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Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:12 pm
by Officer Dibble
Carac, instead of simply calling the people who hold opposite views to yourself names and petitioning for them to be silenced (in the manner of a fascist) why is it that you never simply neutralize their arguments by drawing our attention to facts, figures, and research that would counter such views? Could it be that you can't find any? If their views are irrational and unreasonable, with no basis in fact, then it should be a simple matter to deconstruct their arguments and make them look foolish. But you never make any attempt to do this - why? Is it that the facts of the matter won't allow it? Such trifling hurdles as the facts would never have stopped WZR from making his case.

Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:31 pm
by Sam Slater
You don't understand? I thought it was pretty simple. Maybe I'm waffling again? Isn't it funny how I'm only clear and concise when I'm in agreement with your views?! !laugh! I've noticed this before.......oh well....

Onto the point:

You're a murderer (black, red, white or green, it really doesn't matter).

You're looking for opportunities to kill/mug/whatever.

There are 9 times more white people than black people.

This leaves you with 9 times more of a chance of taking a white You get it now, Officer?

If the country was 50% white, 50% black, then the ratio of black on white & white on black crime would be closer (I'm not saying 'the same' because we cannot know.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:03 pm
by Officer Dibble
Maybe I'm waffling again?"

Maybe, Sam.

"Isn't it funny how I'm only clear and concise when I'm in agreement with your views?!"

No, not really, since the points I make are never anything other than clear and concise. I've been called all sorts on this forum but I don?t believe anyone has yet accused me of muddled thinking.

Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:06 pm
by Pervert
So tell me what is reasonable and logical about despising someone for their colour, Officer?

Yes, statistics will prove that much petty street crime is committed in English towns and cities by young blacks. Statistics also prove that most serial killers are young white men. But those statistics tend to ignore the victims of crime, and to them the identity of those who committed an offence against them is of less importance than the fact that they have been robbed/beaten/raped.

A wiser man than me once said that there are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. We've seen before that people can use the latter to prove anything.

Is my calling for simplistic racist posts to be banned fascistic? Maybe, and that doesn't say anything good about me. But the question remains, what is reasonable and logical about despising someone for their colour?

Yes, the much-missed Mr Zevon would have been able to argue the case point by point, with all sorts of documentary references to back up his views. And you would ignore 90% of those arguments and concentrate on what you think you know. The much-missed Magoo would also counter this sort of nonsense, more coherently than I ever could and with much more colourful language. I cannot compete with them in the art or rhetoric. All I can do is point out how evil and morally revolting it is for someone to hate someone else because of their skin tone.

I like the way you choose to have a go at those liberal, Guardian-reading, namby-pamby types rather than the hatemongers of the right. I suspect that may as much about you as my calling for banning of BNP thinking does about me.

Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:54 pm
by colonel
He doesn't.

He is trying to calm things down.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:55 pm
by Officer Dibble
"So tell me what is reasonable and logical about despising someone for their colour, Officer?"

Excuse me carac, but I can't recall anyone on these forums explicitly saying they despised people of colour - and certainly not I. Yes, many (including my good self) have highlighted their faults ? but that?s not the same thing as despising them. I don't shirk from highlighting the faults of white middleclass or indeed working folk (as some have complained) either. But it seems that amongst trendy middleclass lefties highlighting the failings of ethic minorities is a crime of far greater magnitude (if crime it be) than drawing the forums attention to the failings of white folk. Why is that?

I'm glad you accept that "much petty street crime is committed in English towns and cities by young blacks." This means that we can move on and (without prejudice) discuss why this might be and how we might address the problem in future. The best way to neutralize the arguments of the far right is to confront them head on and don't try to deny or spin the facts. Because if you do that it signals that they have been right all along and you do not have an answer.

The reason I don?t lay into the far right is that, at the moment, they are not causing me or the vast majority other people (including ethnics) any bother - unlike the government, the public sector, and the trendy metrosexual lefties who are running the show. If there is anything wrong with Britain and British civil society right now (and posts on this forum suggest there is) it is down to them, since they are the ones making the rules and dictating public policy - and have been doing so for some considerable time

Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus

Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:59 pm
by Sam Slater
Oh, right.............

So..........we're not calm? I see no one name-calling, making threats, or being hysterical here. No deleted posts or anything as far as I'm aware.

Since it's such a touchy subject that involves us all, I think the thread has been pretty civil.

You're making out we're at eachother's throats or something. What have I missed?

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:00 pm
by colonel
The point that Caradog has, Dibbs, is that you do not miss a beat to denounce people like the blacks and it takes a poke to get you to mention the BNP in a similar vein.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:01 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
crystal clear SS

article titled street muggings
BNP logic at its most farcical

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:20 am
by Flat_Eric
Alice In Blunderland wrote:


Excellent points very well put, Alice.

- Eric