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Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:13 pm
by jj
Well, at least we now know what the worst joke is : -)

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:30 pm
by Steve R
I would imagine that this is perhaps - very probably - the best joke ever:

A blind rabbit and a blind skunk bump into each other.

After their apologies, the rabbit says to the skunk "can you tell me what I am please? You see, I'm blind and have never seen myself".

The skunk says "well, I'm blind too, but let me feel you and I'll see if I can tell".

The rabbit says "okay".

The skunk says "now, you've got a twitchy nose, large teeth and great big ears - you're a rabbit!".

Then the skunk says "now, tell me what I am".

The rabbit says "okay, you've got a pointy little nose, funny little ears and you smell just awful - you're a Pakistani!".

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:46 pm
by Steve R
Captain Wow wrote:

> Twat

No, it was definitely Pakistani, the way I heard it, although I suppose twat would work at a push.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:06 pm
by Guilbert

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are getting a divorce.

They are in court, and Mickey is in the dock.

Minnie's lawyer says to him:

"Mickey, you can divorce Minnie just because she has buck teeth"

Mickey replies:

"I didn't say she had buck teeth, I said she was fucking Goofy."

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:07 pm
by Sam Slater
I don't get it. Please explain.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:27 pm
by Steve R
Sam Slater wrote:

> I don't get it. Please explain.

Perhaps girls don't find you attractive?

Personal hygiene might be an issue?

There could be hundreds of reasons why you don't get it. If you were to provide more information, maybe we could narrow it down.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:48 pm
by Sam Slater
Avoiding the question says a lot. Too cowardly to explain the humour?

I fail to see how even a racist would find it funny, that's all. I think 'pointy little nose' sounds kinda cute and I've never seen a Pakistani with 'funny little ears' (nor come across this before as some derogatory generalisation). Your joke makes little sense.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:49 pm
by Sam Slater
Now that I like !laugh!