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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:38 pm
by one eyed jack
Man. Some people need to get a life.

This sort of forum should not be confused with UK Adult producers for being password protected because us producers do not even talk about things like opinions on individuals that post here on this forum or anyone in the industry for that matter.

New members to the association can testify to that.

However who ever runs the Huffers forum reserves the right to do such a forum and invite whoever they see fit.

I reserve the right to not be part of it.

I think we should all be grown up and just say what we want here then walk away and forget about it.

Whatever did people do before the internet eh?

Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:55 pm
by andytaylor
I have to agree that the Rape and Paedophilia posts are not appropriate for this forum.

Admins - you are quick to remove other posts for infringing the FAQs, isn't it time these were updated to cover this kind of thing as well?

Re: Huffers

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:19 pm
by Sam Slater
To clarify a few points (which I've said before, which you may have missed):

The Huffers forum just kind of broke away from an old Fantasy football forum, which is automatically closed at the end of the season. Jacques kindly kicked it all off and invited a few friends he's met on this forum.

The way the forum started off -a few online friends getting together- then it's logical that we all have similar views (though we do disagree on some things). You see, enemies, or people with strong opposing views, don't get their heads together and say "hey, let's build a forum!," so I'm guessing that most private forums will start off with a group of individuals with similar tastes and views; I'm guessing when this forum first went live, there wasn't the wide range of political, or even porno views there is now. Maybe in time, Huffers will grow enough to where it's impossible to all be in agreement with everything, I cannot say, but it cannot be compared to a more open forum such as this one, that attracts all sorts of people from various backgrounds/countries, who happen to come across here while searching for some porn movie or their favourite star.

I agree that the 'riff raff' comment being unfortunate and will discuss this later with the other mods. It could be seen as 'tarring everyone with the same brush' from here, and maybe it should be changed to something less damning.

As for the lefties v righties attacks: It may be true that we've attacked the more right-wing of this forum, but let's be honest in saying that attacking 'luvvies' or anything liberal is attacked just as much. I wouldn't want to censor someone's political views, but your comments about 'Arab women are ugly like their camels,' or, 'Arabs fuck their camels' are more than just right-wing: they're definitely racist, and not wanted on Huffers.

As for magoo and wazza's ejections: they basically went too far with the mods here, and that's all I can say about it due to not being in the decision processes on who gets banned from bgafd. If you didn't say you 'hoped he had his arms chewed of by dangerous dogs', and can link to the relevant thread to proove this, then I'll ask magoo to retract his comment (or a mod will). We can't know anything's untrue unless it's pointed out so if you can get me the thread I'll sort it out.

One thing I would like to add, while we're on this subject, is the banning of Keith Rasputin: Now, we didn't see eye to eye on occasions but he wasn't homophobic, or racist, or had scary views on child sex or rape; he had a single spat with Red and was a little rude to the lady. I can't remember what was said exactly, but when you compare him to Mike Freeman......well, need I say more?

Re: Edit

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:44 pm
by Sam Slater
Found it.

You said "let's hope one of your nice breeds does this to your arm or face and we will see how you feel then" which tells me magoo was telling the truth. Of course, you might not have meant it in a literal way, but mags was telling the truth and the thread post in question stands as is.

Re: Huffers

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:27 pm
by colonel
This is the whole point I have been making- Alice hits the nail on the head.

And btw- no hymnsheet here: he would unban Warren and keep who I think is Magoo out- I would do the opposite as Magoo never hurt me. But Alice is entitled to his view and me to mine.

There is no democracy and no individuality on the Huffers- just a self-proclaimed liberal clique rambling on and with a worrying fascination in this OT Forum.

And now diverting attention from Mike's nonsense. Or is that nonse-sense?

