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Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:09 pm
by BlueRaa
Although you say you are not tarring everyone with the same brush Caractus, the title of your thread says you are.

Saying 'Scouse scum' is no different to saying 'Black scum' or 'Paki scum'. It is prejudice and stereotyping and it is totally unacceptable.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:17 pm
by Ace
Well, when your fellow man robs and pisses on their compatriots when they're lying dead in a football stadium as CCTV and witnesses proved at Hillsborough, then I think 'scum' is appropriate in this case.

Isn't it funny that Scouse 'comedians' (and I use that word 'advisedly') like Boardman and Tarby LOVE to take the piss out of anyone, and its deemed as funny but Hillsborough is 'off-limits'.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:24 pm
by Pervert
It was an emotive reaction after watching the goalie perform heroics for his team, doing the city proud by taking the Pool to another European final, and then coming home to find that some scallies had mischievously done his house.

The subject header should have been scum, I appreciate that, since there are thieving bastards all over the place. If I did offend, I apologise . . . which is more than the tea-leafing scum themselves will ever do.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:25 pm
by BlueRaa
Hmmm, the TORY led independant inquiry showed that at no point did anything of the sort occur. Yet papers such as the Sun insist on continuing to tell lies about it.

Seriously, if you want to ignore facts, feel free. I guess there is no such thing as climate change, or that gravity doesn't exist, it's god pushing down. Yep, ignore the facts, go with the hysteria, that's my motto.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:33 pm
by Tony__T
Please provide evidence of these 'sources' that will back up your claim of people robbing and pissing on dead people. Or did you just read The Sun and think 'oh it must be true'.

Even Kelvin McKenzie acknowledges this never happened. A Tory MP (who wasn't at the match) passed the information to The Sun in an attempt to deflect blame from the police's mismanagement of the situation. To still peddle lies nearly 20 years on that dead bodies were robbed and urinated on is absolutely shameful.

Hillsborough could have happened to anyone, as Man Utd's situation at Lille this year proves.

And I think you'll find that the vast majority of people in Liverpool hate Tarbuck and Boardman, and the majority of 'professional Scousers', just as much as anyone else.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:31 pm
by BlueRaa
I agree with you now. Yes, it should have just read scum. Thanks for the apology, it's much appreciated.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:13 pm
by Pervert
I should not start threads when annoyed. And I hate generalising enough when other people do it; should know better than to do it myself.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:51 am
by Tony__T
Yes, the boycott's still going strong. It's very rare you see anyone walking round Liverpool with a copy, be they red or blue.

Re: Scouser scum

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:32 pm
by Ace
Tony__T wrote:

> Please provide evidence of these 'sources' that will back up
> your claim of people robbing and pissing on dead people. Or did
> you just read The Sun and think 'oh it must be true'.
> Even Kelvin McKenzie acknowledges this never happened. A Tory
> MP (who wasn't at the match) passed the information to The Sun
> in an attempt to deflect blame from the police's mismanagement
> of the situation. To still peddle lies nearly 20 years on that
> dead bodies were robbed and urinated on is absolutely shameful.
> Hillsborough could have happened to anyone, as Man Utd's
> situation at Lille this year proves.
> And I think you'll find that the vast majority of people in
> Liverpool hate Tarbuck and Boardman, and the majority of
> 'professional Scousers', just as much as anyone else.

Now, I fully acknowledge that I wasn't there, and my statement is built on the stories that have been alledged since that day in April 1989. BUT these stories are not built on urban myths and snide comments, and The Sun must have had something to report even if it subsequently vilified them in Liverpool.
However, if these are blatent lies The Sun made, why were they never sued? Is it because they did have 'some' credibility after all? With law suits ten-a-penny and massive settlements made, you'd have thought someone would start the ball rolling.
It was easy to point the finger at the police, they were indeed inept and totally without direction, but Liverpool fans are renowned for turning up without tickets and blagging their way inside stadiums, and this was a BIG game against Forest. There were THOUSANDS and not just a few 'loveable scallies' that turned up that Scousers like to bandy about. You have to take some responsibility for that alone.