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Re: London to Birmingham rail link...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:10 pm
by RoddersUK
Who wants to go to Brum anyway? Half of the midlands moved away from it years ago. A mate of mine has no intention whatsoever of returning to Brum after living down here on the Sussex downs for several years now. I don't blame him, I wouldn't go back to Lancashire either. The mullahs can keep it.

Re: Misconceptions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:45 pm
by David Johnson
I have corrected your mistakes. If you don't accept them, that is entirely your prerogative.

I don't want to have to go through and correct another set of errors. Here is a typical Slaterism


"It's well known that the budget for this project doesn't start until 2015 so it's costing us nothing for the next three years "

No. This is wrong.

There are very specific setup costs covering ?millions that have to be carried out in the runup to 2015.

Slater reply:
Millions, yes. But all the alternatives to HS2 would have some sort of set-up and planning costs so thought it irrelevant to the argument. That is unless your alternative is to do nothing.

The bottom line is that you stated that it is costing us nothing for the next three years to tie in with Cross Rail. That is clearly nonsense. You would be better off spending time grasping the detail behind an argument rather than in coming up with ever more convoluted explanations as to why something that is beyond question, wrong, is in fact, correct.

Here is another example of a Slater failure to grasp the detail.

Birmingham will be the only city connected to London in the first phase of HS2: Leeds and Manchester are expecting stations when the second phase is finished in the 2030s. The official documents for the current consultation imply that Derby and Sheffield might get a station close to them, but are not named on the plans.

Re: Misconceptions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:09 pm
by Lizard
I would rather the ?32b was given to the NHS. Or used to create jobs for young and unemployed people, this is a complete and utter waste of money, all to shave a few mins of a journey. It's all bollocks.
Give me : One Train system
Give me : One Electric company
Give me : One Gas Company.....Bus company, Water Company, etc etc...
I am not a socialist by any means, but the opening up of all these markets is crap, The competition excuse is rubbish, fares go up anyway, prices go up anyway. Privatisation is shite. And that's from someone who has no financial worries whatsoever. Fuck privatisation with a rusty fucking spade.
I hope I have made myself clear through the fog of half a bottle of Jameson's.
So just to recap........FUCK PRIVATISATION. and fuck it again.

Fuck it.



Re: Misconceptions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:13 pm
by Lizard

Re: Lizard..

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:14 pm
by Lizard
Fuck Privatisation. and fuck HS2.

subsidised train journeys, and costs in general...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:00 pm
by max_tranmere
I haven't done any online research to confirm this but I seem to recall hearing not so long ago that every train journey in Britain is subsidised by the Government to the tune of five pounds. That would mean a commuter who goes to and fro to work each week costs the State ?50.00 per week just to get to work.

They are obviously paying tax, therefore are giving money back to the Government, but I always remember the case of one ranting part-time woman I used to work with. She had two kids, worked four hours a day, and whined all the time about how was was "payng for the Royal Family" through her taxes, "paying for the wastage in the NHS", "paying for Asylum seekers" and so on.

The tax she paid would have just about covered the train subsidy the Government paid for her to get to and from work, the cost of educating her kids at State schools would have to have been picked up by high tax payers who contributed a lot more than they cost in return. There is also Child Benefit for her two kids, her family using their GP, dentist, the NHS, and so on.

Have you noticed how every tax payer - and I am one, and have been since I was 18 - always seem to pay for everything, according to them? The reality is that many don't even cover their own costs. I have always been more or less aware how much I pay relative to how much I cost. Most other people don't seem to look at these things. I was reading The Sun newspaper this week and their letters page is always full of "as a tax-payer I am fed up constantly paying for people on Benefit who could work" and so on. In reality many of those people are costing a lot more than they contribute - but are either not aware of this or don't care.

Re: subsidised train journeys, and costs in general...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:09 pm
by RoddersUK
As a payer of a lot of tax Max I do resent the amount of wastage though. What grips my shit is when I visited DHSS offices and Council offices and saw the useless bastards at their desks in their own little world dispensing to their "Clients" it seemed to me, as they saw fit and got the hump if anyone on the other end of a phone should question their motives or use an inappropriate word. The times I have heard these bastards shout into a mouthpiece "Excuse me I am not here to be abused" and slam the phone down. Well excuse me, they are there to be spoken to by usually normal enquiring persons and occaisionally some irate "Clients" because something has happened to their entitlements and they are probably under a bit of pressure. Not all claimants are useless arseholes living the life of Riley and these sheltered civil servants should realise that they have a duty to the people they are supposed to be helping. If they don't like it then fuck off and get a job elsewhere and join the real world. I've been in the real world for over 50 years apart from 2 times when made redundant, which wasn't for long I am glad to say, and I am still working and paying tax.

Re: Misconceptions

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:05 pm
by sparky
Exactly how I and many of my friends and work colleagues feel.

What is needed in the UK right now is real jobs to cut unemployment and the volume of imported goods.

Far too many people travel too far 5+days a week and this is what is clogging our roads and railways from 7-9am and 4-7pm plus wasting irreplaceable fossil fuels and creating unnecessary pollution not to mention time that could be spent with their friends and family and the money that could be spent on products made by / services provided by the re-employed.

OK I guess most people don't want to go back to the Cadbury village set-up of living right next to where they work but they should have a variety of jobs opportunities within the town where they live, or in the nearest town if they live in a village.

From a railway perspective passenger numbers would rise but passenger-miles would fall and each day fewer people would be travelling Birmingham-London, Manchester-London etc. so no need for HS2.
Similarly the average distance travelled by goods would fall and the routes be more diverse reducing in particular the number of trains from the major ports.

Re: Misconceptions

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:01 am
by Lizard
Agree 100%. !thumbsup!

Re: subsidised train journeys, and costs in general...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:17 am
by william
I was reading The Sun newspaper this week and their letters page is always full of "as a tax-payer I am fed up constantly paying for people on Benefit who could work" and so on. In reality many of those people are costing a lot more than they contribute - but are either not aware of this or don't care............................

This is what you need to think about - although you may think you are getting more out what you are putting in you are still putting in. The things that grate me are the ones that have never put in and are taking out what they can get from the system, If we adjusted that and ensured that those that were not entitled to the benefots did not get them then it would be a better system indeed. We would have more money to spend on those that deserve the help / ned the help.

The benefit system in the uk needs to be revised at all levels - as we are funding a nation of lazy spongers who think that the system owes them and that they can sit back and play on the black economy while getting a regular income off of the state.

The DHSS office is an intiminating place staffed by mandrins so what would you expect ? I remeber name badges obscured by ties and all sorts of examples from the how not to treat the customer book.