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Re: wwe

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:37 am
by Sam Slater
[quote]If you don't get something whatever it is then you will probably never get it,[/quote]

You're right; I'll never get the appeal... Footy is entertaining, and I can still watch a game even if I've heard the score. It's not half as nerve jangling though.

[quote]winning and losing is not important in wrestling,[/quote]

Exactly. Boxing is just as technical while staying competitive, and if you want storylines and acting, go watch a play. Christmas panto has better acting than WWE, and panto is aimed at children...... young children.

[quote]you can book it to play with people's emotions, this is something that real sports cannot do[/quote]

Are you kidding me? Real sport cannot play with peoples emotions? So all those fans screaming at the ref in St James's Park, or the San Siro aren't emotionally involved? The 6000 fans that travelled to watch Ricky Hatton in Vegas were impartial?

[quote]Wrestling has had many fans not just dorky fat kids or hillbillies,[/quote]

I know, I know. I was just pulling yer leg. Skinny kids can be dumb as well! !laugh!

Seriously though.....all wrestling should be banned, unless it's Torrie Wilson and her compatriots tearing eachothers clothes off. Now that's a fixed ending that would entertain, and perfectly healthy for young lads to get interested in! !wink!

Re: wwe

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:00 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Without storylines wrestling is very dull[/quote]

I agree wholeheartedly, I just go one step further in that I think it's dull with the storylines as well.

I guess that since the reasons WHY are fake, as well as the fight itself, then I see no point in getting excited about it. I'm not on some snobbish, 'rasputinesque' crusade against wrestling, I just physically and emotionally cannot get excited by it all. Everything is contrived from beginning to end.

I'll never get it I'm afraid.

As a side note: Would you/anyone watch boxing where the winner is predetermined, and the fight is actually acted out where it only looks like they're being punched? I'll have to patent that idea eh? !happy!

Re: wwe

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:37 am
by scouser28
just looking @ the ecw superstar list and cudn't see sabu or RVD have they been sacked

Re: wwe

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:08 am
by scouser28
thanks alice for the reply

Re: wwe

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:38 am
by toyboyfilms
Worst thing for wrestling was when WWE bought WCW.

I couldn't stand WCW and never watched it, but it kept the WWE on it's toes and they had to put on amazing shows to win the ratings. If you look back at that era, Rock, Austin, HHH, Mankind, Taker (Ministry of darkness) etc, the wrestlers switching shows, rivalry's etc and compare it to now, there's no contest.

Even though matches are predetermined, the wrestlers put themselves though so much every week, no other sport stars can even come close to the amount of work these guys put in. 350 days of the year on the road, going from town to town, country to country. When I see footballers getting millions for kicking a ball about and then look at WWE athletes putting their body through hell everyday and not getting 1/2 the money footballers make, it makes you wonder.

It might have lost it's edge for some of us and it might be sports entertainment and not sport, but these guys deserve everyones respect for what they do. I certainly couldn't do it and I doubt anyone on this forum could.