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Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:19 pm
by Russ

You don't understand what Islam is all about, Mate. Resist Islam? Islam is all about Peace and co-operation. fighting is only justified in defence, not offence.

The behaviour of extremists and radicals is not what Islam preaches. Suicide bombs and planes into towers are comsidered an abomination by Islam. That's not how it's portrayed, but that's how it is.

Like the majority of Muslims, I don't want Sharia Law in the UK. Why is there this belief that we're desperate to take over the UK? Where does it come from?


Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:11 pm
by Deano!
That post might be a bit out of date (Howard and his government lost the November 07 election), but I think it's truer than ever.

It amazes me how much some people will continue to defend 'absolute multiculturalism' no matter how many problems it creates. Many people from quite different cultures have settled very successfully in Oz but some seem to find western ideas an invitation for a fight. I work with several guys from middle eastern countries and they're fine, but even they admit some of their countrymen shouldn't be here because they simply refuse to accept they've come to a different country.

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:23 pm
by Sam Slater
I don't think all cultural criticism has to be racist (even though it's probably true for some). Culture, like politics and belief, is just sets of ideas which guide you through life. I feel that views, beliefs and ideas should be open to criticism and outright attack if one wants.

We'd never progress as a species without questioning how we, and others, live our/their lives.

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:46 pm
by Sam Slater
True but ethnicity cannot be immoral, unfair of dangerous ? elements of a culture can be.

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:57 am
by arseneltic
Russ,I know that there are many good muslim's who are good people whoever the problems caused by muslim's worldwide just can not be ignored. Unfortunately I think of islam as more of a totalitarian political ideology than a religion.