54 pm
by Jonone
Would you be surprised if it was half arsed and ill thought through ? Cameron's only interested in the value of the headline anyway.

Somebody Tweeted a quote attributed to Henry Ford recently 'Vision without execution is hallucination'. Presently this is one of Cameron's hallucinations.

Re: Maybe I am missing the point..

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:16 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Sir Tim Berners Lee was quoted a while back saying major governments feared the power of the internet and the "free" web was on a limited leash. However on a good note my friend at BT reliably informs me something better than the internet is well down the development level....


Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:16 pm
by David Johnson
Great quote! I agree entirely.

Cameron has a background in PR and it shows. Makes Blair look a complete novice in that area and he was a smooth operator with a forked tongue.

Re: Jonone

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:38 pm
by Jonone
I think I missed 'just' out of the quote. 'Vision without execution is just hallucination'

Re: Maybe I am missing the point..

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:28 pm
by monkeyman
I have no faith in any filtering system, the IWF managed to get Amazon and wikipedia blocked and that wasn't automatic software filtering. If memory serves me right it was the ISPs themselves on recommendations of the IWF, Talk Talk managed to block their own customer help forums due to it blocking entire servers rather than just the offensive material. I doubt that computer software will make a better job of it than the tards who screwed the pooch before. All software programming is open to garbage in, garbage out.

Since HMGOV have reduced the tax payers money going to IWF I have found myself now having 100% access to the interwebz again without the use of using a proxy. Another reason why any filtering will fall on it's arse. There is always a way around it.

Re: Maybe I am missing the point..

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:43 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Being brutally honest the vile creatures who peddle kiddie porn are unfortunatley very IT savvy. Their sites are hidden by vast networks of re-routing, underground servers and almost military level encryption or hosted in countries where the abuse of children is less important than praying at the right time of day or officials are open to quick backhander.
A listener rang in to Radio 2 and said he and his wife were happily married for 25 years and used porn as part of their loving relationship. He questioned whether or not ticking the "i want to watch porn" box would end up on some government watchlist? He called it a sex offender register by default.....even though he wasn't doing anything illegal....

Now for the question....what is porn? Page 3, Loaded, Playboy, Hustler, Private, Dick Nasty, S&M, M&S, Black Fist Party Vol12? If they ban Playoby level stuff then TVX and their colleagues will be next..and most Asian newsagents will have to lay off sales assistants!

This is a job for Lynton Crosby

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:02 pm
by andy at handiwork
Perhaps if we all club together and buy the services of the said gentleman's PR company, all our troubles would disappear. It worked for the tobacco companies, (who, unlike porn producers, actually kill 100000 people a year in the UK), the gas-frackers and the private companies waiting to dismember the NHS as well just about any other sleazy tory supporting organisation you care to mention.

By the way, I'm a little fed up with a prime minister who by deliberate policy is forcing hundreds of thousands of children into poverty, pontificating about protecting children.


Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:39 pm
by David Johnson
I have just seen a leaked document with David Cameron's suggested list to ISPs of words and phrases to which filters will block access.

NHS safe my hands, no cuts frontline services, Lynton, Crosby, cigarettes, cheap, booze, universal credit, arse, cunt, privatisation, universal, credit, work, programme

Re: This is a job for Lynton Crosby

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:53 pm
by Essex Lad
andy at handiwork wrote:

> By the way, I'm a little fed up with a prime minister who by
> deliberate policy is forcing hundreds of thousands of children
> into poverty, pontificating about protecting children.

Do keep a sense of proportion. There are not "hundreds of thousands of children in poverty" in this country. Unless of course you mean moral poverty...