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Re: Moat

Post by Peter »

spider wrote:

> They should have given him an hour and then just shot him.

Execution without trial?
We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Moat

Post by Intimate »

All the plums on this forum will be the sameones arguing against 'da muzlims' bringing sharia law, in, execution by the state without trial is not something I want to see in this country.

The 'Keystone' cops ooops I meant to say the 'Newky Police' clearly couldn't find a fugitive if he was camped on their police station door step, so they engineered things as days passed. Namely of fabricating things as they were being made to look more and more stupid. Moat, even allowing for the atrocities he had committed and capping a rozzer, was becoming a National Anti Hero and was beginning to make the boys in blue the laughing stock. If he hadn't have been apprehended on Friday night, then the weekend papers were going to let rip against them.

Their fabrication tactic worked, for I don't believe for 1 minute that Moat left a rambling statement of intent on of all things a fucking dictaphone and I feel sure that he wasn't that thick or disorientated to state that he would attack a member of the public, to the contrary, unbeknown to the Keystone Cops, he was in and amongst them all the time and could quite easily have taken someone hostage, hew as walking around the bloody town going in peoples houses, he could have taken anyone, but did not.

They couldn't locate him, so they turned the local people against him, I am not claiming that they were for him, some may have been, but they created a situation of panic, anyone seeing Moat would now report back to them and do their dirty work, work that they were incapable of doing themselves.

All those police were up there to kill him, an I can't agree with that.

Tell you what there were 5 shootings in Brixton on Friday, all connected, how many police out for that one?
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Re: Moat

Post by spider »

Execution without trial?

He had a chance to give himself-up but decided he didn't want too.

I believe in in his right to make his own choices, and in the end he did.

"Their fabrication tactic worked"

Suppose you believe that Lady Di was killed by MI5 & Phil the Greek with help from the Martians as well ?
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Re: Moat

Post by Intimate »

Suppose you believe everything the telly tells you to believe, stick with it it suits you.

Was this bloke who was supposedly a threat to the wider public wandering around this village for a week? Yes by Police admission.

Was he only ever a few yards from people? Yes by Police admission

Had he been inside peoples houses? Yes by Police admission.

Had he attacked anyone else despite the opportunity to do so for 7 days? Clearly no he had not.

You want to look into what went on there on Friday night before gobbing off, he was shot with 2 shotguns, although the cleverly worded statement makes it sound like tazers, he was actually shot with 2 tazer projectile rounds fired from 12 gauge shotguns, designed to penetrate the flesh like a bullet, while he was holding a shotgun to his neck.

Its in the papers today, the first time this has ever been used at all in the UK, was this a situation suitable to test it out?

Why? He was not going anywhere.

Tell you what, go back to sleep.
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Re: Moat

Post by spider »

You mourn him if you want to.

I'd couldn't give a s*it about him.

My sympathy is for his victims.

I'm going back to sleep now, nighty, night.
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Re: Moat

Post by Intimate »

I am not mourning anyone, my concern is the actions of the Police.
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good riddance

Post by wayne »

So the scumbags brothers doing the rounds with the touching and sad story about having to watch his brother die on TV, in comparision the victim of the woman who was murdered by moat must of had it so much easier not having watch her murder on tv.

I now love the whole police conspiricy story doing the rounds now of how they had to kill him because he was some super clever crim who had outwitted them, not just just a roid abusing fuckwit.

I wish the police had intended to kill him and others like him and i think it would please alot of people.
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Re: good riddance

Post by Intimate »

The girl he shot cried her eyes out when she heard he was dead, as no doubt his 3 kids did too. And I don't think having your brother die on TV is a 'sad story' it must be awful, odd you cannot see that Wayne.

This is a guy who for all I know was a complete prick, but no doubt he had suffered some kind of breakdown that drove him to the actions he took, I hope I never live in a world where the police are given free reign to kill whoever people like 'wayne' decides deserve it.
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Re: Moat

Post by RoddersUK »

Fuck him.
The fuckwit saved the cops the job of nailing him.
I wish I had been able to point a gun at the twatt. I can guarantee that I would have dropped the twatt with one round.

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Re: Moat

Post by Intimate »

"I wish I had been able to point a gun at the twatt. I can guarantee that I would have dropped the twatt with one round."

I can gurantee the only time you ever shoot is over images of women you have no chance of fucking on here.

You cannot even spell the word twat, let alone get up one.