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Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:42 am
by JamesW
More silly ramblings from max_tranmere. Where in the court's verdict does it say unsafe? This appears to be a figment of max's imagination. According to the statement of the judge, Claudio Pratillo Hellmann, Knox and Sollecito were acquitted because the court found that they didn't commit the crime.

To enable max_tranmere (and perhaps others) to better understand the verdict, the court in this case had 3 options, to uphold the 2 convictions, to decide that the verdicts were unsafe because there wasn't enough evidence to uphold the convictions, or to decide that the pair were innocent because they simply didn't commit the crime. The court determined the latter, clearing Knox and Sollecito completely.

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:50 am
by Lizard
" clearing Knox and Sollecito completely."

Not quite, knox was found guilty of slander, for implicating the bar owner, whose name I forget, but yes, the judge made the right call on on other charges, including the murder one.

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:42 am
by JamesW
Yes Lizard, Knox's conviction on the slander charge was confirmed, but on the murder charge the judge said that the court's decision cleared her and Sollecito completely.

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:29 am
by s rougier
With the evidence being that Rudy Guede raped Meredith Kercher, did it not occur to the police that it was a simple rape and murder by a man? A sex murder occurs and the police suspect a woman with a kitchen knife? When women commit murder they virtually never use a knife. Statistically over 99.99% of knife murderers are male. If any of the case against Knox had been true it would have been a remarkably exceptional and extraordinary case, despite max tranmere strangely claiming there are thousands of similar cases.

Re: Both of them

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:50 am
by frankthring

Clearly under Scottish criminal law a classic case of "not proven". But did she
do it ? Well, I suppose we will never know for sure. But to implicate an
innocent man and also behave very irrationally are black marks in my book.
It is agreed that the drifter/drugs dealer whose DNA led to a murder
conviction had an accomplice. It seems quite likely, but now impossible to
prove, that Ms Knox was connected to the deed in some dreadful way.

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:07 am
by JamesW
"It is agreed that the drifter/drugs dealer whose DNA led to a murder
conviction had an accomplice."

Agreed by who? The original forensic pathology report in the case and others since state that Kercher was swiftly overpowered and murdered by a single strong man.

Who agrees that there was an accomplice? Please state who these "agreers" are and what evidence their agreement is based on.

"It seems quite likely, but now impossible to
prove, that Ms Knox was connected to the deed in some dreadful way".

Please detail the evidence that you feel justifies this wild statement. What evidence suggests that Knox was "quite likely" to be connected to this murder? Please state what evidence you have.

s rougier..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:45 am
by max_tranmere
There are 1000's of cases worldwide where there are some who think the person who was sent down is innocent, the Police either bungled things or fitted the person up, or where a general 'miscariage of justice' is perceived by some people to have occured. I said earlier the fact this girl is attractive and very photogenic is why this got/is getting massive worldwide coverage. Just look at how many chat shows she appears on in the coming weeks and months, book and magazine deals and so on, and the fact she will become a major celebrity. If it was some woman who was the same age, and looked like, Pat from Eastenders, we would have heard little about this in the media.

Re: s rougier..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:20 am
by s rougier
Nice try max tranmere but I don't think so. One woman cutting another woman's throat is so unusual that this would have been a mega story no matter what the accused looked like. Not to mention all the nonsense about wild sex games leading up to the murder and talk of satanic rites. Women don't do knife murder and that alone made the case extraordinary. I realise that the prosecution couldn't prove any of their silly theory about wild sex games having taken place, but just the talk of such stuff guaranteed media attention. A rape which was alleged to have been assisted by a woman who cut the victim's throat with a kitchen knife? And you seriously think it was only her looks which made this a media story????

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:38 pm
by Robches
Some people seem to have a problem with the concept that it is possible to be charged, tried and convicted for a crime which you did not commit. That is why most legal systems have an appeals process. The Birmingham Six and Guildford Four were also convicted on the basis of dodgy forensic science and statements forced out of them by oppressive questioning. Maybe we should have kept them in prison too on the offchance that they might have been guilty?

Re: Amanda Knox ..two questions

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:19 pm
by JamesW
Good comments Robches, thank you.

It does seem that some people wanted Knox and Sollecito to be found guilty for no other reason than that they'd been convicted in the first place and they can't believe that the Italian legal system could have got it wrong. The lack of evidence against Knox and Sollecito after the forensic evidence was discredited doesn't seem to bother such people.