OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by muswell »

I remember watching the pre trial for OJ's murder trial when it was abundantly evident that the Detective who supposedly found the bloody glove was lying. The overwhelming message from the media was that he was guilty despite the lack of any supporting evidence other than that offered by the inept police whose methods contaminated the crime scene beyond any evidentiary use and whose "hidden" agenda was all too evident.

Despite being cleared he has been hounded by claims of guilt ever since so maybe this incident grew out of a deranged state of mind. Whatever the truth of the matter its clear that Justice in the US at least has more to do with PR prejudice and luck than evidence.

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

Yes, the cops were corrupt/stupid, but he as a proven wife beater. Also, if he was innocent then why run from the police? Innocent people don't run. And were there any other people who might have done it? As far as I can tell OJ was the only one in the line-up. He had both the temper and the motive to do it.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by mrmcfister »

Truly great news I hope the murdering scum bag dies a slow lingering death.I feel sorry for his ex and her family not this pathetic excuse for a human being....this cunt deserved the chair... period.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by colonel »

We had a Parliament in England the last time I was in Westminster, Mojo....it appears that there is a clock tower attached to it.

So you want every Scot thrown out of England, do you? You realise that you are now occupying a position to the right of the BNP.

The English Democratic Party [leader- Garry Bushell] wants an English parliament, but has deals or pacts with the SNP and Plaid Cymru- Alex Salmond has spoken on its platforms.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Robches »

Mojo wrote:

> Yes, the cops were corrupt/stupid, but he as a proven wife
> beater.

Can you substantiate that? Nicole did call the cops to their house after a domestic, but did she press charges? If he did hit her, does make him also a murderer?

>And were there any other people who
> might have done it? As far as I can tell OJ was the only one in
> the line-up. He had both the temper and the motive to do it.

Did the cops ever look for anyone else? Did they ever show how OJ was meant to know where Nicole and Ron would be at the time of their murder?

The fact is that there were no witnesses to the crime, and the only forensic evidence seems to have been planted by corrupt and racist cops. They had OJ in the frame from minute one of this crime, and they fixed the evidence to secure a conviction. OJ was saved because he had literally millions to spend on the best lawyers. I remember seeing Barry Scheck destroy the forensic evidence. He was masterful. Most black guys accused of murder get some court appointed schnook to represent them, which is why the LAPD get away with shit like this. Their big mistake was to forget that OJ was their worst nightmare, a nigger with the money for lawyers.

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

"We had a Parliament in England the last time I was in Westminster, Mojo....it appears that there is a clock tower attached to it."

And it's full of Scots; Scots mind you who can vote on English ONLY legislation. If that is the English parliament then I want English MPs in the Scottish parliament voting on Scottish only legislation.

"So you want every Scot thrown out of England, do you? You realise that you are now occupying a position to the right of the BNP."

Now that's just a desperate attempt to twist my argument because you know that I'm right in saying that the Scots have got a Scots only parliament but we have to still share ours with them. The BNP are colour prejudiced, whilst I want our own parliament run by English people. Yeah, sure, the Scots can share that thing with the clock tower on it with us and make legislation that effects the entire British Isle, but we should have our own parliament to make English only legislation, just as the Scots have their own parliament to make legislation that only effects Scotland.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

Not only do I remember that phone call she made to the cops, but I seem to remember seeing some police photos of her after she'd been beaten up by him. Yeah, the cops were crap and may have been out to get him fitted up for the murders, but does anyone know of anyone else who'd want to murder HER and her new boyfriend other than him? For example, if racists like the KKK wanted to murder anyone it wouldn've been OJ himself, not his white wife and her white boyfriend. As always, it all comes down to OJ himself doing it through jealousy. Every man and his dog knows it, even some of the jury! The only reason he got away with it is because the dumb cops pimped the evidence in order to try to make sure it was a done deal.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

Even though I smell a fixed court I still believe he did both crimes, the murders and the recent one. Hell, they've even got film of him at the scene of the recent one! But the fixed result is worth it just for the murders alone.