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Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:21 pm
by Snake Diamond
Snake Diamond wrote:

> FUCK that, no it fucking aint, Radio 2 is just a christian
> version of radio 1.

By reference to christian, I mean after listening to all the stupid/childish shit on the other stations, I sometimes put on Radio 2 for a lil while, in hope of something a lil better (sometimes it can be).

But then what happens?

You have the DJs talking & sometimes play music, then BAMB, suddenly they have a dedication hour, in memory of some christian/catholic twat, either that or for the next hour, some religious leader, or then they have a 10 min scripture read out by another religious git. FFS, if I want to listen to Religious music, I will do so when I want, & play my own Pagan/Celtic Music, heck I might even get out some Indian/Shamanic music.

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:23 pm
by Snake Diamond
Since the inseption of Sky Broadcast TV, Internet, Radio has gone downhill faster than shit off a shovel.

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:25 pm
by Snake Diamond
Can't pick up Radio 3 in this area, very rarely can we get R5, but thats usually only on a weekend, 1 out of every 6 weeks. I like classical music, but I cannot listen to it at night while trying to fall asleep, it drives me nuts.

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:56 am
by ATS
Tend to listen to Radio Five live or talksport - don't listen to
radio 4 but it does appear to have a good reputation

If it's music then usually put on radio 2 or virgin

Think the valid points here are that yes we have all got older
and Radio 1 only appeals to young listeners - as it always did

We are now all grumpy old men and women it appears
Only good thing is that there is a lot of choice out there now so
anyone should be able to find something to their taste

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:20 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Theres always the internet for music

I've found radio seems to be drifting towards comedians talking waffle which isn't even remotely funny

Radio in Australia is so bad their even using old taped sessions from 1998 as filler...says it all really

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:02 am
by PondLife
Well, as announced in the "Am I the oldest" thread, I'm in my 60s and I listen to Radio 1 for the Chris Moyles show in the morning and the Scott Mills show in the afternoon. At least they bring some humour to the radio.

As for Radio 4, the early morning show is like listening to the living dead picking over entrails. I really don't see the point in analysing to the nth degree what some idiot politician said and what they actually really meant. It's a never-ending quicksand of depressing news.

Don't worry you youngsters, once you get past 60 life will be full of laughter, happiness and drunken stupidity. Well, mine is.

But, don't start me on television programmes.......

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:29 am
by PondLife
Yes, WZR, I really do think it is dull.

I always listen to the news headlines on Radio 4, but that is really enough information. To then enter into such extreme in-depth analysis I consider dull and depressing in the extreme.

I take your point, but personally I'm not too worried how this country is run, since I am soon off to travel the world for the next ten years.

You will have to excuse me. I've spent all morning in the gym and now I'm off to spend the afternoon in the pub.

Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:47 am
by ATS
warren zevon rip wrote:

> PondLife wrote:
> > I take your point, but personally I'm not too worried how
> this
> > country is run, since I am soon off to travel the world for
> the
> > next ten years.
> If you listened to the programme properly, you would find out a
> lot about the world you are going to be travelling around for
> the next decade. But I suppose it is easier just to listen to
> Chris Moyles. Why complicate matters?
Find it hard to listen to Moyles as he is too busy listening to himself

Might take a trip to the Chris Moyles Stadium in the near future
Would you like to call there before you hop off on your trip Mr.Pondlife?