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Re: Pornstars who quit and then condem the industry -

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:48 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Not really Sam. Even as a child I was an adult in my outlook. Never was wild, I am still not wild at 34 & never will be.[/quote]

I bet you was a blast to knock around with as a kid tongueincheek Still, I think you're in a minority there. I'm not saying we all regret things we've done as kids/teenagers, just that we may do things differently -if at all- later in life.

[quote]The argument about drugs does not really wash. Because lots of people have drug habits & fund it through working a 9-5 job that they do not really like.[/quote]

True, but I do think that porn is a job you can more easily fit into a drug-addicted lifestyle. At least for a few good years. It's much easier to make a few grand and then have a week off when doing porn than it is with a regular 9-to-5.

[quote]The bs Lubben pushes is that pornstars somehow become addicts only because of the porn business, the truth is they would most likely be addicts in a regular job too-because they have addictive personalities.[/quote]

I agree with this. But my point has less to do with this Ms. Lubben's opinions and more to do with the general point that we shouldn't just dismiss ex-pornstar's opinions and views on the industry just because they may say something bad about it. Because they have experience in the industry and now have no vested interest in promoting it, I think it's healthy to take on board their criticisms and judge them in a fair and objective manner. Better this than dismiss all criticism out of hand.

[quote]The thing is what exactly are these girls doing since they left porn? Do any of them actually have regular jobs? Or have they realised that they can make a very good living working the born again deal & having people send them money & gifts? Because that seems to be the only thing we can see them doing.[/quote]

Some may have acquired an anti-porn agenda since leaving the industry, sure. Then we should judge each one as an individual and take into account their probable prejudices. My original post was giving my thoughts about girls who've left the industry and then condemn it.......which I think is what KazB asked for. It's in the title of the thread. I wasn't attempting to defend any one individual.

[quote]Maybe it is just me being an atheist & suspicious of any religious movement that avoids paying tax & seems to exist solely to control the weak minded & fleece the gullible of their money.[/quote]

Being an anti-theist I understand your position. I in no way want to defend any loony, theistic moral stance on this.

I guess you could say that a porn industry who doesn't take on board criticism from the very people who were once personally involved would be like a religious group denying there's anything wrong with their scriptures.

Re: Pornstars who quit and then condem the industry -

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:01 am
by Masie
Watch penn and tellers 'bull shit' on porn it will cheer you all up and is an interesting take. Personally I sway towards Kaz on this one, it dose seem a little suspect.

I have always tried to stick to the principle of regret nothing. Sure I have made mistakes in life but so long as I make sure I learn from each (even if its something simple like dont check if the hobs hot with your hand), there's nothing to be sorry about/for so no reason to dwell.
What I will add though, is that porn makes my life interesting at parties. I am a very happily dull person, I like staying in with a few friends watching films and talking but being able to say 'I am a porn star' instantly gets a reaction from people, who imagin a star studded life of sexy parties and money (and who am I to spoil there piture).
That must be a strange thing to live without, especially if you have left porn worrying about how other people (say a certainMILFs kids) may view them, so can no longer play this card. So why not head up a mini riot in waiting? All porn stars have one thing in common, we like to perfrom. If we didnt it would show on camera and we wouldnt get anywork. To give up porn is one thing but performing?
What about the sudden lack of people who care about your twittered life - made toast and found out we have no butter! - its very hard being just an average nobody when people have in some cases worshipped you.

On that note I shall be interested to seeif Kerry keeps her blodg etc going once she leaves the industry? I hope she does as it will be interesting to follow a real life example of life on the otherside (and her dogs cute).

Re: Pornstars who quit and then condem the industry -

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:06 am
by KazB
Pen & Teller rock Masie I agree!

Ok so I checked out the anti-pornography website and read what they had to say and some of it sounded fair enough.....they claim to be a non profit organisation....but then at the bottom of the site they ask for donations.... see here:

"And if you would like to contribute to this website being developed more quickly, please feel free to donate here. Thank you! Your support is very much appreciated and will definitely make a difference."

and below...

"Please support the fight against the global epidemic of pornography, prostitution, and sex trafficking by making a tax-deductible donation.

Upon further investigation, I found multiple links and blogs from the site which against asked people to donate. Further to this were links to "Sex addict treatment centres" and a multitude of books for sale urging readers to buy these to crack down on porn & encouraging readers to buy these these - at a cost of course.

So is it a non profit organisation? Or is it a clever marketing tactic to cash in?

Any thoughts? Is this fair enough or are they are making money from their anti-pornography stance to 'cover costs'? If so why the heavy promotion of anti-porn literature at steep prices?

They claim that they are not against performers and so on....yet they use the name "anti-pornography" which surely is a contradiction of terms?

Just some food for thought - open debate here guys.

Re: Pornstars who quit and then condem the industry -

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:24 am
by KazB
What are your thoughts on this?

"Pornography harms the economy because those in the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) who are supposed to be monitoring Wall Street, big corporations, and protecting investors, are instead spending their time surfing pornography web sites - while being paid by the OUR tax dollars to do so"

This link seems to contradict all the earlier claims of claims of not being anti censorship and freedom of expression, and seems to lean towards making profit - in my opinion of course.... you make up your own mind.

Jenna Jameson's 25 Good Reasons Why No One Would Ever Want To Become a Porn Star -- (Compiled by

Some valid viewpoints - but wow this seems a world away from the pornworld I and my friends know! Is it a case of UK versus Britporn? Or if one were to be cyncical....a little more contraversial promo? Or simply a story of a performer that would go to any lengths to make her fortune?

I will leave you to your own thoughts and debates for a while now ;)

Re: Pornstars who quit and then condem the industry -

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:26 pm
by one eyed jack
"Pornography harms the economy because those in the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) who are supposed to be monitoring Wall Street, big corporations, and protecting investors, are instead spending their time surfing pornography web sites - while being paid by the OUR tax dollars to do so"

What a load of bull do do! That comment is trying to make light of the recession by making out porn is some recent invention and frankly it is typical of these antiporn people to make up shit like this

I admire that Jenna jameson has amassed a nice fortune from her pron career. I cant stomach how after all the years she comes back at the biz like this. i thought it was a bit rich when she said at the AVN a few years back that she was retiring and "that I never have to fuck any of you lot again"

Charmed Im sure. i wouldnt have enven dignified that comment with a response and trust she didnt get an applause for that comment.

Lets face it, its really hard to criticise many people who have bad things to say about porn unless you have walked in their shoes. Everyone has a different outlook and expeirience of their time in the business but my observations lead me to bleive that people who speak badly of it have just burned out on it.

Too much of a ood thing is bad. No matter what you do. its all about balance and the body needs to tkae time out and do other things. I can well understand the likes of Hugh Hefner watching gay porn fuelled up with viagra as huis buunny girls take it in turns trying to get him off.

Take a holiday. Do something! get away and keep your jimmy in your trousers for a while and when you come back and that pretty girl with a bit of cleavage showing in her blouse will have you rushing for the loo to bash one out furiously.

The real problem we have here is not porn but one of excess in everything. People just dont know when to stop with their addictions. Abstinence is good.