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Re: Response totally unacceptable

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:56 pm
by David Johnson
Well you can only try your best to get some detailed answers. Better than not to try at all. !happy!

As far as I am aware Jeanie has now tried posting the same stuff on Purestorm, met a similar response there and has been requested by the mods not to post on that Forum according to Jeanie herself

I note she is still coming out with totally incorrect info e.g.

"I did NOT set up a Charity as the public cannot see the accounts."

I belong to a number of chariies that are registered charities and you can see the annual accounts e.g. one of the biggest charities in the UK etc etc. ... t-2009.htm



Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:28 pm
by justincyder
If you're stupid enough to be scammed then cough up, if you're not then you've saved yourself a few quid and you can sit back smugly and watch stuoid people run into trees.

Apart from old people who've lost their marbles being taken advantage of which pisses me off, if you havn't got the brains to work out if something seems fudgy or not then its very much tough shit I'm afraid and a pat on the back for the scammer.

Ultimately everyone gets scammed everyday, (thats what advertising is for). I got scammed last time I bought a car, change my life the advert promised. Did it fuck. Bastards.

Anyway on that note I must dash and reply to the King of Umbaqwat who due to a terrible misunderstanding was recently dethroned and is now burdened by having ?49000000000000000000 in his account that he needs to put into mine while he catches a plane and the nice chap is going to let me keep 10%.

how very civil, now where are my bank details?


Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:21 pm
by one eyed jack
I got to admit, charity work and kids where porn is concerned makes me feel real uneasy and deep down its real cringeworthy.

Charity work for a more appropriate causes related to adult is fine ie AIDs charities but if you want to donate anonymously to a childrens charity then thats fine

The thought of some one raising money through sex to give away to children is always going to be frowned upon plus i doubt any of the guys nursing hard ons are going to be turned on by the thought of it all going to Africa and helping out with their welfare.

Men usually dont like to think when they have their dicks in their hands. Multi tasking is best left to women !happy! ie if its all about childrens charity Jeanie, keep it quiet and do as you will but its not going to appeal to the hard nosed and cold hearted contributors of the BGAFD and you shouldnt be too suprised it has met with some derision.

Im sure your heart is in the right place and apologise if this appears to be mean towards you but I think its the truth of the matter

One Eyed Jack

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:27 am
by David Johnson
With respect this was not just about having pictures of kids on a porn site which was the case with Jeanie's original site.

It was about Jeanie's refusal to state which schools (names, address, locations) to which the money would be donated. Any requests of the "where is my money actually going to go" was met either with no answer whatsoever or an indignant response stating that people had no right to ask such detailed questions.

Any charity that I have contributed to has always provided the info of the where, what, when so you know where the dosh is going. Is this so "hard-nosed and cold-hearted" to want to know where your contribution is going to go?


Re: One Eyed Jack

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:07 pm
by RoddersUK

A Canadian friend of mine who, to be polite, is rather plump has recently been asked to donate clothes to the starving in Africa.
He said, "If any fucker can wear my clothes then they aint starving, so fuck off"

As One eyed Jack states, a porn site aint exactly the place to solicit funds for kids.

Africa is a bottomless pit as far as the Europeans are concerned, well, this European anyway. Any money donated there goes straight into the pockets of the ruling bastards. Mugabe is just one.
That is why I donate only to, the RNLI, the Earl Haig Fund and the RSPCA.

Re: One Eyed Jack

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:16 am
by ChrisUK
Jeanie seems conspicuous by her absence. Good riddance to her I say !