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Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:22 am
by colonel
I think it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek; on other pages, he talks about wanting to assault one Peter Marriott fairly graphically- but I can hardly think he means that either.

I vigourously oppose real racism- from wherever it comes- and you are right to bring these things to our attention.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:22 am
by Sam Slater
[quote]If you just left it at women and not religion then fair play[/quote]

Here we go.............this has got to be a wind up.

Where is Rob racist? I've not read one line where he slags of someone's race. If I missed it, then point to it, and I'll apologise.

Why are women fair game to slag off but not religion? Religion is just a made up idea that people believe in while women are human beings with emotions and feelings; don't you think you should be more concerned for Rob's attack on women (deserved or not) than his attack on religion?

The BNP probably believe all people of different colour and culture should not be living in the UK. A warped belief, but just as much a belief and warped idea than religions. If religion is 'out of bounds' for criticism and attack, then so should all other beliefs.......even racist beliefs.

Islam is not a race.