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Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:29 am
by Supafly
Surely to compare which breasts look best, they should have compared the fake boobs of a 20 something model to the natural boobs of other 20 something model type girls.

The inference they made that clicking on the youp***.com tube site aff/match/fling flash advert linked to cp is just utter bullshit.

Re: Should the industry tell them

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:32 am
by one eyed jack
You could drive a convoy of trucks for the holes in that show.

If any of those kids were asked about why they liked fake tits its not necessarily because of being influenced by porn...Whatabout the lads mags and vaious other sources that are accessible to teens.

The sad fact is youngsters are drawn to the perfect look look of cosmetic surgery and are becoming more conditioned today by al the advertising in the media than a porn movie.

People seem to forget that porn reflects the world and would do best to learn by that and it is this particular aspect that drew me to the business in the first place...Among other things too (hee hee)

Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:48 pm
by planeterotica
one eyed jack wrote:

> Hi Planet,
> Im gonna step up and defend damian on this as he had a totally
> noble agenda for doing this show and I got to say I quite liked
> the first season of this show as it showed and explained a lot
> of things bu tits agenda with porn is inaccurate and poorly
> researched (finding child porn in less than a minute on being
> on the web??? Did they get hokked up with a paedophile ring or
> something???)
> Damaians intentions was to focus on the industrys attitude to
> its health and though I warned him about tv he was aware of the
> warnings anyway but thought it would be a good thing to address
> this as it has never been addressed before and personally I
> think th elad came out well on the show for it, thing is the
> point was lost i stark contrast to the shows anti porn stance.
> The show wasnt even beingobjective to the fact the porn
> industry is what it is because the public have pumped their
> hard earned in since time immemorial to make it the behemoth it
> is today.
> Hopw about porn made the internet. The people made the internet
> a success because of porn but was any of this mentioned???
> If you didnt blink at one point you would have seen the back of
> my head as I was th eone shooting them for Real Couples that
> day but I didnt agree to be interviewed or mic'd up because I
> know what I am doing and what I say would be qurestionable to
> conservative minds and in the words of Jack Nicholson in "A Few
> Good Men" ....You cannot handle the truth ...the truth of how
> videos are made, the arse cleaning, the periods, the sponges
> etc...But these are the things that seperate porn from the real
> world from what the average man can handle.
> I was hoping the show would have had more integrity in showing
> this for what it really was but in the end it was a poorly
> researched and badly misrepresented show on the porn industry.
> I have to say I didnt think it would be as bad as that but I
> think Damian came out ok.
planeterotica wrote:

Hi Terry,

When i made that post i hadnt realised that you was in this programme but after watching tonights episode it wasnt just the back of your head that we saw but the front as well, but i stand by what i said that this programme is anti porn, but back at the Mill its business as usual and its a pity Terry you couldnt get a plug in for one of your sites on this prog, or does that come on tomorrow nights programme !wink!

Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:35 pm
by planeterotica
Reggie Perrin wrote:

> Television and 'noble agendas' are like oil and water....

planeterotica wrote:

Can you elabortate ?

Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:58 pm
by one eyed jack
A plug would have been nice and wage enough for being on a show and probbaly the core reason why i didnt agree to be interviewed as I was not benefitting anything out of this except in the future when i can slap a sticker on the scene "as featured on The Channel Four Show"....

It lent a bit of difference to my Real Couples shoot too but I doubt that will impact much. I did it because Donna and Damian asked me as the production company wanted to film them on the job and i felt the reasons they were doing it compelled me to say yes and to be honest it was really about them.

Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:04 pm
by one eyed jack
Reggie, I meant Damian and Donnas noble intentions to show that the industry we work in is responsible for its sexual health which ultimately is what the C4 prog is all about.

Re: Should the industry tell them

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:35 am
by johnsix
Quite right. The programmes angle seems to be that porn creates unrealistic images of (mainly) women, thus causing poor body image.
I'll wager more influence comes from the niche girl magazines and every airbrushed image used in modern advertising. But of course there isn't any mileage in a TV company having a pop at those, So porn and the internet are a nice easy bandwaggon to jump on.

It really is an agenda masquerading as a so called 'educational' show, Goebbels would have loved it.

Re: Channel 4's Sex Education for Teens show

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:28 am
by one eyed jack
Spot on John Six! The assumption that people who do porn are not real everyday people is ridiculous, as if those same said models grow on trees and not part of society.

I've said it before that the porn industry reflects its own country and the boob jobs are a reflection of what girls think they should look like becase of the media. Not because of porn.

The programme was not thought through properly and could have opened peoples eyes a lot more by examining peoples poor self image but again its far easier to attack porn as an easy answer and solution to thier problems.

So where to draw the line since a lot of people are making their own porn. This gets more complicated so I gues they stuck with the easier option.

Furthermore I fel the need to defend those who dont do reality based porn like me as they are catering to what a lot of people want to see. Beautiful fit and toned people fucking.

Desperate Housewives wouldnt be that much fun to watch if they looked like the cast of East Enders would they?

People love glamour otherwise they would never have bought into it in the first place. Where would the Hello and FHM mags be without the glamour and glitz?