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Re: The Miliband circus...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:45 pm
by David Johnson
I seem to recall when the euphoria of the Lib Dem Con coalition changed into the shit storm that was the regressive emergency budget that was round about the time you became strangely quiet about your seeming undying support for the Lib Dems.

Wise move, Sam. Better for you to stick to "Should we have a death penalty" type questions. Safer ground for you.


Re: Sam

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:18 pm
by David Johnson
I seem to recall when the euphoria of the Lib Dem Con coalition changed into the shit storm that was the regressive emergency budget that was round about the time you became strangely quiet about your support for the Lib Dems. Not a peep from then on.

Wise move, Sam. Better for you to stick to "Should we have a death penalty" type questions. Safer ground for you, leaving the Cleggie quote in your sig as a kind of lock of hair in an eternity necklace! A reminder of better times in the past.


Re: The Miliband circus...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:38 pm
by Sam Slater
You're still at it! Hahaha! Johnson, mate, you have issues. I've been on these boards from 2004 and I can honestly say I don't think I've seen so many posts from a single forumite, on the same topic for so long a period. Sure, topics come up again and again and we have the same old arguments (which usually lead nowhere) but you're worryingly obsessed and just go on and on and on and on and on, like some sort of tape on a loop.

You seem increasingly more concerned about what I think about the world than Clegg's finances. I suppose I should feel flattered in some way. My only saving grace is that I have the expanse of the pennines and a little personal privacy, otherwise I'm sure I would be forgiven in enquiring about a restraining order.

The crazy thing about this is that this thread wasn't about Clegg, or my thoughts on the coalition, and the mere mentioning of his name was enough to have you slavering at the chops and ridiculing me for not questioning your views on Clegg's sanctimony. When I explain I didn't even really have an opposing view you bring up the past and my odd sweary words to justify your manner.

Seriously, for your own good, find other interests. There's more to life than Clegg and Sam Slater's views (at least for you there should be). I feel as though you're holding an unhealthy grudge just because I stopped playing ball; you're acting like a spurned lover that can't get over his advances being rebuffed. You need to get through this difficult period and realise I can't answer all your questions nor ease all your fears. It's not my job, mate! Look....we'll still be on speaking terms but I can't be here for you all the time. You've got to move on.

Please tell me you understand.

Re: The Miliband circus...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:47 pm
by David Johnson