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Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:21 pm
by Dick Moby
Apologies Sam.
If you want to support him that's your choice.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:29 pm
by Sam Slater
No problems, Dick.
Me and David don't always see eye to eye, and he's utterly annoying at times, but when I see 4 or 5 taking it in turns to have a pop at one guy.........I dunno.....I suppose I come over all paternal-like.
I just want to give him a cuddle..........and then an indian burn just so he doesn't become too attached.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:41 pm
by Sam Slater
Lol. Someone seems a little jealous!
The asexual jibes all make sense now. You're in love with David.......err, I mean, Johnson, and he once spurned your advances. The jibes are just because your pride has been wounded. Now you think I'm moving in on your man.........hahaha!
Well you can have him - have him I tell you!
Re: David Johnson = Hypocrite.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:33 pm
by ECG1
jimslip wrote:
> Like a busy little bee,
> he flits from thread to comment to thread, setting the record
> straight and telling one and all, what and how to think. At
> every opportunity, he will wheel his ever full dustbin of dodgy
> stats.....
He does? That is interesting. I recall him denying me the opportunity to post links to official records and court documents, facts that had shaped my opinion, and answer him with "Yes" or "No" answers...
ECG1 wrote:
> Would you like me to respond in simple "Yes" or "No" answers?
> Or may I respond with a few facts that have shaped my opinion?
David Johnson wrote:
> Yes or no only please.
Seems that "stats" and "links" can only be used when they serve his agenda. Hypocrite.
Re: David Johnson = Hypocrite.
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:43 am
by jimslip
The debating style of David showcases the ugly and potentially dangerous face of political fanaticism. In this world all dissent must be crushed. In this world facts, figures and stats are used like stones, to be hurled at you until you submit.
Fanatics simply cannot accept a person may have a view that differs than their own and leave it at that. No, they must harangue and bully their opponent until he either agrees or pretends to agree, the fanatic doesn't actually care whether he's convinced you or not, all he requires is to hear the words, "You are right and I am wrong!" or for you to simply leave the debate. Both outcomes are a satisfactory result for him.
Having achieved this he can than add you as a , "Follower" into his database of followers.
Here is an interesting article on how political correctness as practiced, preached and imposed by DJ, is actually destroying interest in voting and politics in this and other countries. Of course in DJ's ideal world this article would be suppressed. But, luckily we haven't reached that stage.......yet!
Re: The Origins of "Political Correctness"
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:05 am
by jimslip
The main article:
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:07 am
by David Johnson
"He does? That is interesting. I recall him denying me the opportunity to post links to official records and court documents, facts that had shaped my opinion, and answer him with "Yes" or "No" answers..."
Ah yes, this was the thread where Jimbo was arguing "The McCanns are so powerful and well connected, that neither police force dare proceed any further."
As I recall I asked you to answer "yes or no only please". The reason for that is because on this forum quite often if you ask a question as part of a discussion people wander off all over the place i.e. dont answer, answer another question that you didnt ask etc etc. On TV and radio this happens all the time i.e. Did the government cancel the flu campaign? Yes or No.
To say that I denied (in the sense of preventing you) you the opportunity to post info is not true is it? You gave your info in some detail related to the Yes/No questions and the thread continued. As I recall I thought Amaral had been found guilty of falsifying evidence i.e. misrepresentation of evidence (you agreed); that he was a bent copper (you agreed) and that I thought that getting the push from the McCanns enquiry wouldn't make him ideally disposed to the McCanns (you didn't know).
Anyway, I have no wish to get involved in that thread again but since it has clearly irked you (it was a year ago) I apologise for any offence.
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:09 am
by David Johnson
Delighted to see you are gainfully employed at 5 in the morning.
Not that you are obsessed or anything!