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Re: Someone mention "BIPOLAR" ?!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:08 pm
by fudgeflaps
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) doesn't exist either: it's a generic bullshit term used as an excuse to medicate kids whose brains are under-nourished and over-sugared. With pacy cartoons and high-tempo video games at home....... they are then expected to focus in class when they are just completely overstimulated.

As far as mental health goes, Britain seems to be looking for excuses to medicate people to appease the blue-chip elite pharma companies, docs throwing anti-ds at folk which should really be a last resort, IMO. Herbal stuff would work just as well without most of the side effects, a lot of it could be down to lack of adequate nourishment, key neurotransmitter catalysts like zinc and the B-vitamins. even 100% RDA of b-vits is nowhere near enough, it's a joke.

So, all these 'windows' and classes of illness to define the infinite subjectitivty of the human mind? I don't buy into it. We are all unique with different unique personalities, so i suppose we are all unique walking disorders! I've got Fudgey personality syndrome, Carac has Carac personality disorder and Sam has the unique Slater Personality virus. We're all individuals.

It's all quite sinister, really.

The real personality disorders get locked up at Her Maj's pleasure.

Re: Someone mention "BIPOLAR" ?!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:15 pm
by fudgeflaps
Fair enough, but you do labour your points at times that looks obsessive! No hugely bad thing, it's all a wee friendly in-joke on OT here, olay doing his pyschoanalysis. Good banter.

However, as far as human interaction goes, best to study it through personal experience as opposed to very subjective pyschological opinion. The real study of the mind is only in it's infancy.

Re: Someone mention "BIPOLAR" ?!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:21 pm
by fudgeflaps
It's a breeze for the pharma companies, olay, c'mon! A lot of folk who could be better treated and diagnosed instead of wacko pills that they may come to rely on.

You must concede this very fair point, as it is a sad reality. Overstressed Britain is being poisoned with junk.

Re: Someone mention "BIPOLAR" ?!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:31 pm
by fudgeflaps
There is that, but there are so many other factors. I'd say mental-burn-out is the predominating factor on that one. I've had depression before, it's the common cold of psychiatry, and it is nasty- however, in hindsight, it was a unique learning experience about a lot of things- myself, my attitudes etc. Most folk willhave it at some point in their lives.

I was just totally over-pressurised and stressed..... but no-one forces you to feel a certain way, you dictate that yourself, it's a sign of being strong. However, it is insiduous and can weaken you. Horrid. Been there briefly, not ashamed to admit it.... it's a learning curve.