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Re: Cathy's videos

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 3:31 pm
by Claymore
For what it's worth.

When Cathy was round my gaff a while back doin' a video she said she only did up to girl/girl vibro and wouln't go any further in case it got round the neigbourhood and her kids started to get grief at school. If she's since amended that policy she should let us know and we'll book her for a shag video!


Re: Cathy's videos

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 5:15 pm
by age
Will you all still care when she hits 35

Re: Cathy Barry

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 5:08 am
by Matt
I don't really go along with that! This forum, as I understand it, is here to discuss British Girls in the sex industry. It's not here to blindly praise every girl - whats wrong with expressing an opinion that doesn't shower the person in quesiton with praise?

Re: Cathy Barry

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 9:32 pm
by joey
What's wrong with it is what I said in my response - it's dull and boorish.

Come on, there must be hundreds of women that you *would* throw out of bed. What's the point in singling out one? People can agree and disagree about it for centuries without reaching any conclusion. For anyone who's not personally involved it's just tedious.

Also, the question can legitimately be asked: why does the poster feel the need to bring this dislike to everyone's attention?

In my view, the recounting of purely subjective opinions does not really count as 'discussion'.

Re: Cathy Barry

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 7:49 am
by Phil McC
Well said, and if anyone is throwing women out of bed let me know cause there is room in long as they have a pulse that is...
Phil McC