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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:35 am
by max_tranmere
Lots of interesting comments there. I agree with everything that's been said. Sitting in last night I was hoping that many of today's tabloid newspapers were going to devote their front pages to this - especially The Sun - and that they would have very damning headlines. And they have!! The Sun gave it their front page. I was chuffed! These vile reptiles who take so much from our country but hate it in return should be banned from attending something like the homecoming of our soldiers. They should fuck off back to whichever foreign piss-hole they have so much loyalty to.

I really fear for the future as Islam is the only ideaology in the world that does not recognise country borders. You have to show loyalty to your 'muslim brothers' where ever they may be in the world. How can that work within the framework of a country when huge swathes of the population are told by their holy book to have no loyalty to it, and instead have patronage to other places and people? This is all the fault of the architects of 'multi-culturalism' - idiots like Roy Jenkins - and people who have been totally useless and refusing to anything about this issue for decades (Major, Blair, the lot of them). I do worry for the future.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:38 am
by modfather
This country totally fucks me off, how long did the plod let that hook spout his rubbish on the streets of London for before he was arrested?

Cant see this sort of thing happening anywhere else but here send the cunts packing i say or better still let the locals sort em out i bet the low life scum are all claiming benefits.

Its little wonder people are turning to the BNP

BGAFD Notice: Please Read before posting

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:27 pm
by BGAFD Admin
Anyone using language that incriminates or villifies an entire religious/ethnic/social group when referring to the actions of a sociopathic/extremist/criminal minority within that group will have their posts removed.

Those who are grammatically, intellectually, or constitutionally incapable of making such distinctions should stick to less demanding topics, or else risk having their membership revoked.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:08 pm
by JonnyHungwell
Any decent police force, although we don't have one, would have arrested the bunch of miscreants on the spot. Those found to be illegal should be kicked out immediately, no human rights bullshit - because they aren't human.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:09 am
by max_tranmere
Reggie. please see my comment, nine comments above yours (03-11-09 15:21). It deals with some of the points you raise.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:27 am
by andy at handiwork
I would have thought that what makes our society 'superior' to less democratic ones is the ability to demonstrate against something, no matter how much it grates on others. I may disagree with the Luton demo, but I defend the right of people to do it, subject to those people acting under the law. Otherwise we have a situation where only those protests that are approved by the authorities will be allowed.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:10 pm
by max_tranmere
Reggie. They should be voicing their anger at the politicans not the Army. The Army, just like the Police and the Civil Service, is a non-political body. Besides, these people who demand loyalty FROM Britain should give loyalty TO Britain. These muslim's in Luton are actually racist's and should be charge with Racism under the Race Relations Act. For them to feel close allegiance to another place, purely because the poeple there are of the same colour, creed, and religion as them (implying they feel less closeness to other people who arent of the same colour, creed and religion as them) is PURE racism. They should be charged. Imagine if I was interested in the plight of a large chunk of the people of Poland just because they are white and Christian (people can draw from that I have less interest in people not of my colour, creed, or religion - in his hypothetical example) that would be racism. Besides, like I said, these people should show loyalty to here because they demand loyalty from the country.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:15 pm
by max_tranmere
Andy. As I said to reggie just now, they should be voicing their concenrs at the politicans - not the soldiers. What they were chanting, and the plaques they were holding up, suggests they are basically on the side of our enemy over there. This is unacceptable. Imagine German people in London in 1945 holding up banners at the huge celebrations in London where we celebrated having won World War II - on the banners were 'British Go To Hell' and 'Hitler Was Right' - they would probably have been beaten to death! But that was, of course, in the days before political correctness and before dreadful post-wat Governments had had a chance to screw up the whole 'multi-culturalism' thing to the extent they have!