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Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:44 pm
by itfilm
"It must be very disappointing for those convinced of the boy friend's guilt that the landlord has now been arrested."

Damn! I had the landlord down as just a pedo, now you're telling me he's a murderer, wot next?

Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:28 pm
by mrmcfister
Sadly if this landlord has done it he will say 'I made an advance she rebuffed me I went to shut her up and she screamed.I put my hands round her throat and panicked.' He would probably serve about ten years and get out on licence.Meanwhile this girls leaves behind a load of grief for relatives etc and a young life snuffed out .If this guy has strangles here he should die in jail period...but he won't.

Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:21 pm
by mrchapel
He`s 65 and s in the same catagory as that arsehole who kidnapped and raped that kid in America, Philip Garrido. They`re both that old that they`d hardly serve any sort of sentence that their crime merits.
I mean they`re both about 65, its not like sentencing a 30 year old and saying their lifes potential is gone in exchange for their crime. They`ll do at most ten years then die in jail.

Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:48 pm
by itfilm
Joanna Yeates's landlord released on bail, wow this is getting nowhere. I think we need to look at the boyfriend in that video again, has anyone got a a GCSE in psychology, could be of help here.

Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:37 pm
by jimslip
The landlord being the strangler fits in with the fact that Joanna left her flat without her handbag etc. No woman leaves without this kind of stuff unless she is going next door, as, in the same house.

The police also love a misfit and the landlord fits the bill as the local weirdo. To be honest her parents look a little suspicious and I haven't written out the fiance yet.

Re: Joanna Yeates

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:31 pm
by jimslip

Landlord released to roam the streets searching for new victims, erm sorry, he's out on police bail!