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Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:37 am
by David Johnson
"This is more about people coming to Britain and ignoring our values and customs and proceeding to try and instill their own way of life into the rest of us."

For discussion:

1. Do drunken white skinheads "ignore our values and customs"?

2. What are exactly "our values and customs". Please outline the main ones and whether the entire white population adhere to them.

"Some people are trying to make Sharia law the law in Britain. Make us a Muslim population."

Much sharia law down your way, altruist? If so, please identify how it affects you. Some Christian people want to ban abortion. Do you parrot on about them regularly? Some Christian people are against gay marriage. Do you rabbit on about them trying to impose their views on the rest of us?

"If you come to this country it's only right that you follow our customs"

Seen many Brits in Seville dressing up and dancing flamenco as part of one of the Spaniards' many cultural festivals, have we? How many Brits either on holiday or living in the south of Spain have you come across that speak Spanish?

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:18 pm
by Essex Lad
william wrote:
Like who the fuck wants
> to eat halal meat ? why have that rammed down our throats ?

Not sure you meant to juxtapose those two statements but who is forcing you to eat halal meat?

> maybe we should make it illegal as its not humane......

- look from about 5 minutes in...

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:43 pm
by Peter
Essex Lad wrote:

> Not sure you meant to juxtapose those two statements but who is
> forcing you to eat halal meat?

Forced maybe the wrong word, but there are many businesses that buy only halal meat to make it easier for themselves, and as there is no obligation to mark it as such, you can claim to be being deceived into eating it. Chances are your local hospital sources its meat 100% halal, the last time I was in hospital I took complaints proceedings up when I was mocked for stating on my dietry requirements that I did not want to be served halal meat. Apparently it's too much trouble to pander to *my* needs.

It should be clearly marked if the meat is halal sourced, but of course the big companies lobby against this as the know the backlash they'd suffer if they had to advertise they were serving cruelly slaughter meat.

And of course, it should be banned altogether.

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:06 pm
by william
Im afraid I dont buy the video on youtube - dont you think the animals have been demonstrated often enough so that they no longer fear ?

Its a cold barbaric act slaughtering animals in this way is continuing on a 'tradition' and this is what bothers me we have developed and we have gained ways to slaughter an animal in a way that is effective quick and painless. The ways that the halal method does it is terrifying for the animal and it leaves its life in terror.

Having its throat slit and then hung to drain its blood as it dies - If I did this to a dog or a cat in the main street then I would be put in prison. so what is the difference ?

I refuse to eat halal meat and like any where else I ask if the meat is halal and if so I will not eat it.

You need to watch a halal proceedure - once that animal has its throat slit it will fight. and it is distressed.

If they want to continue to live in the dark ages then let them but not here in this country. This is the crux - and its the point that alot of people are wary of saying - we are fed up with having this thrust upon us and our way of life eroded to pacify those that come here and demand that we live as they live. Im not going to. Im not going to adopt their way of life and if they try to force me then I will start to do something about it......

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:22 pm
by Cuntybollocks
I agree, halal is awful. If we (Britain) are such a nation of animal lovers, then why allow this?..........

Oh wait, is it because we have no fucking balls and cave in to pressure so we don't appear racist?.

Our country, or rules. Same as it would be if i visited a Muslim country (and i have)

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:33 pm
by william

To counter the previous video - You should have a look at the following - Be aware they are graphic and show animals being slaughtered.

This is the reality of halal nomadic slaughter of animals with basic handtools and no care or respect to the animal. This goes on through out the world and we allow Halal here in the UK - why ? because we have no backbone to turn round as say no. To enforce the way that animals should be slaughtered humanely and with respect. If we did we would be seen as being racist and not understanding of the racial and religious beliefs of those that carry out these acts.

Ill admit I dont understand and never will.

Re: The hellhole that is Wokingham

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:52 am
by Gentleman
Considering what other views this disgusting religion holds how they kill animals is small fry.

Re: Altruist

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:00 am
by thealtruist
You see, David, this is why you talk bollocks.

You are such a pretentious twat who is under the impression that he is some gifted debater with a special insight into things. Well, you're not. If you don't agree then just say so. Voice your opinion but don't be a wanker about it. Take that self importance out of your posts and people are more likely to discuss things with you.

You take what is said in posts and comments, (mis)read between the lines and then try and twist it. This entire post is about people trying to push their views and religion onto a non-Muslim country.

I see you mention white people. Doesn't Britain have black people, then?

Do I get much Sharia law down my way? Not particularly, no. That's a stupid thing to say. I said some people are trying to make it law in Britain. Look it up.

The gist of it is, David, if you go to another country you respect their views. We're not a Muslim country so don't try and make us one.

We wouldn't go to a Muslim country and start eating pork or drinking alcohol. They wouldn't stand for something that is an affront to their way of life so why should we?

Oh, and before you pick it out and twist it et al, our way life is not a Muslim one.

Pork DNA found in halal meat

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:12 am
by Gentleman
Just doing SKY news rounds that this has been found in meat described as halaal.

The interesting thing is how the process of what makes meat halaal as its brushed over with the phrase "has to be blessed and killed in a special way"

SKY are among the first to shout about nasty killings of animals yet not a peep about the methods used by your local Muslim butchers.

Re: Altruist

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:33 am
by william
Well said -

pity we didnt have more out there like us that would stand up and take a stance on the way we are being treated as second class citizens.

They come in here and start to live like the way they did back in the country of origin.

They then systematically abuse our openness and do what they can to get thier way of life accepted and mainstream, the problem is that we pander to those that shout the loudest and those that just plod on with life get left behind.

I knoe speaking on here wont get anything done

I often wonder where we will end up with this, we have large areas of our citys already given over to them and we refuse to stand up and say stop. We can see our schools being targeted with mulitculturisim - what in fucks name is that ?

I send my kids to school and I dont want them coming back home being able to say hello in what ever language they decided to teach them that day - if its not english then why ? were an english speaking nation, unless of course you go into one of those innercity hell holes, Those that shout and push for this adoption of their custom and practice must smile when they see us having to bow down and not celebrate christmas for fear of upsetting them. while they walk around in burka's and generally forcing thier way of life on us.

All I can say is we are reaping the effects off all that stupid immigration shite that they did in the 60's and onwards. Its displaced our society and its wrecked havoc in our way of life.

Went into the hospital and they had to have a translater as the doctor could not speak english. I asked for one that could speak english and I had one officaldom start to bleat about being racist - I was like Im getting treated here and I have to talk to a doctor and Im discussing my issues with a person who has no medical training...Like fuck off and get me a doctor that speaks english.

Yes accept those that come into this country but by rights they have to accept us and live by the rules of this country.....