Alice In Blunderland wrote:

> I don't really want to detract from Freeman too much- but
> considering there are several threads on him now I think it is
> ok.
> I tried to look at the Huffers some time back but was told you
> needed a password to enter, a few days back having seen it in a
> sig here, I thought I would have another look & saw it was open
> to view.
> I do find your comment below about the freedom to dish out
> sarcastic & untrue comments pretty amusing, considering that
> Huffers decides who will be able to join & those who would be
> turned down flat such as Colonel & myself are then attacked
> endlessly by all the usual suspects, without any right to reply
> on the board.
> This is the main problem with the board- it is basically unlike
> this forum which has differing viewpoints, just a bunch of
> people blandly agreeing with each other & slagging off people
> they have problems with on this forum, this is hardly
> surprising since aside from a few models who seem not to post
> there, the membership is pretty much all the people who post
> here who swing to the left & rabidly attack anybody with a
> different view & a couple of banned members. Now I personally
> do not think Zevon should be banned, but obviously he did
> something wrong to get chucked off.
> The other one is the drunken foul mouthed individual who did
> deserve it & his lack of a right to reply here is not because
> of an elitist attitude like Huffers, but through his own doing,
> this brings me back to my previous point about people being
> allowed to say things without any comeback, due to the elitist
> nature of the site. This is evidenced by the drunken one who is
> still foul mouthed judging from his posts there, saying I
> wanted his arms to be chewed off by a dog- now to anybody
> reading that wil straight away think he is a victim etc,
> however the truth as anybody who remembers the thread will know
> was we debated the various dog attacks that were happening at
> the time- when I say debated what I actually mean is he was
> unwilling to accept any dogs were injuring people & that action
> needed to be taken, then unloaded his usual drunken expletives
> at me just for having a different opinion. I simply said
> perhaps if it happened to you or somebody you cared for your
> view might be different, at which point he started saying I
> should be banned from this forum for threating behaviour &
> crying about it etc, the fact is I have never been banned or
> threatened with it in three years of posting & shortly
> afterwards his abysmal conduct actually saw him get the boot.
> The final point about the site is I assumed it was set up to be
> a place where like minded people without us riff raff as we are
> termed could have conversations about various topics not
> relating to this forum, the members there pretty much say how
> much they dislike this O/T Forum & have no interest in it, yet
> pretty much all the topics there do nothing but talk about what
> is happening on this forum, slag off posters here etc, yet the
> posters say they have no real interest in posting here or about
> us, they also gloat over how many members of this forum are
> reading their posts- again if you do not care then why make
> such a song & dance over it?
> As much as I dislike Freeman's comments & I think his threads
> on the age of consent & the rape one should be removed, the
> fact is BGAFD at least lets people post comments that are of a
> different viewpoint. Huffers is a totally biased site where
> everybody sings from the same hymnsheet & anybody who does not
> will not be tolerated or even allowed in.

A reply

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:34 pm
by colonel
WZR clearly reads this and writes commendable sense on the Mike issue. I hope we can continue in this sense of unity and strength.

Here is a little reply to him.

1. Thank you for the invite, but I will be 'fighting the good fight' here. I am glad that he will be devoting his considerable energies to fighting it too, albeit elsewhere.

2. 'Liberal' is not a swear word in the American context, but has become like that in Britain. For this, I blame the Guardian's idea of preaching to people- that the working classes need to have morals and governance dictated to them by middle-class professionals. The Huffers looked such a Guardianista preachy site. Maybe I was wrong. But for the record, I call myself a 'progressive'- that grand term of a coalition of Liberals, Radicals, Greens, Labour and Independent Left- or 'Progressive-Independents' as I have heard them called.

3. Sammikins- not Caradog- comes across recently as WZR's attack dog. Calm down, Sammi- its only a Forum.

4. So- are Alice and myself and Dibble and randyandy- four independent people who hardly share the same politics or worldviews- are we welcome on the Huffers. And what gurantees can you give that we would not be censored on there. Would we be Moderators?

I hope a reply elsewhere will be forthcoming- and will be replied to on here accordingly. I am becoming impressed with the maturity shown on Huffers' postings.

Re: A reply

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:10 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]3. Sammikins- not Caradog- comes across recently as WZR's attack dog. Calm down, Sammi- its only a Forum.[/quote]

And you've come across recently as a troll. Sorry, colonel, but some of your posts have looked suspiciously like they were posted with the intent to cause trouble.

In your reply you yet again avoided the issue of bringing the huffers up, twice, on threads about Mike and his freakish views; but that's ok, I probably won't get an answer as that would be an admission of trollish behaviour, so we'll drop it, eh?

Having said all the above, I'm happy to have you as a contributor on the huffers forums if you change your mind. Unlike you, I don't bear a grudge......well, mostly.