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Re: We only got 1 vote from the FIFA crooks!
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:16 pm
by jimslip
So a Russian journalist having his throat cut for attempting to expose corruption is OK then?
Re: We only got 1 vote from the FIFA crooks!
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:54 pm
by Sam Slater
Wtf are you on?
Dylan Devere suggested we refrain from giving aid to people in need because Fifa screwed us around. How fucked up is that? What the fuck have flood victims in Bangladesh got to do with corrupt Fifa delegates...and why should they suffer because of them? Lunacy.
I don't see the analogy you seem to be trying to make. If a journalist gets murdered by his/her own government, for revealing stuff about Fifa, then that's purely the fault of that government, not Fifa. Unless Blatter ordered the hit, of course. And it's likely said journalist knows the risks before publishing anything.
Withholding essential aid to someone without a home, food and clean water directly affects that persons well-being much more than Fifa's decision on where a world cup goes (because a journalist of the chosen nation may find something out about them, and may reveal it to the public, which may get his/her government so angry with him/her that they may murder him/her.)
I'm flabbergasted anyone can seriously compare the two scenarios.