Decline in Porn.

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one eyed jack
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by one eyed jack »

I remember we discussed this a couple years ago Jim.

I remeber thinming that if everyone got into this making videos, then we would all be swapping the stuff rather than buying it.

Pay for porn? Thats so 2004 man.
one eyed jack
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by one eyed jack »

(Terry says it again without spelling mistakes. Take two):

I remember we discussed this a couple years ago Jim.

I remember thinking that if everyone got into this making videos, then we would all be swapping the stuff rather than buying it.

Pay for porn? Thats so 2004 man.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

I recall 10 years ago all to vividly.At least with pop-ups you knew what you were dealing with when online

Now your computer doesnt freeze but assassins(keyloggers,trojans etc) quietly jump aboard your computer,bypassing all the impressive security suites,as you gorge yourself on free porn,music & movies.God help you if your stupid enough to bank online or even type or keep any personal information on your PC.Bad news is the criminals are growing this sector at a staggering rate.

Nothing comes from free

Porn will never die but for anyone peddling the same as the next producer
your in for a bumpy ride even if the courts in the USA decide(late next year) streaming video & 3rd party hosts are responsible for the mass violations being committed on their software

Use exclusive models/new faces,aim it at a niche market or perish
would seem to sum it up nicely
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by randyandy »

Peter wrote:

> Don't forget all the freeloaders who illegally download
> everything, never pay a penny for anything, and the complain
> about the quality. If they'd actually pay a realistic price for
> something, perhaps the 'tattooed geezer-bird gonzo'd in a
> travel lodge' would disappear, and something they like would
> get made. But it's all "anyone got any passes/rapidshare/sites
> for free porn?"

Same old argument Peter so I am not really surprised.

I would never use torrent sites because of the virus issues.

The argument for freeloaders is why pay and get ripped off when you can view for free, get what you want and if not try something else again for free.

Most of the complaints I've read on here have been about not getting what is said NOT about quality in terms of the 'tattooed geezer-bird gonzo'd in a
travel lodge'.

If there have been complaints about quality it's often been from Dibbs and the rest of us 'old farts' who always want the birds of yesteryear, dressed and made up as they were before getting a good seeing to.

When the industry wakes up to that and stops making excuses for the rip off things will improve.

It is abundantly clear that there are some very good sites but until people wake up and stop defending the con artists then the decline will continue.

one eyed jack
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by one eyed jack »

When the industry wakes up to that and stops making excuses for the rip off things will improve.

Very interesting comment there randy. Who is making excuses for the rip offs going on in the UK market?

Certainly not those who care about it. Ive never consciously steeped wrong and ripped off any customers. I know you were not accusing me personally, just wondering where the industry justified ripping people off is all.

If we are talking about a certain tabloid then I would say they have never made excuses for their actions

They just do and continue to get away with it and theyve been around for years and have made the most money out of it too.

Assuming it is who I think you are referring too.
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Until it's on TV and available in high street dvd stores and via mail order - the only trend is down. British porn is available via satellite for anyone who wants it, on Private Spice channel May be Dutch licensed, but anyone can subscribe.
Lucifer Sam
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by Lucifer Sam »

well I'll keep to buying me dvds for as long as they're available. At least I can watch them in the comfort of my home without worrying about me PC packing up! And at least I know they're paid for and are mine to own. I am surprised the authorities don't allow mailorder firms within the UK to sell h/c films, its in effect taking money away from the UK economy and also unfair on UK companies. Wonder what the EU rules stipulate on fair trading? Sounds to me like some ancient moral law rather than common sense. Why would people in the UK need protecting against porn compared to people in Spain, France, Germany etc? Sounds ridiculous to me and raises questions on the sanity of this Government. Its 2008 for Christsake!

Anyway, interesting post and interesting from the producers side too. I suppose the big money was made in the States in the 90s before the download sites started. I know porn will never be mainstream, thats obvious by its very nature. You'll never see Victoria Brown fingering herself straight after the one show on BBC-1 for example. However, it does have a cult following which has grown but I still think theres that sniggering element about it in this country and that outraged from Surrey element that will always see it restricted. Which I suppose still makes it exciting for dirty gits like me!! However it would be good to see less heavy handed approach where the buyer and seller are concerned in the UK.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by andy at handiwork »

Lucifer Sam wrote:

I am surprised the
> authorities don't allow mailorder firms within the UK to sell
> h/c films, its in effect taking money away from the UK economy
> and also unfair on UK companies. Wonder what the EU rules
> stipulate on fair trading? Sounds to me like some ancient moral
> law rather than common sense. Why would people in the UK need
> protecting against porn compared to people in Spain, France,
> Germany etc? Sounds ridiculous to me and raises questions on
> the sanity of this Government. Its 2008 for Christsake!

In matters of morality, there is great latitude in the EU for governments to behave as they wish. Hence the existing ban on the buying of sex in Sweden and the possible implementation here compared with the attitude in say Germany. As for the mail order nonsense, HM Government reckon that restricting the sale of 18R to licenced shops prevents the under age from buying. Mail order would allow kids to steal dads credit card and buy. That doesn't totally square with allowing imports by post, but then who expects rationality from our government. At least we can all sleep safely in our beds knowing they are defending us from filth in the mail. !wink!
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by Trumpton »

I also think that in the current economic climate punters are less willing to part with their money when they've got problems with their mortgage repayments and sky high prices of essential goods and services.
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Re: Decline in Porn.

Post by planeterotica »

The only reason R18s became legal in the UK was because the goverment had to fall in line with the rest of the EU and allow them to be sold but each member state can decide how they are distributed, and it has always been illegal in the UK to send porn through the post there is no actual clarification as to what is porn but R18s certainly would be, but it is not illegal to bring R18s in from another EU country as long as they are for your own personal use, if you go to Belgium you can purchase packs of 10 x 5 hour dvds for less than ?20.00 thats 50 hours of porn and providing you only have one pack then customs will let you through with it, anymore than one pack then they consider this to be a commercial amount and will confiscate it.
