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Re: Paraplegic Porn

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:15 pm
by videokim
We shoot 3 films with a lady called Dianna, she had lost one of her legs below the knee years ago. her day time job was training swimmers for the Olympics, she herself trained 3 times a day.
The first time we used her we didn't realise until she got undressed & then she asked us to explain to the stud she only had one leg, he thought it was a joke & didn't believe us until he meet her thinking we were having him on.
When it was fixed on & she wore stockings you could hardly tell, needless to say we used her another 2 times & the stud went on to make another film with her months later & reckoned she was one of the naughtiest ladies he ever met.
Yes we filmed a disabled women but only as we would any other lady, she would have let us film her one legged but like a blind lady we have lined up we don't wish them to be a shown as freaks but as normal people.
We also know a lady in a wheelchair but until we can shoot her tastefully we won't go there.
Paraplegic porn is a big niche but not really for us, we shoot ladies any colour,size,age so why should we emphasize the disabled over them.


Re: Paraplegic Porn

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:01 pm
by one eyed jack
I think the whole freak show thing is really in the eyes of the beholder.

If its filmed indifferently but the viewer finds it offensive is where it becomes subjective but in the event what I film may offend I usually put up a disclaimer so that if there are any complaints I am in a good position to defend myself.

Every now and again I get a shoot that goes a little bit leftfield to what people expect and so far Ive not had any harsh criticisms for it